Newsletter No. 298

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 2 翻 譯系與北京大學軟件與微電子學院、計算語言學 研究所,於五月九日假新亞書院會議室舉行電腦 輔助翻譯科研及教學合作備忘錄啟動儀式。該備忘錄已 於四月二十四日在北京簽署。 啟動儀式由陳善偉教授主持。備忘錄啟動文件由北大軟 件與微電子學院院長陳鍾教授 ( 左二 ) 、計算語言學研究 所代表俞敬松先生 ( 左一 ) 、中大翻譯系系主任方梓勳教授 ( 右二 ) ,以及翻譯系電腦輔助翻譯碩士課程主任陳善偉教 授 ( 右一 ) 共同簽署。 T he Department of Translation of CUHK and the School of Software and Microelectronics and the Institute of Computational Linguistics of Peking University held an inaugural ceremony on 9 May 2007 at New Asia College to mark the 中大與北大簽訂合作備忘錄 CUHK Signs Memorandum with Peking University 中 大工程學院建立了專為JUPAS學生而設的網誌 ( blog ) ,名為「中大工程入學諮詢網誌」(www. 。網誌的網主是工程學 院所有教授,他們寫的並非什麼學術研究,而是就選科 問題為學生逐一作出解答。例如,電腦工程與電腦科學 的分別、什麼是訊息工程等。 工程學院外務副院長黃錦輝教授表示:「很多JUPAS的 學生選擇在各大網上論壇就選科討論發問。雖然有不 少熱心人士作出回答,但答案質素卻往往參差不齊。所 以學院想出用年青人之間相當流行的blog來與學生近 距離接觸,同時協助他們解決選科疑難。」 學生要發問很簡單,只要把問題和姓名電郵至blogger @即可。教授收到問題後,除了於網誌上回 覆,還可能直接以電郵回覆。比起網上論壇,這個網誌上 的答案要可靠得多了。 T he Faculty of Engineering has launched ‘The CU Engineering Admission Blog’ to handle students’ enquiries concerning admission to the faculty. The blog, a collaboration among all teachers in the faculty, is dedicated to answering students’ admission enquiries without using academic jargon. Students who wonder about the differences between computer science and computer engineering and what exactly is information engineering will find the answers on the blog. ‘Many students choose to post their questions on popular forums, yet the responses often convey mixed messages with little insight. An official blog provides a sustainable and organized com- munication channel between students and our faculty. We hope that students who are interested in engineering would become well-informed of their choices after visiting our blog,’ said Prof. Wong Kam-Fai, associate dean of the faculty. Students with questions can simply send an email with their names to Once the professors receive the questions, they will post the answers on the blog, with the possibility of following up by emails. 教授寫網誌 指導高考生選科 New Blog for Engineering Admission Enquiries 肝 癌是本港男性 第二號癌症殺 手,亦為女性第四號 癌症殺手。超過八成 的肝癌都是由乙型肝 炎病毒引起的。 大腸癌是本港第二大 常見癌症。根據醫院 管理局的數字,二零 零四年本港共有三千 六百宗大腸癌新症, 一千五百名病人因此 病而死亡。 胃酸反流病是近年發 病率急劇上升的上消 化道疾病,以一萬人 來計算,其發病率已 由二點三人上升至五點八人。此病會破壞食道,引起 食道炎,嚴重的更會導致食道收窄及引起食道細胞 突變。 總括而言,本港近年愈來愈多人面對腸胃肝病的威脅, 因此增加公眾對腸胃肝病的認知以及教育其防治方法 是當前急務。醫學院及有線電視財經資訊台聯合製作 健康節目《至FIT男女》,從多方面介紹腸胃肝病的新 發展。節目共分十一集,於四月二十二日起,逢星期日 早上十時至十一時及晚上九時至十時播映。該節目由黃 韻妍小姐擔任主持,醫學院內科及藥物治療學系三位教 授:陳力元教授、梁偉強教授及胡志遠教授會擔任客席 嘉賓主持。 C UHK is collaborating with CABLE TV to launch a new 11-episode health programme, which covers a wide spectrum of liver and gastro- intestinal diseases. Entitled Health and Fitness , the series commenced on 22 April and is broadcast on i-CABLE Finance Information Channel every Sunday at 10.00-11.00 a.m. and 9.00-10.00 p.m. Professors from the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Henry L.Y. Chan, Prof. W.K. Leung and Prof. Justin C.Y. Wu are the anchors of the programme. In Hong Kong hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the second commonest cause of cancer death in men and fourth in women. Chronic hepatitis B 看《至FIT男女》 防治腸胃肝病 New Programme Raises Awareness of Liver and Gastro-intestinal Diseases 其他消息 Other News Items 以下消息詳情,請上網 閱覽: Details of the following news items are available at : ■ 應屆中大工程畢業生搶手 多人月薪逾四萬獲聘 virus (HBV) infection is the cause of HCC in over 80% of the patients. Colorectal cancer is currently the second most common cancer in Hong Kong and it is estimated that 15-20% of patients with colorectal cancer may have similar cancer in the family. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common digestive disease which can cause damage of the esophagus and narrowing or abnormal cell changes of the esophagus, and its incidence is on the rise. Researchers at the CUHK Faculty of Medicine have found that the number of patients suffering from liver or gastro-intestinal diseases are on the rise. It is therefore crucial to educate the public about these diseases and equip them with some understanding about their treatment and prevention. commencement of the Memorandum of Under- standing on Cooperation on Research and Teaching in Computer-aided Translation. The memoran- dum had been officially signed on 24 April in Peking. The inaugural documents of the Memorandum of Understanding were signed by Prof. Chen Zhong (left 2), President of the School of Software and Microelectronics of Peking University, Mr. Yu Jingsong (left 1), representative of the Institute of Computational Linguistics of Peking University, Prof. Gilbert Fong (right 2), chairman of the Department of Translation, and Prof. Chan Sin-wai (right 1), programme director of the Master of Arts in Computer-aided Translation.