Newsletter No. 310
中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 梅洛教授 發現嶄新基因療法 Prof. Mello Discovers New Gene-specific Therapeutics 梅洛教授的講座題為「基因表達、進化和醫學的 反思」。他和研究夥伴華盛頓卡耐基研究所的安德 魯.菲爾博士,在研究秀麗隱桿線蟲的基因運作時, 發現了「核糖核酸(RNA)干擾」這種前所未知的自 然現象。藉著這過程,可以控制某種RNA形式,從而 干擾或抑制特定基因的表達,使之沉默。 這項發現的重大意義有二。第一,它已成為現今科學 家進行研究時所用的尖端技術,可以透過抑制細胞中 特定基因的表達,改變那些基因的生物功能。第二, RNA干擾技術也是當前一種嶄新的基因療法,具有極 大的臨牀應用潛力。梅洛教授與夥伴憑著這項發現, 贏得2006年諾貝爾生理/醫學獎。 In his lecture ‘Return to the RNAi World: Rethinking Gene Expression, Evolution and Medicine’, Prof. Mello shared what he found in his research. He and his colleague Prof. Andrew Fire of the Carnegie Institution of Washington discovered RNA interference (RNAi) when they were investigating the genetic workings of the microscopic worm, C. elegans . RNAi is a natural but previously unrecognized process by which a certain form of RNAcan be manipulated to silence—or interfere with—the expression of a selected gene. The discovery brings two extraordinary impacts on biological science. Firstly, RNAi is now the state-of- the-art method by which scientists can knock out the expression of specific genes in cells, and to define the biological functions of those genes. Secondly, it is also showing promise in the clinic as a new class of gene- specific therapeutics. Their discovery won them the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2006. 維特里希教授 測定基因組改善生活素質 Prof. Wüthrich Determines Genome and Improves Quality of Life 維特里希教授是中大理學院榮譽教授,曾於2006年 5月初訪中大,主持同一系列的另一講座,而此次的 講座則題為「後基因組的研究—分子的結構」。 維特里希教授表示,他期望測定人類及其他物種的基 因組,可助改善生活素質。這除了要找出物種的基 因組DNA序列,還須深入認識蛋白質組和其他基因 產物,藉以促進農業、營養學和保健醫療等領域的 發展,達到造福人類的目標。他於講座上提出後基 因組研究的重要性,並探討科學界應該採取的策略和 行動。 維特里希教授以核磁共振方法,分析溶液中蛋白質和 核酸的三維結構。他憑這項突破性的研究技術,獲頒 2002年諾貝爾化學獎。 Prof. Wüthrich, honorary professor in the Faculty of Science at CUHK, first visited CUHK in May 2006 for a lecture in the same series. This time, the lecture was entitled ‘Molecular Structures in Post- genomic Research’. Prof. Wüthrich explained that the determination of the human genome and the genomes of a large number of other species carry great promise with regard to improving the quality of life worldwide. New advances are expected in many different fields, including agriculture, nutrition and healthcare. The realization of these advances will have to be based on detailed knowledge of the proteome and other gene products, in addition to the genomic DNA sequences. The lecture reflected on the strategic and practical aspects of post-genomic research. Prof. Wüthrich developed the nuclear magnetic resonance method for three-dimensional structure determination of proteins and nucleic acids in solution. This breakthrough technology earned him the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2002. 諾貝爾獎得主分享基因研究成果 Nobel Laureates Share Achievement in Genetics 2 002年諾貝爾化學獎得主庫爾特.維特里希教授 及2006年生理/醫學獎得主克雷格.梅洛教授, 分別於11月底及12月初 臨中大演講,是為第九及 第十度的「新鴻基地產(新地)諾貝爾獎得獎學人 傑出講座系列」。兩場講座合共吸引近七百人出 席,包括學者、學生、醫護人員及公眾人士等。梅 洛教授更與近百名中學生及大專生誠摯對話,分享 求學精神及學習心得。 大會特別安排直播兩場講座至本港多所大學、香 港中文大學—東華三院社區書院、香港教育城網 站,以及多所內地著名學府的網站即場收看,充分 體現學術無疆界。 中大校長劉遵義教授感謝新地慷慨贊助,令講座得 以成功舉行。他期望與新地長遠合作,邀請更多諾 貝爾獎得主到香港分享學術經驗。 P rof. Kurt Wüthrich, 2002 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, and Prof. Craig C. Mello, 2006 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, delivered a talk at CUHK in late November and early December respectively. The two lectures attracted close to 700 academics, students, health-care practitioners and members of the public. Prof. Mello also shared his passion for knowledge with about 100 secondary school and university students in another session. The lectures were broadcast live to local universities and the CUHK–Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Community College, as well as some key universities on the mainland. They were also available on the Hong Kong Education City website. The broadcast was intended to promote academic exchange and allow more people to benefit. These were the ninth and tenth instalments of Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) Nobel Laureates Distinguished Lectures. CUHK Vice-Chancellor Prof. Lawrence J. Lau thanked SHKP for its generous sponsorship for the project. He hopes the partnership will last for many more years to come.
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