Newsletter No. 275

Support for Five Project s T he following project s undertake n b y facult y member s an d staf f of the Universit y hav e succeeded i n attracting funding support from various sources : • Chinese Medicine Anti-diabetic In Vivo Evaluation Programme (HK$4,868,525) Sponsor: Hon g Kon g Jockey Club Institut e o f Chinese Medicine Limite d Principal investigator: Prof . Juliana C.N. Chan (Departmen t o f Medicine and Therapeutics ) Co-investigator: Prof . Pete r C.Y. Tong • Program Enhancement of CD-ROM and the Screening Exercise of the HKSIF 2006-07 (HK$417,450) Sponsor: Educatio n an d Manpower Burea u Principal investigator: Prof . Joseph La u (Centre for Epidemiolog y an d Biostatistics ) • Organizing Interschool Putonghua Debate Competition and Producing Instructional Programme on Debating Technique (HK$140,640) Sponsor: Languag e Fun d Principal investigator: Mrs . Winnie La i Chan Wai-ling (Audio-Visua l Division ) • Provision of Influenza Vaccination Coverage and Self-reported Reasons for Not Receiving Influenza Vaccination among Different Groups of Hong Kong Community ( HK$ 6 1 2 , 2 6 0) Sponsor: Departmen t o f Health , HKSA R Principal investigator: Prof . Joseph La u (Centre for Epidemiolog y an d Biostatistics ) • Structural Optimizatio n for High Dynamic Performance in Electronics Manufacturing Equipment (HK$2,047,000) Sponsors: Innovatio n an d Technology Fun d and ASM Assembly Automation Limite d Principal investigator: Prof . Michael Yu Wang (Departmen t o f Automation an d Computer - Aided Engineering ) Co-investigator: Prof . Yao Zhiyang Engineering Faculty Honours Its Achievers T he Facult y o f Engineerin g hel d a ceremony on 4th March 2006 to present Exemplary Teachin g Awards , Outstandin g Thesis Awards, Facult y Service Awards, and Dean's Lis t certificate s t o it s outstandin g teachers an d students. Three alumni invite d to b e th e guest s o f honou r share d thei r experience i n engineering stud y and caree r development, an d presente d th e awards . They wer e Ms . Olivi a Lin , general manage r of Plannin g and Internationa l Affairs , Hon g Kong Dragon Airlines Ltd. ; Mr. William Yip , managing directo r o f Donggua n Ta i Sha n Electronic Co . Ltd. ; an d Dr . Ala n Lam , founder and chief technical officer of Sengital Ltd. Thi s yea r als o sa w it s firs t batc h o f graduates fro m th e Executiv e M.Sc . Programme i n Logistic s an d Suppl y Chai n Management, offere d i n Shenzhen . Man y graduates on the Dean's List came all the way from mainlan d Chin a wit h thei r famil y t o attend the ceremony . Former V C Speaks on Lif e Changing Events P rof. Charle s K . Kdo , forme r vice - c han c el lo r o f th e Ch i nes e University an d 'Fathe r o f Optical Fibr e Communications', delivere d a lectur e entitled 'A Journey of Discovery' on 2nd March i n Shaw College . Prof . Ka o was Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting Scholar 2005-0 6 t o the college . In hi s lecture , Prof . Kd o gav e a n account o f what led him t o become an electrical enginee r an d share d hi s experiences i n industr y wit h th e audience. Prof. P.C. Ching(right),headofShawCollege, presenting a souvenir to Prof. Charles Kao Wi l l iams and Un i ted Celebrate Four th Decade of Exchang e P rof. Catharine Hill, provost of Williams College, visited United College from 22nd to 27th February to mark the 40th anniversary of the student exchange programm e betwee n th e two colleges . Durin g he r stay , Prof . Hill delivered a talk entitled 'The College System in Universit y Education ' at the Unite d Colleg e Annual Worksho p o n 24t h February . She also me t with colleg e and Universit y representative s to discuss ways of enhancin g exchange an d collaboration betwee n the two institutions . The workshop took plac e i n the T.C. Cheng Building. The topic wa s The College System in University Education'. Other speakers included Prof. Sir James Mirrlees, distinguished professor-at-larg e o f the University ; Prof . Edward Chen, president of Lingnan University ; Prof . Wong Suk-ying of the CUHK Departmen t of Sociology; and Prof. Liu Pak-wai, pro-vice-chancello r of the University. They spoke on the roles and functions of the college system and l i be r a l art s educa t i o n i n contemporary universit y educatio n based o n persona l experiences . Ms. Un a Yan , chairperso n o f th e CUHK Convoca t i on , wa s th e moderator. Chung Chi Visiting Artist 2005-06 M r. Mui Chong-ki, a renowned printmaker, visite d Chun g Chi College as Visiting Artist 2005 - 06 from 1s t to 15t h March . Mr. Mu i receive d hi s ar t education a t th e Guangzho u Academy o f Art. Ove r the las t few decades, h e ha s take n par t i n r eg i onal an d i n t e r n a t i o n a l exhibitions; h e ha s als o held a numbe r o f sol o exhibitions i n Hong Kong , the mainland , othe r part s of Asia , an d th e US . Hi s works ar e collecte d b y museums i n Hon g Kong , Beijing, Taipe i and Paris . Mr. Mui's professiona l positions includ e counci l member o f th e Chines e Printmakers Association , v i ce - p r es i dent o f th e Chinese Boo k Label s As s o c i a t i on, v i s i t i n g lecturer of the Prin t Departmen t o f the Guangzho u Academ y o f Art , and membe r o f the Hon g Kong' s Writers' Club . H e ha s receive d awards fro m th e Chines e Boo k Labels Association , th e Taiwa n Woodblock Printin g Association , and th e Chines e Printmaker s Association. Service to the Community and International Organizations • Prof. Helen Chiu Fung Kam, chairman of the Department of Psychiatry, has been appointed by the Health, Welfare and Food Bureau as a member of the Human Organ Transplant Board for one year from 15th February 2006. • Prof. Leung Ping Chung, professor of orthopaedics and traumatology, has been re-appointed as a member of the University Grants Committee for two years from 1st April 2006. • Prof. Lee Shui Shan, deputy director of the Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases, has been invited to be a consultant of the Treatment & Counseling Service for China National Center for A I DS Control and Prevention (NCAIDS). • Prof. Lee Tien Sheng, dean of the Faculty of Business Administration, has been appointed as a member of the External Advisory Committee in the School of Business, Sungkyunkwan University for three years from 1st February 2006. ( I n f o r m a t i o n in this section is provided by the Communications and Public Relations Office. Contributions should be sent direct to that office for registration and verification before publication.) 2 No. 275 19t h March 200 6