Newsletter No. 316

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 四 十五位中大員工加入中文大學 超過二十五年,與中大同行四分 一世紀,渡過黃金歲月。他們見證了對 岸的馬鞍山由一片荒蕪走向高廈林立, 校園的幼苗茁長成蔭,案頭的打字機轉 為電腦。在跳槽頻頻的年代,員工與校 方能互相信賴、彼此珍惜,更是彌足珍 貴。 大學頒發2007年度長期服務獎予這批員 工(名單見315期《中大通訊》),表揚他 們多年來的忠誠服務。頒獎禮於4月7日 在大學賓館舉行,由校長劉遵義教授主 禮。 劉校長致辭時表示,適逢中大45周年, 恰有45位員工獲獎,別具意義。他強調 這並非「老人牌」,而是認定他們為大學 的寶貴資產。他讚揚同工為中大作出的 貢獻,過去香港經過順境逆境,大學經 歷學制改變、削減資源、先後由五位校 長領導,有賴同工的忠誠及努力,中大得 以邁步向前,蓬勃發展。 頒獎禮當天,除了獲獎員工,最高興的莫 過於他們的上司。邵逸夫堂繼去年有三 位員工獲獎後,今年續有三位。在這只 有十多人的單位,竟有六位同事合作無 間二十多載,彼此建立了深厚的默契, 做起事來自是得心應手,難怪邵逸夫堂 經理蔡錫昌先生喜悅之情溢於言表。此 外,解剖學系及物業管理處則分別有四 人及五人獲此殊榮。 大學今日的成就,靠的是不同部門及單 位的同工,各自緊守崗位,而又上下一 心,竭誠盡責。每一位員工,都是不可或 缺的基石,《中大通訊》特訪問了部分得 獎者的心聲及難忘經歷,以及幾位部門 主管的感受。 周陳文琬女士(入學及學生資助處處長) Mrs. Grace Chow (Director of Admissions and Financial Aid) 「我在中大的工作,多與學生有關。中大的靈山秀水,孕育了一代又一代人才—美麗的面孔、好學的心靈。大學是一 處令人永遠年輕的地方,大學也本應如此。因為年輕,可以嘗試,可以堅持。能秉持信念、直抒胸臆,誠為大學最寶貴 的東西。鍾靈毓秀的中大,代代薪傳,歲月流金,我盼望將來能把走過的中大路、遇過的中大人記上一筆。」 ‘Most of my work at CUHK has to do with students. This remarkable campus has nurtured generations of talent—beautiful faces and inquisitive minds. A university is a place where one stays young. That’s how it should be because the young are willing to try, to persist, to stand by their beliefs and to speak their minds. These are the most valuable things about a university. At the Chinese University, generations have passed on the torch of learning. I hope that one day I can put on paper some of my experiences at CUHK and the people I met here.’ 梁秉中教授(中醫中藥研究所所長) Prof. P.C. Leung (Director, Institute of Chinese Medicine) 「從1982年獲聘為醫學院首任矯形外科與創傷學講座教授,轉瞬間已踏入26年。 四分一世紀的中大生 涯,當然回味無窮。中大給我很多機會:建立世界水平的骨科單位、領導新亞書院、負責通識教育的策 劃、改組和發展中醫中藥研究所,並支持我在校外的社會活動和國內扶貧工作。中大 給我的每一個機會,我都珍惜無限,努力發揮。」 ‘Twenty-six years have passed in the blink of an eye. Since I joined CUHK as the first Professor of Orthopaedics and Traumatology at the Faculty of Medicine 26 years ago, I have savoured every moment. CUHK has given me many valuable experiences to which I have devoted myself. I was appointed to lead the orthopaedics unit to attain world-class excellence and I was Head of New Asia College. I also had the opportunity to take part in planning and organizing general education programmes, and to reform and develop the Institute of Chinese Medicine. Moreover, the University encouraged me to serve the community and help poverty-stricken regions in mainland China. I appreciate all these opportunities.’ 鄧袁慧文女士(管理學系一級執行助理) Mrs. Tang Yuen Wai-man Shirley (Executive Assistant I, Department of Management) 「以前在工商管理碩士課程的辦公室工作時,上司Prof. John Espy常替學生寫推薦信,申請求職或留學,有時會叫我替他用打字機填寫推 薦表格。調往管理學系後,發覺有一位老師的名字有點熟悉,及後才發現原來當年 我曾替Prof. John Espy準備他的推薦信。這位老師後來也成為我的上司,想起來真有點 湊巧。」 ‘I worked in the MBA Programmes office and my supervisor was Prof. John Espy. He always wrote reference letters for his students to apply for jobs or to postgraduate programmes and I was responsible for typing them up. After transfering to the Department of Management, I noticed that one of the teachers’ name was very familiar. Later I found out that he was one of the students who had asked Prof. John Espy to be his referee. That teacher is my supervisor now. What a coincidence!’ in CUHK Newsletter No. 315). CUHK Vice-Chancellor Prof. Lawrence J. Lau officiated at the awards presentation ceremony held on 7 April at the University Guest House. Prof. Lau pointed out the coincidence of having 45 awardees on the University’s 45th anniversary. He praised the staff for their loyalty and dedication, and for standing by the University despite changes such as higher education reforms, cuts in government funding, and changes of University leadership. He attributed the University’s progress to their perseverance and persistence. The unit heads felt equally pleased and honoured as the awardees. Sir Run Run Shaw Hall has had three awardees in two consecutive years and happiness was written all over the face of hall manager Mr. Hardy Tsoi. Imagine how smooth operations must be in this office of not more than 20 staff of whom at least six have been there for over 25 years. There were five awardees from the Estates Management Office and four from the Department of Anatomy. Some of the awardees and their unit heads have spoken to the Newsletter about their CUHK experience. 歲月留痕 潤物無聲──得獎人心聲 T ogether W e H ave G rown and T hrived F orty-five members of staff have joined the University for more than 25 years and witnessed the advancement of the University over a quarter of a century. During this time, large housing blocks were erected in remote Ma On Shan, saplings grew into trees, and the typewriter was replaced by the computer. In an era when people do not hold jobs for life, the relationship of mutual trust and respect built over the years between staff members and the University becomes priceless. The 45 staff members were awarded the Long Service Award 2007 (the full list of awardees was published