Newsletter No. 292

第二九二期 二零零七年二月四日 No. 292 4 February 2007 5 (左起) 教育學院院長李子建教授、鮑明慧、李致和、趙詠賢 和署理校長楊綱凱教授 (From left) Prof. John Lee, Akina Pau Ming-wai, Daniel Lee Chi-wo, Rebecca Chiu Wing-yin, and Prof. Kenneth Young Engineering Ph.D. Student Wins Award at Microsoft Competition M iss Ida Hui (right), a Ph.D. student of the Department of Systems Engineering and Eng i ne e r i ng Management , was awarded the first runner- upoftheBestPresentation and Poster Award of the First Microsoft Joint Laboratory Symposium 2006. The symposium aims to bring together faculty and students from eight universities across China that have established joint laboratories with MSRA (Microsoft Research Asia). Participants of the event included the Managing Director and senior management of MSRA, as well as the Science and Technology Directors of the Ministry of Education of China. Other participants included faculty and students from each of the eight universities, including CUHK (host institution), HKUST, the Harbin Institute of Technology, Peking University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Tsinghua University, University of Science and Technology of China, and Zhejiang University. Two Ph.D. students were selected from each university for the presentation and poster competition. The selection committee comprised senior management of MSRA and all participating joint laboratory directors. The judging criteria included creativity in research, excellence in oral presentation of a large poster. 中大校友亞運創佳績 CUHK Celebrates Doha Victory of Three Alumni 第 十五屆多哈亞運會 已於去年十二月完 滿結束,香港代表隊獲得歷 屆最佳的成績。當中,中大 教育學院體育運動科學系三 位優秀畢業生亦為香港作出 了傑出的貢獻。 香港首席壁球手趙詠賢於壁 球女子單打項目中勇奪銀 牌;首次為香港於亞運披甲 的李致和憑男子三項鐵人賽 摘下他的首面亞運銀牌;還 有鮑明慧亦於女子團體佩劍 項目中奪得季軍。教育學院 於上月十二日舉行祝捷會, 對三位校友獲取卓越的運動 成績作出熱烈的祝賀。李致和及鮑明慧並獲頒獎學金,供他們在中大修讀碩士課程。 T he Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, Faculty of Education at The Chinese University celebrated the victory of three alumni who achieved brilliant results at the 2006 Asian Games on 12 January. Squash player Miss Rebecca Chiu Wing-yin, triathlon athlete Mr. Daniel Lee Chi-wo, and fencer Miss Akina Pau Ming-wai were joined by teachers and students of their alma matar at the party. The University also presented Daniel Lee Chi-wo and Akina Pau Ming-wai with scholarships to further their studies at the University. Guests in attendance included Prof. Kenneth Young, Acting Vice-Chancellor, and Prof. John Lee, Dean, Faculty of Education. Rebecca ChiuWing-yin won silver in the wemen’s squash singles, Daniel Lee Chi- wo bagged silver at the Men’s Triathlon and Akina Pau Ming-wai won a bronze medal in the women’s saber team competition. 以下項目詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following items are available at ■ 利用衛星遙感監測渤海遼東灣海冰情況 ■ 「香港學童輟學情況及其介入」調查研究 ■ Three Research Projects Received Grants 中七學生及本科生暑期課程 Summer Programmes for Secondary Seven and Undergraduate Students 新成立的暑期課程辦公室由二零零七年起開辦「預科生暑期課程」及「國際暑期課程」供本 地中七學生及本科生修讀。 「預科生暑期課程」旨為應屆中七學生提供機會,讓他們提早體驗大學生活及中大多采多姿 的高等教育。透過課程,學生除可加深認識他們感興趣的大學課程外,若日後獲中大取錄為 本科生,他們更可申請豁免修讀於暑期課程成功修畢的相同科目。該課程為期四週,於五月 二十八日至六月二十二日舉行,共開辦十科三學分的熱門初階科目。 此外,大學亦繼續舉辦「國際暑期課程」,讓來自世界各地的大學生集合在香港這個著名的 國際城市及在中大多元文化的環境中一起學習,藉此推動學術及文化交流。另,中大學生可 報讀兩個科目,利用暑假為雙主修或副修作準備,修讀大學通識,加快完成課程或減輕平常 學期的課業負荷。 「國際暑期課程」將開辦多個關於中國文化的熱門科目,範疇包括工商管理、社會科學和中 國語言(普通話和廣東話),部分為大學的通識教育科目。「預科生暑期課程」及「國際暑 期課程」於二零零七年二月一日起接受網上報名,詳情請瀏覽 。 The Office of Summer Programmes has been established to offer credit-bearing undergraduate courses to secondary school students and undergraduates through a Summer Institute and an International Summer School, commencing 2007. The Summer Institute is a four-week intensive programme providing current S7 students with an early experience of university life. This acquaints them with CUHK and its programmes and allows them to gain CUHK credits. If the students are later admitted to undergraduate studies in CUHK, the credits they gained can be used to fulfil their graduation requirements. In 2007, 10 introductory courses of three units each, will be offered from 28 May to 22 June. A variety of activities will also be organized for students, such as academic counselling, talks on exchange study, visits to laboratories, guest lectures and activities organized by student bodies. The International Summer School aims to create an international learning environment and opportunities for cultural exchange at CUHK. It is open to CUHK students, international students andHongKong residents studying at a local/overseas university. Students will learn and live alongside academic achievers fromother cultures. Since half of the students will be international students, local students can take this opportunity to experience the true meaning of cultural exchange without going abroad. They can also gain additional credits for double majors or minors and take university general education courses to graduate sooner or ease their regular term course load. The International Summer School is an international experience in more ways than one. Not only will it attract students from diverse cultures, but it will also recruit faculty from overseas. The professors will be excellent teachers and renowned researchers from CUHK, Harvard, University of Texas at Dallas, University of South Carolina, Pennsylvania State University, University of Illinois, Carnegie Mellon, and New York University. In 2007, besides Putonghua and Cantonese courses, 18 much sought-after business and humanities courses, including university general education courses, will be offered. Classes are scheduled between 3 July and 31 July. The Office of Summer Programmes will accept online applications for the 2007 programmes from 1 February 2007. Details are available at