Newsletter No. 319
第 319 期 2008 年 6 月 4 日 No. 319 4 June 2008 第三一九期 二零零八年六月四日 No. 319 4 June 2008 梁秉中教授—融合中西醫術,堪稱現代華佗 Prof. Leung Ping-chung—integrating Western and Chinese medical knowledge 矯形外科及創傷學榮休講座教授梁秉中教授是知名顯微外科及手部外科專家,他 自2000年起出任中大中醫中藥研究所所長至今,又曾任新亞書院院長。 Prof. Leung Ping-chung is an eminent expert in microsurgery and hand surgery. He has contributed significantly to CUHK and New Asia College by serving as the head of New Asia College. He has been the director of the Institute of Chinese Medicine, CUHK since 2000. 許耀君醫生—履仁蹈義,體現儒家理想人格 Dr. Hui Yiu-kwan Dennis—exemplifying the Confucian spirit 許耀君醫生為本港傑出企業家,現任讓成置業有限公司永遠董事及許讓成紀念基 金有限公司董事總經理。許醫生及其家族多年來慷慨支持中大及新亞書院。他自 2003年起擔任新亞書院校董。 Dr. Hui Yiu-kwan Dennis is a distinguished entrepreneur in Hong Kong. He is currently the permanent director of Yeung Shing Land Investment Co., Ltd. and the managing director of Hui Yeung Shing Memorial Foundation. For years, Dr. Hui and his family have been distinguished benefactors of CUHK and New Asia College. He became a trustee of New Asia College in 2003. 楊汝萬教授—精通「地」「理」,兼擅理論與實踐 Prof. Yeung Yue-man—geographer conversant with both theory and practice 地理學榮休講座教授楊汝萬教授,1984年加入中大任地理學講座教授和系主任,歷 任大學教務長、逸夫書院院長、香港亞太研究所所長及滬港發展聯合研究所所長。 Prof. Yeung Yue-man is an Emeritus Professor of Geography. He joined CUHK in 1984 as Professor of Geography and chairman of the Geography Department. He has contributed to CUHK by serving as registrar, Head of Shaw College, director of the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies and director of the Shanghai–Hong Kong Development Institute. 屈志仁教授—目光遠大,為文物館奠定方向 Prof. James C.Y. Watt—defining visionary mission of University museum 現任美國紐約大都會博物館亞洲藝術部主任的屈志仁教授,1971年加入中大,任 中國文化研究所文物館創館館長,以支援大學的教學和研究為文物館的首要任務。 Prof. James C.Y. Watt is the Brooke Russell Astor Chairman of the Department of Asian Art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. In 1971, he joined CUHK as the founding curator of the Art Gallery (subsequently renamed Art Museum) of the Institute of Chinese Studies. He defined the University museum’s primary mission as supporting teaching and research projects. 中大頒四榮譽院士 CUHK Confers Four Honorary Fellowships 左起:許耀君醫生、梁秉中教授、屈志仁教授、楊汝萬教授 From left: Dr. Hui Yiu-kwan Dennis, Prof. Leung Ping-chung, Prof. James C.Y. Watt, Prof. Yeung Yue-man 中 大在5月19日舉行第七屆榮譽院士頒授典禮,大學校董會主席鄭維健博士主禮,頒院 士銜予四位與中大淵源深厚的賢達,表彰他們對大學及社會的卓越貢獻。當日出席 典禮的嘉賓包括前中大校長、現聯合書院校董李國章教授、1994年中大榮譽社會科學博士冼 為堅博士、1998年中大榮譽社會科學博士方潤華博士,以及聯合書院校董張景文牧師等。 典禮當晚,大學設宴款待逾80位嘉賓,同賀四位新院士。鄭維健博士席上致辭時,稱讚四 人學術成就獨當一面,且是中大的支持者、革新者、守望者。 T he Chinese University of Hong Kong held its Seventh Honorary Fellowship Conferment Ceremony on 19 May. Four distinguished persons who have been closely associated with the University were conferred the title of honorary fellowship in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the University and the community. Dr. Edgar Cheng, chairman of the University Council, presided at the ceremony. Guests in attendance included Prof. Arthur K.C. Li, former Vice-Chancellor of CUHK and current trustee of United College; Dr. David W.K. Sin, 1994 Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa , CUHK; Dr. Fong Yun-wah, 1998 Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa , CUHK; and Rev. Cheung King-man, trustee of United College. On the same day, a banquet in honour of the honorary fellows was held. Over 80 guests were in attendance. Speaking about the honorary fellows at the banquet, Dr. Edgar Cheng said, ‘In their own fields or spheres of influence, each of them is a renowned figure who commands great respect and has made seminal contributions.’ He continued, ‘They have been champions, pioneers and overseers of the development of the University.’
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