Newsletter No. 305

第 305 期 2007 年 10 月 19 日 No. 305 19 October 2007 中 大在9月16日於城門河舉行的「第21屆 兩大划艇賽」中,蟬聯男女子組賽事 冠軍,男子隊更連續七屆擊敗港大。 兩大划艇賽這項周年體育盛事,重頭賽為只有 中大及港大對壘的「男子八人單槳有舵艇」 及「女子四人單槳有舵艇」,賽程分別為 3,000米及1,500米,兩大健兒均全力以赴,力 爭冠軍。女子隊隊長李璇同學表示:「男子組 的賽程緊湊,兩隊各不相讓,接近衝線一刻仍 然難分高下,最後中大力克對手險勝;至於女 子組比賽,起步不久中大便拋離對手,一直領 先至終點。」 李璇說,划艇隊員花了不少時間練習,除了犧 牲當暑期工的機會,開學後也每周有六次訓 練,有時更要早上六時便開始習訓。她續稱賽 前雖有一定信心,但畢竟未知港大隊伍實力如 何,故今次奪魁,很令人振奮。 過去兩大曾多次對壘,男子划艇隊21次與港大 交手,勝出16次;女子隊在19次對賽中,勝出 14次,成績超然。 劉遵義校長出訪歐洲著名大學 Vice-Chancellor Visits Prestigious Universities in Europe 香 港中文大學校長劉遵義教授於九月率團出訪歐 洲多所著名大學,加強彼此交流合作,探訪的 大學包括英國的劍橋大學、牛津大學及丹麥的哥本哈根 大學。 訪問團包括中大五大研究領域代表、晨興書院及善衡書 院候任院長。他們向接待院校介紹了中大的最新發展, 藉此拓展合作機會,並就鞏固中大獨特的書院制汲取寶 貴意見。 C UHK Vice-Chancellor Prof. Lawrence J. Lau led a delegation of leading academics to Europe in September 2007 and visited the University of Cambridge, the University of Oxford and the University of Copenhagen. The delegation included respresentatives of the five areas of focused research investment at CUHK, and the designated masters of Morningside College and S.H. Ho College. They gave the hosts an update of the University’s developments and brought home exciting collaboration opportunities and ideas for enhancing CUHK’s unique college system. Several collaborations are already in place between CUHK and the University of Cambridge. These include a staff exchange programme with Clare Hall and joint efforts to combat world health problems through common membership in the East-West Alliance. CUHK and the University of Oxford have a long- standing mutual interest in global health problems and have been engaged in joint teaching and research initiatives. To consolidate these efforts, a memorandum was signed by the heads of the two universities during the visit to confirm institutional support for the good cause. Vice-Chancellor Prof. Lau and Rector of the University of Copenhagen Prof. Ralf Hemmingsen inked two renewal memoranda to continue the success in student exchange and to deepen cooperation in academic research by drawing on the expertise of key scientists from both sides. 哥本哈根大學校長Prof. Ralf Hemmingsen(前排左)與本校校長劉遵義教授(前排右) Prof. Ralf Hemmingsen (front row, left), Rector of the University of Copenhagen and Prof. J. Lawrence Lau (front row, right), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK 劍橋大學與中文大學向有協作,例如中大與劍橋 Clare Hall成立了學者交流計劃,而兩校同是East-West Alliance的成員,攜手解決全球健康問題。牛津大學與 中文大學亦同等關注全球健康問題,在教研方面素有 合作。在是次訪問中,牛津大學與劉校長簽訂了備忘 錄,促進雙方合作關係。哥本哈根大學校長 Prof. Ralf Hemmingsen與劉校長也續簽了備忘錄,延續雙方學生 交流活動,並加強雙方研究人員的合作。 「兩大划艇賽」中大男子隊七連冠 CUHK Men’s Team Clinches Seventh Championship in Intervarsity Rowing T he CUHK men’s and women’s rowing teams, the defending champions, defeated the University of Hong Kong (HKU) to win the 21st Intervarsity Rowing Championship held at the Shatin Rowing Centre on 16 September 2007. For the men’s team, it was their seventh championship in a row. The climax of the annual event was the Intervarsity Men 8+ (3,000m) and the Intervarsity Women 4+ (1,500m), in which only the HKU and the CUHK teams were entitled to compete. Leader of the women’s team, Kathy Li Shuen said, ‘The competition was very keen, especially in the Intervarsity Men 8+. Both teams were very strong. Our team won by a neck in the sprint finish. In the women’s contest, we held a commanding lead over HKU all the way to the finishing line.’ Kathy added that members of the CUHK team sacrificed summer jobs in order to devote more time to training. When school began in September, they practised six times a week, sometimes starting as early as six in the morning. The CUHK men’s team has won 16 championship titles in 21 years while the CUHK women’s team obtained 14 championship titles out of 19 against HKU.