Newsletter No. 320

第 320 期 2008 年 6 月 19 日 No. 320 19 June 2008 青年學者研究成就獎 Young Researcher Award 2007 心理學系張謙教授 (右二) Prof. Cheung Him, Department of Psychology (2nd right) 獲獎研究 Awarded research: 複雜補語及一般語能力在小童心靈理論發展中的角色:來自英語及粵語的 證據 Relative Roles of General and Complementation Language in Theory-of-mind Development: Evidence from Cantonese and English Research 「堅持不懈是解決難題的關鍵。從事研究者,須先相信自己的研究,隨之如 推銷員般努力使周遭人士認同,當中更要保持彈性,得隨時修正自己的假 設。在堅持和彈性之間,往往需要很多創意來連繫,研究工作由是充滿挑戰 性和滿足感。」 ‘Perseverance is the key. First you have to believe in your research. Then you go round and convince people like a salesman. Yet in this process you do have to maintain some flexibility: always be prepared to modify hypotheses. The integration of perseverance and flexibility requires a lot of creativity. And this is quite a challenging yet fulfilling task.’ 法律學院王江雨教授 (右一) Prof. Wang Jiangyu, School of Law (1st right) 獲獎研究 Awarded research: 以中國大陸為主要研究對象,指出國家應推行循序漸進的改革,並維持一定 的規管和保留獨立的金融決策權 Research showing that gradualist reform should be combined with the maintenance of regulation and the retention of independent financial policy- making power in mainland China 「中國的金融制度正在轉型,以便與全球經濟體系接軌。研究結果可作為決 策者的指引。研究的障礙不少,主要是內地的政治和法律環境仍然不夠透 明,要取得相關資訊並不容易。」 ‘The financial institution building in China is at a transition stage toward integration into the global economy. Related research can have profound policy implications for China policy-makers. The greatest difficulty of my research lies in extracting relevant information from China, as the political and legal environments are still opaque.’ 精神科學系項玉濤博士 (左一) Dr. Xiang Yutao, Department of Psychiatry (1st left) 現職 Current post: 精神科學系博士後研究員 Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Psychiatry 獲獎研究 Awarded research: 探討在中國大陸推行重返社區計劃,協助精神分裂症患者康復的效果。 該計劃是一種規範化和有步驟的心理社會干預手段 The validation and introduction to mainland China of a community re-entry module for schizophrenia rehabilitation, a standardized and structured psychosocial intervention 「記得剛來中大修讀博士學位課程,最大的困難是語言障礙,包括粵語和 英語。感謝指導老師、朋友和同事的幫助,很快地語言便再不是問題了。 指導老師和家人一直都支持和鼓勵,讓我渡過研究的高低潮。」 ‘The language barrier—English and Cantonese—was the biggest challenge at the very beginning of my studies in Hong Kong, but the two languages became easier very rapidly with the assistance of my supervisor, friends, and colleagues. Continuous encouragement from my family and supervisor supported me through the highs and lows of conducting research.’ 劉 校長(中)與八位青年學者研究成就獎得主。左 起:文學院藝術系韋一空教授、工商管理學院 管理學系許濬教授、教育學院體育運動科學系許世全教 授、工程學院機械與自動化工程學系廖維新教授、醫學 院精神科學系鄧偉光教授、理學院化學系劉志鋒教授、 社會科學院心理學系張謙教授及法律學院王江雨教授。 青年學者研究成就獎於2003年設立,迄今共有三十一人 獲獎。 P rof. Lau (centre) and the eight recipients of the award (from left): Prof. Frank Vigneron (Department of Fine Arts, Faculty of Arts), Prof. Hui Chun (Department of Management, Faculty of Business Administration), Prof. Hui Sai-chuen Stanley (Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, Faculty of Education), Prof. Liao Wei-hsin (Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Faculty of Engineering), Prof. Tang Wai-kwong (Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine), Prof. Liu Zhifeng (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science), Prof. Cheung Him (Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Science), and Prof. Wang Jiangyu (School of Law). First presented in 2003, the award has 31 recipients to date, including this year’s new awardees. 三 位研究生最佳研究成績獎得主。左 起:醫學院精神科學系項玉濤博 士、教育學院教育心理學系陳高偉先生及文 學院音樂系黃海茵小姐。他們與嘉賓分享研 究時遇到的困難,以及獲獎的心情。另外, 工程學院電子工程學系霍美寶博士及理學院 數學系劉宏宇博士,因身處外國,未能出席 頒獎典禮。 T hree of the honourees (from left): Dr. Xiang Yutao (Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine), Mr. Chen Gaowei (Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education), and Miss Wong Hoi- yan (Department of Music, Faculty of Arts) shared the joys of being awarded and the difficulties they faced in their research. The other two awardees, namely, Dr. Fok Mei-po Mable (Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering), and Dr. Liu Hongyu (Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science) were honoured in absentia . 研究生最佳研究成績獎 Award for the Best Research Output by Research Postgraduate Students 2007