Newsletter No. 298

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 4 教職員進修資助計劃 Staff Development Grants 英聯邦大學協會多個獎助金計劃現接受二零零七至二零零八年度之申請。申請須於截止 日期前經有關學系/部門主管及學院院長送交培訓事務經理周偉榮先生,以轉呈有關大 學委員會考慮。有關詳情已送呈各學院/單位供職員參考。有意申請者亦可瀏覽人事處 網頁 ( ,下載詳細的申請資 料。查詢可致電人事處 ( 二六零九八六零七/二六零九七八七六 ) 。 The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) invites applications from staff members of the University for various fellowships tenable in 2007-2008. Applications endorsed by department chairmen and faculty deans or unit heads concerned should be forwarded to Mr. Daniel Chow, training manager on or before the deadline for submission to the relevant university committees for consideration. Detailed information and relevant application forms are obtainable from faculty/unit offices or the Personnel Office’s website at: stafftrain_ext.asp. Further enquiries may be directed to the Personnel Office (2609 8067/2609 7876). 婦女健康研究計劃招募研究對象 糖尿病、心臟病和骨質疏鬆症,對本港中老年婦女健康的威脅日益嚴重。香港中文大學 公共衛生學院婦女健康促進及研究中心,即將開展一項研究計劃,驗證服用營養蛋白粉 對促進婦女健康的成效,計劃由該中心總監何陳雪鸚教授主持。 目前市面上的營養蛋白粉,主要以大豆蛋白或牛奶蛋白為原料,再加入其他營養補充劑 調配而成。本研究將觀察營養蛋白粉對改善中老年婦女血糖、血脂等方面的成效。 本計劃招募的研究對象為年齡五十至六十五歲、已停經婦女,曾在過去的檢查中發現血 糖偏高者優先。參與者將服用營養蛋白粉(上述兩種之一,免費提供)最少半年,並且 在服用前和服用後第三和第六個月接受抽血檢查。有意參加者請以電話登記,或於互聯 網www下載登記表格 ,填妥後傳真或郵寄至沙田威爾斯親王醫院公 共衛生學院四樓婦女健康促進及研究中心。資源有限,額滿即止。 查詢請聯絡:劉兆敏姑娘,電話:二二五二八七九八/二二五二八八三九;傳真: 二六零二四三六零。 大學圖書館系統暑期開放時間 University Library System Summer Opening Hours 星期一至星期五 Monday – Friday 星期六 Saturday 星期日 Sunday 大學、崇基、新亞、聯合及法律圖書館 UL/CC/NA/UC/Law Library 28.5 – 30.6.2007 9.00 a.m. – 10.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. –7.00 p.m. 1.00 p.m. –7.00 p.m. 1.7 – 19.8.2007 9.00 a.m. –7.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. –5.00 p.m. 閉館 Closed 20.8.2007 onwards 8.20 a.m. –10.00 p.m. 8.20 a.m. –7.00 p.m. 1.00 p.m. –7.00 p.m. 建築學圖書館 Architecture Library 28.5 – 19.8.2007 9.00 a.m. –5.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. –12.30 p.m. 閉館 Closed 20.8.2007 onwards 9.00 a.m. –9.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. –5.00 p.m. 閉館 Closed 醫學圖書館 Medical Library 28.5 – 30.6.2007 9.00 a.m. –6.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. –5.00 p.m. 閉館 Closed 1.7 – 29.7.2007 8.30 a.m. –7.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. –5.00 p.m. 閉館 Closed 30.7.2007 onwards 8.30 a.m. –9.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. –5.00 p.m. 閉館 Closed 大學圖書館系統將於下列公眾假期閉館: University Library System will be closed on the following holidays: 24.5.2007 佛誕 The Buddha’s Birthday 19.6.2007 端午節 Tuen Ng Festival 2.7.2007 香港特別行政區成立紀念翌日 The day following HKSAR Establishment Day * 有關法律資源中心在此期間之開放時間,請查閱法律圖書館網頁。 Please refer to the Law Library homepage for LRC’s opening hours during this period. 辦理延長工作簽證 Visa Extension 非擁有香港居留權之僱員,請留意閣下在港工作簽證之逗留期限。僱員須於逗留期限屆 滿前四星期內,向入境處辦理延長簽證之手續。僱員可於互聯網 向入境 處分區辦事處預約,以節省輪候領籌的時間,惟此預約服務不適用於須在入境處總部遞 交申請之人士。 申請延長工作簽證,須提供大學發出之在職證明,僱員可聯絡人事處(電話:二六零九 七二九二/二六零九七二三二)索取此等證明。 為確保僱員在港合法受僱之身份得以延續,僱員應把已獲延期之工作簽證副本傳真至人 事處(傳真號碼:二六零三五二二三),以作記錄。 Staff members who do not hold the right of abode in Hong Kong are reminded to check the validity of their employment visas. They should arrange to renew their employment visas within four weeks prior to the expiry date. Staff members can make an appointment for visa extension via the Internet to save queuing time at Immigration Branch Offices. This service is, however, not available to those who are required to file their applications at the Immigration Department’s Headquarters. An application for extension of employment visa requires a sponsorship letter from the University to certify the staff member’s employment status. Staff members may approach the Personnel Office (Tel: 2609 7292/7232) for the said sponsorship letter. Upon successful application for visa extension, staff members should provide a copy of the latest visa endorsement to the Personnel Office (Fax: 2603 5223) as a record to support that they are lawfully employable at the University. 大學游泳池通告 University Swimming Pool Notice 開放時間 Opening Hours 大學游泳池於二零零七年五月十一日(星期五)下午二時三十分重新開放。星期一至日 (除星期二暫停開放外)開放時間為: The University Swimming Pool re-opened on 11 May 2007 (Friday) at 2.30 p.m. Daily opening hours (closed on every Tuesday) are: 第一節 1st session: 10.30 a.m. – 1.40 p.m. 第二節 2 nd session: 2.30 p.m. – 6.15 p.m.(假日照常 including public holidays) * 游泳池辦事處(范克廉樓一樓)於即日起開始辦理申領及換領游泳證手續。 Issue and renewal of swimming cards have commenced at the swimming pool counter (1/F, Benjamin Franklin Centre). 入場收費 Admission Charges 二零零七年度大學游泳池入場收費,請瀏覽以下網址: For admission charges of the pool: page=1 免費音樂節目欣賞 Music News 中大音樂系在五月舉辦以下音樂節目,免費入場,歡迎蒞臨欣賞。 鋼琴演奏會 演奏者: Mr. Gustavo Romero 日期: 二零零七年五月二十三日(星期三) 時間: 晚上七時三十分 地點: 崇基學院 利黃瑤璧樓 利希慎音樂廳 鋼琴大師班 主講: Mr. Gustavo Romero 日期: 二零零七年五月二十五日(星期五) 時間: 下午二時 地點: 崇基學院 利黃瑤璧樓 利希慎音樂廳 The Department of Music is presenting the following programmes in May 2007: Piano Recital by Mr. Gustavo Romero Date: 23 May 2007 (Wednesday) Time: 7.30 p.m. Venue: Lee Hysan Concert Hall, Esther Lee Building, Chung Chi College Piano Masterclass by Mr. Gustavo Romero Date: 25 May 2007 (Friday) Time: 2.00 p.m. Venue: Lee Hysan Concert Hall, Esther Lee Building, Chung Chi College 研究生宿舍招聘導師 研究生宿舍現招聘兩位女宿舍導師。導師的主要職責為協助推動宿舍之各項活動及處理 辦事處行政事務。 申請者必須為大學全職教職員並持有大學學位,操流利普通話及廣東話為佳。導師將 獲分配研宿二座(曙光樓)或研宿五座單位其中一間單人房,住宿免費,惟並無其他 津貼。有意申請者,請到研究生宿舍第四座辦事處索取表格,填妥後於五月三十日前 交回該辦事處。查詢請電伍小姐,電話:三一六三五二一一。