Newsletter No. 311

第 311 期 2008 年 1 月 19 日 No. 311 19 January 2008 理學院為港培訓資優中學生 小精英國際科學賽揚威 Six Students Trained by Science Faculty Excel in International Olympiad 六 名初中生於12月2至11日在台北舉行的第四屆 「國際初中科學奧林匹克」比賽(科奧賽) 中,奪得1銀5銅的佳績。這項比賽專供中三至中四學 生參加,比試範圍為大學預科國際會考證書的生物、 化學和物理科目,香港是第二度參賽。 理學院去年獲教育局委託,培訓52名經選拔的資優 生,提升他們的科學知識水平及參賽技巧。理學院副 院長吳基培教授擔任統籌,並派出七位生物、化學 和物理系的導師,設計和教授一個為期約六個月共 160小時的密集式培訓課程。 為了讓學員兼顧學業及課外活動,大部分課堂編排於 暑假及週末進行。除課堂講授外,更安排學員接受實 驗培訓,結合實踐與理論。培訓於去年7月開始,分 為三階段,每階段完成後會再進行篩選,及至最後階 段選出六名學生代表香港參賽。他們的平均年齡只有 15歲,在來自世界38個地區的200名參賽精英者中脫 穎而出,成績更勝往年。吳基培教授說:「這足證香 港中學生的科學基礎普遍不俗,而理學院一直致力配 合香港優質教育的發展,累積 了培訓中學尖子及推動科普教 育的豐富經驗,亦樂意運用這 方面的專長及經驗,為資優生 提供專業的科學培訓。」 理學院推動本港資優教育不 遺餘力,學院獲教育局資 助,將開辦兩個免費的中 六資優生課程,其一在2至 5月舉行,題為「生命縱橫 談」,名額一百,程度與大 學一年級相約。學生完成課 程後如入讀中大,可申請豁 免兩個學分。另一是「海洋 物語」,由7月28日至8月1日 舉行,參與的25名學生需接 受密集的日營訓練,隨教授 到海岸實地考察和做實驗, 修畢後入讀中大亦可申請豁 免一個學分。 理學院導師名單 Science Faculty Trainers 生物系導師鍾國昌博士 Dr. Chung Kwok-cheong, instructor, Department of Biology 化學系高級導師陳永發博士 Dr. Chan Wing-fat, senior instructor, Department of Chemistry 化學系導師張羽伸博士 Dr. Cheung Yu-san, instructor, Department of Chemistry 化學系高級導師麥建華博士 Dr. Mak Kin-wah, senior instructor, Department of Chemistry 物理系高級導師鄭啟明博士 Dr. Cheng Kai-ming, senior instructor, Department of Physics 物理系導師彭金滿博士 Dr. Pang Kam-moon, instructor, Department of Physics 物理系高級導師王永雄博士 Dr. Wong Wing-hung, senior instructor, Department of Physics • • • • • • • 獲獎學生名單 Medalists of the Hong Kong Team 姓名 Name 學校 School 年級 Year 獎項 Prize 湯學豐 Tong Hok-fung 皇仁書院 Queen’s College 中四 S4 銀牌 Silver 周謙和 Chow Him-wo 英皇書院 King’s College 中四 S4 銅牌 Bronze 馮俊皓 Fung Jun-hou 加拿大國際學校 Canadian International School of Hong Kong 中四 S4 銅牌 Bronze 關展偉 Kwan Chin-wai 英華書院 Ying Wa College 中三 S3 銅牌 Bronze 蘇奕嘉 So Yik-wai 拔萃女書院 Diocesan Girls’ School 中三 S3 銅牌 Bronze 黃天慧 Wong Tin-wai 浸信會呂明才中學 Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School 中四 S4 銅牌 Bronze S ix gifted secondary science students trained by the Science Faculty of the University won one silver and five bronze medals for Hong Kong in the Fourth International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO), held in Taipei from 2 to 11 December 2007. The IJSO syllabus, adapted from the International Baccalaureate Programme for 15-year-old students, covered topics in physics, chemistry and biology up to Secondary 6 level. This was Hong Kong’s second year at IJSO. The Faculty of Science was commissioned by the Education Bureau last year to train 52 selected gifted students. Prof. Dennis K.P. Ng, associate dean of the Faculty, was the coordinator of the trainers, while seven instructors from the Departments of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics were responsible for designing and teaching the six-month (160 hours) intensive training course. Most of the classes took place at the weekends and during the summer holiday. Students also received training in laboratories so they could ground theory in practice. Opening last July, the course took place in three phases. After each phase, students were selected to take part in the next one. Then six students were chosen to represent Hong Kong in the Olympiad. The 200 gifted participants in the Olympiad came from 38 countries and regions. The average age of the Hong Kong representatives was only 15, yet they surpassed last year’s performance. Prof. Ng said, ‘This proves that Hong Kong’s secondary students have a good science foundation. The Faculty of Science has always contributed to the development of quality education in Hong Kong. We have accumulated much experience in training gifted secondary students and promoting popular science education.’ The Faculty has received funding from the Education Bureau to start two free courses for gifted Secondary 6 students. ‘Perspectives on Life’, to take place from February to May, has a quota of 100 students and will be of a similar level to a Year 1 course at university. Graduates of the course who are admitted to the Chinese University can apply for exemption of two credits. ‘Glimpses of the Oceans’, to take place from 28 July to 1 August, has a quota of 25 students. They will receive intensive training at a day-camp and will make field trips to the seashore. Graduates of this course can apply for exemption of one credit upon admission to the Chinese University. 化學系高級導 師麥建華博士 是負責培訓工 作 的 導 師 之 一,更帶領六 名代表到台北 參賽。他說: 「學生的反應 很開心,他們 發覺學習原來是可以很 有趣的。因為我們用上 了大學一、二年級的教 學法,除了講授,也有 討論和實驗,令他們大開眼界,學到很多新知。 「他們亦很專注學習,即使是午膳時間也不會浪費,用 餐後不是看書便是溫習。我是改卷員之一,故比賽期間 需與六位學生隔離,由當地接待人員負責他們的起居和 交流活動。接待人員事後向我稱讚他們的求知慾很強, 絕不放過任何學習機會,例如參觀科學館時,會拍照和 筆錄。學習以外,他們還是鋼琴高手!」 Dr. Mak Kin-wah, senior instructor at the Department of Chemistry, was one of the trainers. He was also responsible for taking the six representatives to Taipei for the Olympiad. ‘The students enjoyed the experience and realized that studying can be fun. We used the same teaching methods that we use for freshmen and sophomores. Besides lectures, there were discussions and experiments. They learnt a lot. ‘They were also dedicated. After lunch, they would read or revise. The local hosts who received them were impressed by their thirst for knowledge. Even during a visit to a science museum, they were busy taking notes and pictures. What’s more, they are excellent pianists!’ 「 學習原來是可以很有趣的。 」 ‘Studying can be fun.’ 初中科奧賽香港代表,左起:周謙和、湯學豐、蘇奕嘉、黃天慧、馮俊皓和關展偉 Junior Science Olympiad Hong Kong team (from left): Chow Him-wo, Tong Hok-fung, So Yik- wai, Wong Tin-wai, Fung Jun-hou, and Kwan Chin-wai