Newsletter No. 313

Information in this section can only  be accessed with CWEM password .   若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸 入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。 第 313 期 2008 年 3 月 4 日 No. 313 4 March 2008 文物館 Art Museum 《機暇清賞:懷海堂藏清代御窰瓷缾》 (中、英文) 林業強編 文物館展覽圖錄,收錄清代御窰瓷瓶143項。清代 是中國陶瓷生產的巔峰時期,景德鎮御窰廠燒製宮 廷御用瓷器,承前啟後,製作精良。著名收藏家鍾 棋偉懷海堂藏瓶、尊是清代御窰瓷瓶的首個專題展 覽,見證清代御窰廠的興盛、陶工精湛的技巧及富 麗堂皇的皇家氣象。 國際統一書號978-962-7101-84-0,精裝本,399頁 Ethereal Elegance: Porcelain Vases of the Imperial Qing The Huaihaitang Collection (In Chinese and English) Edited by Peter Y.K. Lam This exhibition catalogue, published by the Art Museum, showcases a total of 143 pieces of imperial porcelain vases of the Qing dynasty, selected from the Huaihaitang Collection of the world-renowned collector, Mr. Anthony K.W. Cheung. Production of porcelain reached its peak in the Qing dynasty. While inheriting tradition, the Imperial Factory of Jingdezhen also revealed its creativity and refined ceramic technology. This catalogue features an array of such masterpieces, highlighting the fine craftsmanship and the extravagance of the Imperial collection. ISBN 978-962-7101-84-0, hardcover, 399 pages 《寶蘊迎祥:承訓堂藏金》 (一函兩冊;上冊:商至元;下 冊:明至清) (中、英文) 林業強編 該圖錄輯錄商代至清代金飾共395項,約1,300件, 全部精選自承訓堂藏品。中國金飾題材豐富,常見的 有各式花卉草蟲、人物故事、吉祥圖案等,也有佛、 道、西藏等富宗教意味的題材,部分題材更反映中外 文化交流。 該書全面及有系統地介紹歷代中國金飾的豐富內容及多 姿多采的題材和技法。所有金飾均彩版精印,配以詳盡 中英文解說,最新的考古發掘資料及插圖。 國際統一書號978-962-7101-82-6,平裝連盒,704頁 Celestial Creations: Art of the Chinese Goldsmith The Cheng Xun Tang Collection Two volumes (Vol.1 from Shang to Yuan dynasties; Vol.2 from Ming to Qing dynasties) (Chinese and English) Edited by Peter Y.K. Lam In the catalogue, 395 items or 1,300 pieces of Chinese gold ornaments from the Shang to the Qing dynasties are featured. They are all selected from the renowned Cheng Xun Tang Collection. The catalogue provides a comprehensive and systematic introduction to the art of Chinese goldsmithery. The gold ornaments feature rich motifs ranging from flowers and insects to legendary figures and auspicious symbols. Alongside religious patterns originating in Buddhism, Daoism or Tibetan art, there are also exotic designs imported from the Middle East and the West. All the gold ornaments featured are fully illustrated with detailed descriptive entries in both Chinese and English. ISBN 978-962-7101-82-6, two volumes in a case, 704 pages