Newsletter No. 301
第 301 期 2007 年 8 月 19 日 No. 301 19 August 2007 1 第三零一期 二零零七年八月十九日 No. 301 19 August 2007 中大錄取 A 級生人數為眾院校之冠 CUHK Admits the Largest Number of Grade A Students (兩名)、專業會計學(一名)、經濟學(一名)及 物理學(一名)。 中大繼續成為新生首選的大學。今年透過聯招共錄 取2,388名學生,當中第一組別人數高達2,337名,佔 98%。收生成績最好的課程/專修範圍分別為物理、經 濟學、專業會計學、環球商業學、社會學、保險、財務 與精算學、工商管理—法律博士、藥劑學及醫學等。 至於「自薦計劃」,共108名申請人達到確定錄取要 求或獲加獎勵分數,最後共59名申請人獲錄取。 T he JUPASOffice has announced themain round offer results of this year. The number of students with Grade As being offered admissions to CUHK is 989, the largest among the nine JUPAS participating institutions. In addition, CUHK has made admission offers to five out of ten students who have obtained 5As in HKALE. After admitting the largest number of students in the Early Admissions Scheme earlier this year, CUHK has admitted the largest number of students with Grade As in JUPAS. Among the 302 students who obtained 3As or 聯 招處公布今年收生結果,中大錄取了989名在 高考中獲至少1A成績的學生,是參與聯招的 九所院校中最多者。此外,五名高考5A生亦獲中大錄 取,佔全港5A生的一半。 繼本年度錄取最多中六尖子後,中大透過聯招辦法收 生再次報捷,包攬最多A級學生。今年在高考中考獲 3A或以上成績有302人,其中132人選擇中大並獲錄 取,佔總數的44%(詳見附表)。五名以中大為首選 的5A生亦獲中大錄取,他們派獲的學科為環球商業學 above in the HKALE, 132 are offered admissions to CUHK, accounting for 44 % (see table). CUHK has offered admissions to five students who have obtained 5As and opted CUHK as their first choice. These admittees were offered admissions to Global Business Studies (2), Professional Accountancy (1), Economics (1), and Physics (1). CUHK continues to be the top choice for secondary school students. It has made a total of 2,388 admission offersviaJUPASforthe2007entry.Amongthem,2,337 are Band A choice candidates, accounting for 98% of the total number admitted. The programmes with the best admission results include Physics, Economics, Professional Accountancy, Global Business Studies, Sociology, Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis, BBA–JD, Pharmacy, and Medical Studies. Under the Self-recommendation Scheme, 108 applicants have been awarded bonus points and 59 applicants are admitted. 獲中大錄取學生的高考成績分佈 Results of students being offered admissions by CUHK 衣冠雲集憶「老先生」 Celebrities Share Reminiscences of Wang Daohan at CUHK 高考成績 HKALE Result 全港考獲該成績 學生總數 No. of Candidates with This Result 以中大為首個志願 並獲錄取人數 No. of Students Putting CUHK as Their First Choice and Being Offered Admissions 5A 10 5 4A 55 26 3A 237 101 「京師稱位極尊者曰老先生。」 (王世貞:《觚不觚錄》,引自梁章鉅:《稱謂錄.卷三十二》) 7 月17日下午,與已故海峽兩岸關係協會會長汪道 涵先生熟稔的多位兩岸三地名人,齊集中大祖堯 堂出席《老先生》一書發布會。此書由數十位政商學 界名人撰寫,共同追懷汪老。 在發布會上,校長劉遵義、翻譯學榮休講座教授金聖 華、恆隆地產有限公司董事長陳啟宗,以及汪老兩位 女兒汪靜、汪凝,憶述了與汪老相處的舊事。劉校長 回憶初次與汪老見面時,「有點戰戰兢兢,但汪老非 常和氣,對我說了頭一句話:『神交已久!』令我馬 上輕鬆下來。」金聖華教授則述說2005年中大授予汪 老榮譽法學博士,她為了撰寫讚詞,親赴上海訪問汪 老幕僚,發現他們都被汪老的高風亮節所折服,死心 塌地為他做事。陳啟宗先生眼中的汪老是近代奇人, 他說:「我們每次見面,總會問他要看什麼英文書, 然後替他從海外購買,一包一包帶到上海給他。」汪 老女兒說,汪老不立傳是緣於他的一個信念:「事情 自己做好,歷史留給別人。」 2005年,劉遵義校長親赴上海將榮譽法學博士證書送 予汪老,並留下了汪老最後一張會客的合影。校長在 〈敬懷汪老〉一文中念念不忘的寫道:「2004年,我決 定出任香港中文大學校長之後,汪老介紹了很多討論 治校之道的好書給我,對我的新工作非常有幫助。」 A new book in memory of the late Wang Daohan, former president of the Association for Relations across the Taiwan Straits, was launched on 17 July at a ceremony at CUHK. The ceremony was attended by dozens of distinguished figures across the country, including Prof. Lawrence Lau, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, Prof. Jin Sheng Hwa Serena, Emeritus Professor of Translation, Mr. Ronnie Chan, chairman of Hung Lung Properties, and Wang Jing and Wang Ning, Mr. Wang’s daughters. On this occasion, they shared their impressions and reminiscences of Mr. Wang. In his essay ‘In Remembrance of Wang Daohan’, Prof. Lau recalls that he felt a bit nervous when meeting Mr. Wang for the first time. But his nervousness was immediately dispelled as the amiable Mr. Wang greeted him by saying, ‘I’ve known you for a long time through your writings’. Prof. Lau adds, ‘When I decided to take the position of Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, Mr. Wang recommended many books on school governance to me. They helped me a lot in my new job.’ In 2005, CUHK conferred on Mr. Wang Daohan the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa . Prof. Lau represented CUHK and personally presented the certificate to Mr. Wang in Shanghai. 左起:劉遵義校長、汪靜女士、汪凝女士 From left: Prof. Lawrence Lau, Ms. Wang Jing, Ms. Wang Ning
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