Newsletter No. 294
中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 6 中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 1. 本刊每月出版兩期,農曆年和暑期停刊。截稿日期載於本刊網頁( hk/iso/newslter/ )。 The CUHK Newsletter is published on a fortnightly basis except during the Chinese New Year and summer vacation. Deadlines for contribution can be found at . hk/iso/newslter/. 2. 來稿請寄沙田香港中文大學資訊處《中大通訊》編輯部(電話2609 8584/2609 8681, 傳真2603 6864,電郵 ) 。 All contributions should be sent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter , Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (tel. 2609 8584/2609 8681; fax. 2603 6864; e-mail ). 3. 編輯有權刪改及決定是否刊登來稿。 The Editor reserves the right to decline contributions and to edit all articles. 香港中文大學資訊處出版 高級主任:梁素珍 編輯:左冠輝 助理編輯:吳嬋珍 林鳳媚 陳思祥 陳偉珠 製作:梅潔媚 印刷:璟柏印刷製版有限公司 Published by the Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Director: Conita S.C. Leung Editor: Chor Koon Fai Assistant Editors: Florence Chan, Piera Chen, Sharon Lam, Wendy Ng Production: May Mui Printing: Impact Printing & Graphics Co. Ltd. 本年度員工優異服務獎接受提名 The Exemplary Service Award 2006–07 由員工培訓及發展委員會舉辦的二零零六至零七年度員工優異服務獎已接受提名,此獎項 旨在嘉許於顧客服務中有出色表現的非教學人員,獎額五至十名,得獎者可獲頒獎牌一面 及現金禮券,所有按乙或丙類服務條例或相類條件聘用的中大全職非教學僱員,皆可接受 提名。 大學學生及教職員建議提名的截止日期為四月十三日,系主任或部門主管最終提名的截止 日期則為五月十一日。委員會已於日前致函各部門主管,籲請踴躍支持選舉,嘉獎提供優 異服務的員工。 有關詳情或下載建議提名表格,可瀏覽 。 查詢請電二六零九八六零七/ 七八七六。 The Exemplary Service Award 2006–07 is now open for nomination. The award, organized by the Staff Training and Development Committee, aims at recognizing University non-teaching staff who provide outstanding service to their clients. There will be five to 10 awards. A trophy and a gift coupon will be presented to each awardee. All full-time Terms of Service (B)/(C) and equivalent non-teaching staff are eligible for nomination. The deadline for recommendation for nomination from University students and staff is 13 April while the deadline for nomination from department chairmen/unit heads is 11 May. Invitation for nomination has been sent to department chairmen and unit heads by the committee. Please visit for award details and the Recommendation for Nomination Form (for all CUHK students and staff members). Enquiries may be made to 2609 8607/7876. 翻譯公開講座 Public Lecture on Translation 講者: 翻譯學講座教授黃國彬教授 題目: 翻譯趣談 主辦單位: 入學及學生資助處 日期: 三月二十三日(星期五) 時間: 下午五時半至六時半 地點: 利黃瑤璧樓一號演講廳 免費入場,歡迎中大員生出席。查詢詳情,請瀏覽 07pl4/07pl4_poster.htm ,或致電二六零九八九四七/八九五一,或電郵 。 Speaker: Prof. Laurence K. P. Wong, Professor of Translation Topic: The Fun of Translation Organizer: Office of Admissions and Financial Aid Date: 23 March (Friday) Time: 5.30 – 6.30 p.m. Venue: Lecture Theatre 1, Esther Lee Building Admission is free. For details please visit 07pl4_poster.htm , call 2609 8947/8951, or email . 崑曲班 Kunqu Workshop 音樂系戲曲資料中心將於三月二十八日至五月三十日舉辦「崑曲班」(第四期),每課一個 半小時,共十課,逢星期三下午六時至七時半在許讓成樓戲曲資料中心上課,由資深導師張 麗真女士授課,蘇思棣先生笛子伴奏。學費一千港元,全日制學生學費五百元。查詢詳情請 電戲曲資料中心(二六零三五零九八)。 Kunqu opera is one of the oldest operatic forms in China and was considered the mother of other types of traditional Chinese opera. It was also included in UNESCO‘s intangible heritage in 2001. The Chinese Opera Information Centre offers Kunqu class to the public on a regular basis. The courses have been scheduled as follows: Duration: Every Wednesday, 28 March to 30 May 2007 Time: 6.00 – 7.30 p.m. Venue: Room G06, Hui Yeung Shing Building, Chinese Opera Information Centre, CUHK Sessions: 10 Tuition Fee: $1000 (50% discount for full-time students) Tutors: Ms. Chang Lai-chun and Mr. Sou Si-tai Enrolment will be on a first-come-first-served basis. For enquiries and enrolment, please contact Ms. Milky Cheung at 2603 5098 on or before 21 March 2007. 大學圖書館系統清明節及復活節假期開放時間 University Library System Opening Hours During Ching Ming and Easter Holidays 日期 Date 大學、崇基、新亞、聯合 及法律圖書館 UL, CC, NA, UC, Law Library 建築學圖書館 Architecture Library 醫學圖書館 Medical Library 5.4.2007 閉館 Closed 閉館 Closed 閉館 Closed 6 – 7.4.2007 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. 8.4.2007 1.00 p.m. – 7.00 p.m. 閉館 Closed 閉館 Closed 9.4.2007 閉館 Closed 閉館 Closed 閉館 Closed 註:法律資源中心將於四月五至九日閉館。 Note: The Legal Resourses Centre will be closed from 5 to 9 April. 香江文教發展五十年 Exhibition ‘Fifty Years of Cultural and Educational Development in Hong Kong’ 由聯合書院與康樂及文化事務署合辦的「香江文教發展五十年」專題展覽,於二零零七 年三月七日至五月廿八日假香港歷史博物館一樓大堂舉行,免費入場。 教育與文化,息息相關。二次大戰結束後,香港百廢待舉,教育事業面臨重重困難,政 府遂積極發展教育,各式教育百花齊放,中文教育更有新的發展。一九五六年,廣僑、 光夏、華僑、文化及平正五所私立書院合併組成聯合書院。至一九六三年香港中文大學 正式成立,聯合書院成為創校成員之一。此後大專院校不斷出現,令更多學生有深造研 究的機會。 是次展覽透過一批一九五六至二零零六年具代表性的展品及照片,輔以精簡文字,展示 半世紀以來香港文化與教育發展的進程,並探討聯合書院與香港社會的相互關係。 有關詳情請瀏覽聯合書院五十周年網頁 。 如有查詢,請致電 二六零九七三四五或電郵至 與阮劍琴小姐聯絡。 United College and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) is coorganizing an exhibition entitled ‘Fifty Years of Cultural and Educational Development in Hong Kong’ from 7 March to 28 May 2007 at the Hong Kong Museum of History. Admission is free. By means of illustrations, photos and descriptions, the exhibition outlines cultural and educational development in Hong Kong from 1956 to 2006, and examines the interrelationships between United College and local society. For details please visit the United College 50th Anniversary website . hk/uc/uc50 , or contact Ms. Carol Yuen at 2609 7345 or .
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