Newsletter No. 285

第二八五期 二零零六年十月十九日 No. 285 19th October 2006 5 增長基金更換基金經理 New Investment Managers for Growth Fund 鑒於富達基金(香港)有限公司(「富達」)過往的投資成績未符理想,回報持續低於指 標,大學公積金計劃受託人於是邀請了五位投資經理連同「富達」,提交服務建議書並於本 年八月與受託人見面,商討有關建議。基於建議書內容及商討結果,受託人最後決定委任德 盛安聯資產管理香港有限公司(「德盛安聯」)、JF資產管理有限公司(「JF」)及景順投 資管理有限公司(「景順」)共三位投資經理,代替「富達」管理增長基金,期望能提升整 體的投資表現,令選擇此基金的公積金計劃成員受惠。 由二零零七年一月一日起,增長基金的整體投資回報率將會包括「德盛安聯」、「JF」及 「景順」三個基金經理管理的成果,並以此綜合回報率計算及分帳至相關成員的戶口。選擇 增長基金的成員將會同時受惠此三位基金經理的專業知識及投資表現。 查詢請致電薪津及公積金組(二六零九七二三六/七二五一)。 Since Fidelity Investments Management (Hong Kong) Limited had consistently underperformed against the benchmark, the trustees conducted a review and interviewed five new managers, together with Fidelity, in August 2006. Based on their submissions and presentations, the trustees resolved to invite Allianz Global Investors Hong Kong Limited, JF Asset Management Limited, and INVESCOHong Kong Limited to manage the Growth Fund, with a view to improving its overall performance. Fidelity will cease to be a manager of the Fund. The investment results from the three investment managers will be combined to determine the total return and income distribution of the Growth Fund. This arrangement will be effective from 1st January 2007. 續任學院院長 Re-election of Faculty Dean 任德盛教授獲選續任工程學院院長,任期三年,由二零零七年一月一日起生效。 Prof. Peter T.S. Yam has been re-elected Dean of the Faculty of Engineering from 1st January 2007 to 31st December 2009. 公積金計劃 1995 – 轉變投資組合 Staff Superannuation Scheme (1995) – Investment Option Change 公積金成員如欲由二零零六年十一月一日起轉變其投資組合,可從財務處網頁 http://www. 下 載表格。填妥之表格須於二零零六年十月二十日(星期 五)或該日前,送達或傳真(二六零三七八九零)至財務處薪津及公積金組。 The form for investment option change effective on 1st November 2006 is now downloadable from the Bursary website at and can also be obtained from the Payroll & Superannuation Unit of Bursary. The completed form should be sent by mail or fax (2603 7890) for receipt by the unit on or before 20th October 2006 (Friday). 醫 學院繼微創性骨伸延手術後,上月又成功為骨癌 病童進行無創傷性骨伸延手術,為亞洲首例。該 手術利用最新的骨伸延儀器,解決病童的長短腳問題。 兒童患骨肉瘤的康復機會很大,存活逾十年的比率達百 分之七十五。隨著化療技術和外科技術的進步,八成患 有嚴重骨肉瘤的病人可以免除截肢之苦。外科醫生會替 病人徹底清除腫瘤,然後移植人骨或用金屬骨重建骨 骼,使病童癒後能正常行走。可是,移植的人骨或金屬 骨不會生長,而病童接受腫瘤切除手術後,患處骨骼亦 可能受損而停止生長,兩種情況均會導致長短腳。 自二零零四年至今,醫學院矯形外科及創傷學系已為七 名病童植入微創傷性金屬骨伸延儀器,上月初更為一名 十六歲病童植入無創傷性金屬骨伸延儀器。 金屬骨伸延儀器面世已二十年,能解決病童手術後長 短腳的問題。新一代的金屬骨伸延儀器更屬無創傷性 設計,只須把已植入金屬骨的腳放進機器內,利用巨 大的磁場,使金屬骨慢慢伸延,每次伸延的長度可達 四毫米。整個過程內,病人不用接受手術,不用全身 麻醉,亦無須住院觀察,大大節省手術室資源,但儀 器非常昂貴,幸得兒童癌病基金資助,至今已有十三 名病童受惠。 金屬骨經長時間使用後,會出現勞損、破裂和鬆脫等現 象。隨著科技的進步,用來製造金屬骨的合金材料比以 前的更堅固、更耐用,而且更能與人體連接。大型金屬 骨在髖部使用十年後仍有效的高達百分之八十至九十, 於膝蓋位置亦可達百分之七十至八十。 D octors from CUHK have successfully implanted Asia’s first non-invasive lengthening prosthesis to restore leg length following excision of bone tumour in children. This new development follows CUHK’s pioneering use of a minimally invasive technique to lengthen the limb by extending the prosthesis. With the new device, children no longer need repeated surgeries to correct limb shortening. The procedure can be done in an outpatient clinic and does not require anaesthesia. A growing or extendible metallic prosthesis can rectify the problem of leg shortening following bone removal in children with bone cancer. An extendible metallic prosthesis is specially designed to allow lengthening of the extremity, following its insertion. Although such growing prostheses have been used for more than 20 years, CUHK pioneered the mini-surgical approach for the lengthening of the device. The 1-cm incision minimizes the risk of infection and results in faster rehabilitation when compared to the open method used elsewhere in the world. The latest model of growing prosthesis has even more benefits. The prosthesis can be extended without additional surgery and it has a powerful magnet mounted inside. The patient simply needs to put his leg inside a specially-designed magnet driving machine to undergo the lengthening process and can be discharged immediately after the process. A short office procedure adds 4 mm of painless incremental growth to the child’s leg. Thus operating theatre time and resources can be saved, and patients do not face the risks and inconveniences of surgery. The innovativemanagement of bone cancer in children has been possible thanks to a multidisciplinary team involving many academic departments of the CUHK Faculty of Medicine. Since 2004, we have inserted minimally invasive growing prosthesis in seven young patients with bone tumours and leg shortening. A non-invasive growing prosthesis was recently applied to a 16-year old boy and the lengthening process done in early September 2006, with promising results. 以下項目詳情,請上網 newslter/issue/285/discoveries.htm 閱覽: ■ 快速抗體測試能有效預防愛滋病 CUHK Study Finds Voluntary HIV Testing Effective in Promoting Safer Sex (後排左起)矯形外科及創傷學系古明達教授和名譽臨床助理教 授黃國全醫生及曾接受微創性骨伸延手術的康復者 (Back row from left) Prof. Shekhar M. Kumta and Prof. Wong Kwok-chuen with former patients who have undergone limb lengthening using a minimally invasive technique 圖書館閉館 ULS 大學圖書館系統將於重陽節(十月三十日,星期一)閉館。 The University Library System will be closed for the Chung Yeung Festival on 30th October, Monday. 亞洲首例無創傷性金屬骨伸延手術 Breakthroughs in Lengthening Prostheses for Children with Bone Cancer