Newsletter No. 311

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter Besides an academic achiever, Karita is also a young lady of many talents. She is a gifted English choral speaker, flautist, pianist, writer, and a dedicated volunteer. She hopes to pursue a doctoral degree after completing her Master’s degree in politics, and eventually commit herself to education that improves people’s well-being. The Esther Yewpick Lee Millennium Scholarship is established with funds from the estate of the late Dr. Esther Yewpick Lee. The scholarship sponsors an outstanding graduate of CUHK each year to study at the University of Oxford. Karita's HK$800,000 scholarship covers tuition and accommodation fees at Oxford, a personal allowance, transportation expenses to and from Oxford, and traveling expenses related to learning. 中大國語辯論隊續佳績 CUHK Shines in Mainland Putonghua Debates 十 一月底是中大學生的考試季節,但國語辯論 隊的隊員,溫習之餘,更要抽空準備在內地 舉辦的兩場比賽。他們連日的努力沒有白費,於「日 立杯第十三屆中國名校大學生辯論賽」奪得亞軍,是 中大在該比賽歷年最佳成績;隊員張東山及劉冉,分 別在該比賽及「2007國際大學群英辯論會」獲得最佳 辯手。 中大隊於11月的「2007大專普通話辯論賽」擊敗港大 摘冠,連續兩年代表香港出戰中國名校大學生辯論 賽,並於12月遠征上海,進行為期一週的口才與智慧 的角逐。是次參賽隊伍共有八支,包括暨南大學、東 北林業大學、上海外國語大學、蘇州大學、武漢理工 大學、澳門大學和中國政法大學。 社會學系二年級的隊長劉冉表示,因隊 員賽前仍忙於應付考試及功課,只能在 抵達上海後,通宵達旦地準備,設定對 方論據破綻,模擬對壘。 總決賽以「強國先富民」為辯題,中大為 正方,對手是中國政法大學。一輪舌劍唇 槍之後,中大雖未能奪魁,屈居亞軍,但 獲評判高度評價,可謂雖敗猶榮。劉冉分 析續稱:「內地大學著重邏輯理論的訓 練,而我們擅於運用數字來驗證。評判盛 讚我們風格鮮明,敢於採用批評政府的 論據。」歷史系二年級的張東山,則獲選 為中大的最佳辯手。 此外,11月底於北京舉辦的國際大學群 英辯論會,六所來自香港、新加坡、澳 門、馬來西亞、內地及台灣的大學國語辯論隊對壘。 中大先擊敗馬來西亞的博特拉大學,躋身半準決賽, 迎戰中南財經政法大學,就「購買盜版應負法律責 任」互較高下。中大雖與總決賽緣慳一面,但劉冉同 學的表現仍贏得一致讚賞,榮膺該場比賽最佳辯手。 W hile all CUHK students were busy studying for the final examinations in late November, the Mandarin debating team still found time to prepare for two competitions in November and December. Their effort paid off—they were the second runner- up in the 13th Hitachi Cup Mainland Intervarsity Putonghua Debate Competition, the best result ever achieved by CUHK in the competition. Team members Zhang Dongshang (Year 2, history) and Liu Ran (Year 2, sociology) were respectively named best debater in that competition and another—the 2007 International Varsity Debate. Last November, the CUHK team defeated HKU in the Intervarsity Putonghua Debate Competition 2007 to capture its championship again and represent Hong Kong in the 13th Hitachi Cup. The cup, which featured eight participating universities, was held in December in Shanghai. The participants included Jinan University, Northeast Forestry University, Shanghai International Studies University, Soochow University, Wuhan University of Technology, University of Macau, and the champion, China University of Political Science and Law. Liu Ran, captain of the team, recalled the hardship of preparing for exams and the debates simultaneously. She said they would never forget the sleepless nights spent devising tactics, anticipating the weakness in their opponents’ arguments, and rehearsing. She also observed that the mainland teams were good at theoretical and logical thinking while their forte was illustrating arguments with statistics and figures. ‘The judging panel praised us for having a distinctive style and the courage to use arguments that were critical of the Government.’ The 2007 International Varsity Debate was held in late November in Beijing. Six institutions from Hong Kong, Singapore, Macau, Malaysia, mainland China and Taiwan took part in the event. Liu Ran was named best debater again. 中大隊內地作賽,左起:張東山、劉冉及張開圍 The CUHK team (from left): Zhang Dongshang, Liu Ran and Zhang Kaiwei 清風伴行 顯揚學界 哲學尖子負笈英倫 CUHK Top Scorer Wins Scholarship to Oxford 新 亞書院系應屆畢業生靳清揚獲頒利黃瑤璧千禧 獎學金,將於今年9月負笈牛津深造政治學碩 士課程。 清揚以八優的會考成績,透過中六生優先錄取計劃入讀 中大。她與中大淵源非淺,由於父親和伯父分別是歷史 和物理系校友,她自小已是中大校園的常客。到親自體 驗這兒的大學生活,她更發現:「教授們不但博學,更不 吝與學生分享人生經驗,關心我們的成長,啟發我認真 思考生命的意義及各種社會問題。大學和書院生活亦給 我很多課堂以外的學習機會,例如擔任新亞56周年院慶 活動的統籌,參與新亞書院/耶魯大學交換活動和大學 交換生計劃,到美國賓夕凡尼亞大學攻讀政治學一年。 這些難得的經驗,擴闊我的視野,鍛練我的規劃、組織 能力,以及人際關係技巧。」 清揚不單成績驕人,更是才華洋溢,精於英文朗誦、 銀笛、鋼琴及寫作,還通曉敲擊樂器,並熱衷參與 義工服務﹔正好貼切了她的雙親為她取名的意思— 「清」流,顯「揚」。 完成碩士課程後,清揚希望進修博士學位,日後獻身 有關促進民生的教育工作。 利黃瑤璧千禧獎學金,由利黃瑤璧博士遺贈予中大的 捐款所設立,每年悉數資助一位才德兼優的傑出中大 畢業生前往牛津大學深造,包括學費、住宿、零用 金、往返香港和英國的交通,以及相關學習的旅遊費 用。清揚的獎學金額約為八十萬港元。 K an Ching-yeung Karita (NewAsia College), a final- year student at the Department of Philosophy, has been awarded the Esther Yewpick Lee Millennium Scholarship to pursue a Master’s degree in politics at the University of Oxford starting in September this year. Karita had scored 8As in the HKCEE and been admitted to CUHK through the Early Admissions Scheme after completing Secondary 6. Karita had identified herself as a member of the University long before she was admitted. Her father and uncle are respectively alumni of the Department of History and the Department of Physics. To her, CUHK professors are not only excellent lecturers. ‘They also care about my personal growth and encourage me to reflect on the meaning of life and the problems facing our society. University and college life gave me a lot of opportunities to grow as a person.’