Newsletter No. 320

第 320 期 2008 年 6 月 19 日 No. 320 19 June 2008 公共衞生學院 開拓內地合作 School of Public Health Builds Links with Mainland 中 文大學公共衞生學院及其下多個中心, 最近與內地不同學術機構及衞生部門簽 署協議,拓展夥伴關係。 此外,學院本年9月再度開辦公共衞生學副修課 程,無論理科或非理科的本科生均可修讀,科 目包括公共衞生學基礎、流行病學、生物統計 學和醫療體系等,除了加深學生對衞生及疾病 課題的瞭解,亦會討論醫療體系和緊急服務等 變革帶來的挑戰。( ) 學院的何鴻燊防治傳染病 研究中心於4月舉辦第五 屆科學研討會,課題包括 傳染病對社區和醫院的威 脅、輸入性的傳染病、病 毒性肝炎及流行性感冒 等。中心副主任許樹昌教 授(右)和中國科學院微 生物研究所所長高福教授 (左)會上簽署了科研合 作協議。 The Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases (CEID) of the SPH organized the 5th Annual Scientific Symposium in April. Topics examined included the threats of infectious diseases to the community and their effects on hospitals, imported infections, viral hepatitis and influenza. At the symposium, an MOU was signed between CEID and the Institute of Microbiology. Prof. Hui Shu-cheong David (right), deputy director of CEID and Prof. George Gao (left), director-general of the Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, signed the MOU. The two institutions pledged to consolidate collaboration in scientific research. 學院與重慶市及英國卡迪夫市於4月簽訂備忘。 三方將籌辦互訪、醫生培訓和科研合作。 葛菲雪教授(前排右一)和英國威爾斯首席醫務 幹事Dr. Tony Jewell(前排右二)均認為,重慶 及卡迪夫兩地在人口、醫療系統和地理位置等甚 為相似,期望雙方可建立更緊密的合作關係。 由於中大與重慶早有良好連繫,因此,中大可 充當重慶及卡迪夫交流的橋樑,讓重慶學習卡 迪夫保健醫療服務的體系模式。三方其後亦會 致力研究是否可把這模式推廣至中國其他地 方。相信三方的持續合作,將令中國整體得益。 學院的臨床試驗中心與復旦 大學藥學院在4月簽署合作協 議,建立合作平台,促進互利 互惠的科研及其他學術合作。 具體方案包括聯辦臨床專業人 員培訓課程,以及開拓其他臨 床試驗項目。 簽署儀式的主禮嘉賓包括復旦 大學藥學院院長朱依諄教授 (前排左)、副院長葉德泳教授(後排中)、公共衞生學院院長葛菲雪教授 (前排右)以及臨床試驗中心主任徐仲鍈教授(後排左)。 In April, the Centre for Clinical Trials (CCT) of the SPH signed an MOU with the School of Pharmacy of Fudan University (SPFDU). The memorandum allows the two parties to develop collaboration in research and other academic activities of mutual benefit to both. Specifically, it will include a joint education and training programme for clinical research professionals in clinical trials. The MOU signing ceremony was officiated by Prof. Zhu Yizhun (left, front row), dean of SPFDU; Prof. Ye Deyong (centre, back row), vice-dean of SPFDU; Prof. Sian Griffiths (right, front row), director of the SPH; and Prof. Zee Chung-ying Benny (left, back row), director of CCT. A number of memoranda of understanding (MOUs) were signed between centres at the University’s School of Public Health (SPH) and academic institutions or health service organizations in mainland China. The MOUs will contribute to closer partnership with the mainland. Meantime the SPHwill offer theMinor Programme in Public Health for the second year for CUHK undergraduates. The programme enables both science and non-science students to become familiar with current public health issues. Courses include Foundations in Public Health, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Health System. Students will not only have a better understanding of health and disease, they will also engage in discussions of hot social issues such as health care reform and the challenges of responding to medical emergencies. ( ) The SPH entered into a partnership in April with Chongqing Municipality in China and the city of Cardiff in the UK. Following the signing of the MOU, the trio will arrange visits, doctor training, and research collaborations. Prof. Sian Griffiths (1st right, front row) and Dr. Tony Jewell (2nd right, front row), chief medical officer of Wales, believe that given the similarities between Chongqing and Cardiff in terms of population, healthcare system, and geographical location, closer working links should be established between these two places. CUHK, which has well-established links with Chongqing, serves as a platform for the latter to learn from Cardiff’s health service system. It is believed that sustainable connections between the three parties will benefit China as a whole. 重慶及卡迪夫 Chongqing and Cardiff 復旦大學 Fudan University 中國科學院 Chinese Academy of Sciences 第三屆拍全能錦標賽2008 The third CUHK Racketlon Championships 2008 ■ 其他消息 Other News 以下消息詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following news are available at: 思源基金會慈善中樂演奏會為中大醫學院籌得近一百萬元 The Si Yuan Foundation Chinese Music Charity Concert raised close to HK$1 million for the Faculty of Medicine ■ 平等機會委員會高級訓練主任 林卓姿女士(右) 臨中大主 講兩個預防校園性騷擾工作坊 Two sexual harassment prevention workshops were conducted on campus by Ms. Cynthia Lam (right), senior training officer of the Equal Opportunities Commission ■