Newsletter Summer Supplement (2006)

宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新任副校長 New Pro-Vice-Chancellor 大學校董會委任程伯中敎授為副校長,任期兩年,由二零 零六年八月一日起生效。程敎授將繼續兼任逸夫書院院長和電 子工程學講座敎授。連同程敎授,中大共有四位副校長,其他 三位為楊綱凱敎授、廖柏偉敎授和鄭振耀敎授。 程伯中敎授分別於一九七七及八一年取得利物浦大學工 程學士一等榮譽學位與博士學位,一九八四年加入本校電子工 程學系。程敎授於一九九八至二零零三年獲選出任工程學院院 長。二零零四年二月,程敎授獲委任為逸夫書院院長。 The Council of The Chinese University of Hong Kong has appointed Prof. Ching Pak Chung as Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, for a period of two years from 1 st August 2006. Prof. Ching will continue to serve concurrently as head of Shaw College and professor of electronic engineering. Including Prof. Ching, there are four pro-vice-chancellors at CUHK. The other three are Prof. Kenneth Young, Prof. Liu Pak Wai and Prof. Jack Cheng. Prof. Ching received his bachelor degree (first class honours) and doctoral degree from the University of Liverpool in 1977 and 1981 respectively. In 1984, he joined The Chinese University. Prof. Ching was dean of engineering from 1998 to 2003. In February 2004, he was appointed head of Shaw College. 書院院長續任 Reappointment of College Heads 大學校董會再度委任黃乃正敎授和馮國培敎授分別出任新亞書院院長和聯合書院院 長,任期三年,由二零零六年八月一日起生效。 Prof. Henry Wong and Prof. Fung Kwok-pui have been reappointed by the University Council as heads of New Asia College and United College respectively for three years from 1 St August 2006. 學院院長續任 Re-election of Faculty Dean 李子建敎授獲選連任敎育學院院長,任期三年,由二零零六年八月一日起生效。 Prof. John Lee has been re-elected dean of education for three years from 1st August 2006. 榮休講座敎授 Emeritus Professors 經敎務會推薦,並 依據香港中文大學條例 規程2 1的規定,大學校 董會通過頒授榮休講座 敎授名銜予三位敎授, 由二零零六年八月一日 起生效。他們是: •矯形外科及創傷學榮 休講座敎授梁秉中敎 授 •生理學榮休講座敎授黃宜定敎授 •政治與行政學榮休講座敎授關信基敎授 In accordance with Statute 21 of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance, the University Council awarded the title of emeritus professor to each of the following professors of the University with effect from 1st August 2006, as recommended by the Senate: • Prof. P.C. Leung, Emeritus Professor of Orthopaedics and Traumatology • Prof. Patrick Y.D. Wong, Emeritus Professor of Physiology • Prof. Kuan Hsin-chi, Emeritus Professor of Government and Public Administration 新任講座敎授 Professorial Appointment 大學委任黃國彬敎授為翻譯學講座敎授,任期由二零零六 年八月一日起生效。 黃敎授於一九九二年取得多倫多大學哲學博士學位,曾於 香港大學、約克大學和嶺南學院任敎,加入中大服務前為嶺南 大學翻譯系敎授兼系主任。 Prof. Laurence Wong Kwok Pun has been appointed professor of translation from 1 st August 2006. Prof. Wong received his Ph.D. from the University of Toronto in 1992, and has taught at The University of Hong Kong and York University. Prior to joining CUHK, he was head of the Department of Translation of Lingnan University. 聯合書院五十周年 United College 50th Anniversary 二零零六年是聯合書院成立五十周年,該院的金禧院慶主題為「務實創新,聯合邁 進」。為隆重其事,聯合書院於二零零六至零七年度會舉辦一連串慶祝活動,以誌金禧。 聯合書院金禧院慶活動分為六項:特別慶祝活動、學術、藝術、出版、校友及學生活 動。詳情請瀏覽特設的網頁: 。 該院將於九月十五日上午十時在聯合校園舉行思源廣場開幕典禮,同日上午十一時三 十分在邵逸夫堂舉行金禧慶祝活動啟動典禮暨金禧校友講座第一講。歡迎大學敎職員及學 生踴躍參加。 查詢請致電二六零九七五七七與院務主任李雷寶玲女士,或二六零九八六五四與書院 學生輔導處陸敏兒女士聯絡。 2006 marks the 50th Anniversary of United College. The slogan of the college's 50th anniversary is Together we innovate, united we advance'. The college will celebrate this joyful occasion with a galaxy of programmes and events in the 2006-07 academic year. The programmes fall into six categories: special celebratory programmes, academic programmes, cultural and art programmes, publication, alumni and student programmes. For details, please visit the special website, which will be updated periodically. To launch the 50th anniversary, the opening ceremony of Si Yuan Amphitheatre will be held at 10.00 a.m. on 15th September 2006 on United College campus. On the same day, the college will organize Golden Jubilee Anniversary Activities Kick-off Ceremony cum Golden Jubilee 1 st Alumni Talk at 11.30 a.m. at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. All staff and students of the University are welcome. Please call Mrs. Christiana Li, college secretary, at 2609 7577 or Ms. Amy Luk, Dean of Students' Office, United College, at 2609 8654 for enquires. 二零零七至二零零八年度敎職員進修資助計劃 Staff Development Grants/Programmes 2007-2008 1. 關袓堯敎職員進修基金、利希慎敎職員進修基金及中英友好信託獎學金現接受申請。 有關詳情已於八月中旬送達各學院院長、系主任及部門主管。詳細資料及手續請上網 瀏覽。 截止申請日期為本年 十月十四日。查詢可致電人事處(內線七八七六或八六零七)。 2 . 其他敎職員進修資助計劃及由學術交流處統籌的學術交流/交換計劃的資料及申請辦 法,也可透過上述網頁查閲。 1. The C.Y. Kwan Endowment Fund for Staff Development, the Lee Hysan Foundation Endowment Fund for Staff Development and the Sino-British Fellowship Trust Fund are now open for application. Details can be found at personnel/announcement.asp. The deadline for application is 14th October 2006. Further enquiries may be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7876 or 8607). 2. A summary of other staff development grants/programmes and the major academic exchange or linkage programmes under the auspices of the Office of Academic Links was already sent to all faculty deans and department chairmen/unit heads in mid- August for reference. Details are available at the website mentioned above. 梁秉中敎授 Prof. P.C. Leung 黃宜定敎授 Prof. Patrick P.D. Wong 關信基敎授 Prof. Kuan Hsin-chi 中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 暑期特刊‧二零零六年八月十九日 Summer Supplement•19th August 2006 1