Newsletter No. 314

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 1. 本刊每月出版兩期,農曆新年和暑期停刊。 T he CUHK Newsletter is published on a fortnightly basis except during the Chinese New Year and summer vacation. 2. 截稿日期載於本刊網頁: Deadlines for contributions can be found at: 3. 來稿請寄沙田香港中文大學資訊處《中大通訊》編輯部(電話 2609 8681 / 2609 8589 ,傳真 2603 6864 ,電郵 ) 。 All contributions should be sent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter , Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (tel. 2609 8681 / 2609 8589; fax. 2603 6864; e-mail iso@cuhk. ). 4. 編輯有權刪改及決定是否刊登來稿。 The Editor reserves the right to decline contributions and to edit all articles. 香港中文大學資訊處出版 Published by the Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 編者 CUHK Newsletter 梁光漢先生 Mr. Philip K.H. Leung 資訊科技服務處重組的原因是甚麼? What are the reasons for the restructuring? 大學在學術領域和組織結構急速發 展,各教研部門和行政單位愈趨依賴 資訊科技的協助,而資訊技術的發展 一日千里,加上我們客戶的期望不斷 提升,是促成改組原因。 The University is developing rapidly academically and organizationally. Departments and administrative units depend increasingly on the assistance of information technology. The expectations of our clients are also rising given the speed at which IT is developing. That is basically why we need to restructure. 改組的理念是甚麼? What are the basic concepts of the restructuring? 我們精簡了架構,以利同事們接觸更 廣泛的工作類別和專業,也鼓勵他們 提升管理和溝通等技巧,好在管理梯 隊中接班。 We streamlined the administrative structure to provide our staff with opportunities for more diverse job exposure to enrich their experience. They are also encouraged to develop skills in planning, management and communication. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 資 訊科技服務處(ITSC) 為學生和教職員提 供24小時的全天候多元化服 務,範圍廣及教學、科研、行政管理、辦公室運作、宿 舍網絡、無線網絡、電郵及萬維網信息等。資訊科技服務處 去年重組,處長梁光漢先生向本刊解述了箇中原因和改變。 硬件設施會否也有更新? Are there any changes in hardware? ITSC設於碧秋樓的主機房已運作了二十多 年,配套設施逐漸老化。新的資訊設備對 空調、空氣流動、電力負荷、後備電源、 網路線路敷設、地台承力、防火、防水和 環保等均有特定的要求,要改裝碧秋樓以 符合新要求並不容易。 去年我們已把24小時操作值班人員的工作台 從主機房遷往辦公室,以騰出空間容納更多 的服務器、空調和後備電源裝置。可是,我 相信這也無法承受在未來五至十年的增長和 空間需求。 The central computer room of ITSC located in Pi Ch’iu Building has been operating for over 20 years. The supporting infrastructure is wearing out. Installing new equipment places new demands on space, ventilation, electrical supplies, fireproof and waterproof facilities and so on. It is not easy to overhaul Pi Ch’iu Building to meet these requirements. Last year, the master operator consoles were moved out of the central computer room to free upmore space for servers, air-conditioners and back-up electrical facilities. However, we believe these changes will not be able to cope with the need in five to 10 years. ■ ■ 最大的變化在哪裡? What is the most obvious change? 改組後,ITSC下設四個部門及兩個組 別。較為突出的變化,是增加了「教研 支援部」和「信息安全組」。前者專責 服務學生和教科研人員,要了解客戶的 需要,才能提供切合他們的服務,配合 中文大學教學及研究並重的發展。後者 針對信息安全工作在全球正急速膨脹和 複雜化的趨勢,這些都是本地院校資訊 服務單位中較為少見的組織。 ITSC now has four divisions and two sections. The most important change is the establishment of the Academic Support Division and the Information Security Section. The former focuses on the needs of students, teachers, and researchers. Only by understanding our clients’ needs can we provide them with tailor-made services, and in turn, facilitate the development of CUHK as a comprehensive research university. The Information Security Section concentrates on developing policies and guidelines in the protection of institutional information assets and personal data. Both offices are very unique compared to other IT units in local institutions. ■ ■ 有甚麼解決方法? What are the possible solutions? 我們已向大學校舍規劃委員會提交建議, 在規劃新樓宇時預撥地方設立第二個主機 機房,除了紓緩空間,也可用作提供後備 支援,確保最重要的服務不會間斷。 We have proposed to the Committee on Space Allocation to set up a second central computer room in buildings under design. The second central computer room will house the expanding equipment base and resilient facilities of the most critical campus information service components. 今後ITSC在大學的發展將擔任甚麼角色? What is the role of ITSC in the future development of the University? ITSC集資訊科技的應用、服務和管理於一 身,在資訊的整合和數據處理自動化方面 擔當著重要的角色。也因為這樣,ITSC可 進一步協助部門改善和優化工作流程,從 而提升管理效率。此外,我們負責管理大 量敏感數據和信息,信息安全和保障個人 私隱的責任將更加重要。我們也歡迎同學 和教職員提出有關服務方面的建議。 ITSC has been (a) leading our user communities in effectively utilizing information technologies, (b) providing related services and (c) employing the technologies for management and administration of the University. We have an inescapable responsibility in information integration and streamlining administrative operations. Hence, we are always willing to assist any office in developing more effective and efficient workflows. And sincewe handle a lot of sensitive data and information, we are also keen on information security and protection of individual's privacy. We welcome suggestions from our clients to further improve our services. ■ ■ ■ ■ T he Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC) provides staff and students with 24-hour services, including support to teaching, research, administration, office management, as well as student hostel network, campus wireless network, email service and world wide web information. Last year, ITSC underwent a restructuring. Mr. Philip K.H Leung, director of ITSC, talked about the reasons for the restructuring and the changes it has entailed. 技術服務部 Technical Services Division 行政事務組 Administrative Support Section 信息安全組 Information Security Section 萬維網應用小組 Web Application Team 系統與操作 小組 Systems and Operations Team 網絡小組 Campus Network Team 學生系統小組 Student Systems Team 人力資源及 財務系統小組 Human Resources and Finance Systems Team 業務管理解決 方案小組 Departmental Solutions Team 優化程序及系統 整合小組 Best Practice and Integration Team 網絡教學小組 eLearning Team 科研運算小組 Research Computing Team 資訊基建部 Infrastructure Division 行政系統部 Administrative Systems Division 教研支援部 Academic Support Division 資訊科技服務處重組知多少? Information Technology Services Centre Restructuring