Newsletter No. 320

Information in this section can only  be accessed with CWEM password .   若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸 入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。 第 320 期 2008 年 6 月 19 日 No. 320 19 June 2008 工作簽證延期手續 Employment Visa Extension 非擁有香港居留權之僱員,請留意在港工作簽證之期 限,並須於期限屆滿前四星期內,向入境處辦理延期手 續。僱員可向人事處(電話:2609 7292/7232/7291)索 取在職證明,以供申請延期之用。 為節省輪候時間,僱員可於互聯網( ) 向入境處分區辦事處預約辦理手續,惟不適用於須在入 境處總部遞交申請之人士。工作簽證獲延期後,請將副 本傳真至人事處(傳真:2603 5223)存檔。 Staff members who do not hold the right of abode in Hong Kong are reminded to check the validity of their employment visas. They should arrange to renew their employment visas within four weeks prior to the expiry date. An application for extension of the employment visa requires a sponsorship letter from the University to certify the applicant’s employment status. Staff may approach the Personnel Office (Tel: 2609 7292/7232/7291) for the sponsorship letter. Staff members can make an appointment for visa extension via the Internet at Immigration Branch Offices. This service is not available to those required to file their applications at the Immigration Department’s head- quarters. Upon successful application for visa extension, staff members should provide a copy of the latest visa endorsement to the Personnel Office (Fax: 2603 5223). 新任講座教授 Professorial Appointment 大學委任劉潤皇教授為外科學講 座教授,由2008年5月19日生效。 劉教授於新南威爾斯大學習醫, 1 9 8 7年獲內外全科醫學士, 1991年取得愛丁堡皇家外科醫學院院士資格, 1995年獲香港醫學專科學院院士及香港外科醫學院 院士,2001年獲中大頒授醫學博士學位。 劉教授於1995年加入中文大學,任外科學系名譽臨 床講師,1998年起任名譽臨床副教授,2006年起任 該系教授。 Prof. Lau Yun-wong James has been appointed Professor of Surgery with effect from 19 May 2008. Prof. Lau received an MB BS from the University of New South Wales in 1987 and a fellowship from the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh in 1991. He became a fellow of the Academy of Medicine, Hong Kong, and the College of Surgeon, Hong Kong, in 1995. In 2001, Prof. Lau obtained an MD from the Chinese University. Prof. Lau joined CUHK in 1995 as honorary clinical lecturer in the Department of Surgery. He then served as honorary clinical associate professor in 1998 and has served as professor since 2006. 設立網站 延續關懷 A Website That Cares 四川地震發生 後,中大各單 位透過各種渠道 協助賑災及哀悼 死者。大學特設 立名為「暖意長 流,念念歸川」 的網站,報道中 大人參與賑濟工 作的相關消息,希望中大同人繼續發揮民吾同胞的精 神,積極支援災區重建工作。 歡迎中大人在網站分享對於地震和賑災工作的看法、建 議或親身經歷,請電郵: 。 After the earthquake in Sichuan Province, University units offered assistance and mourned the victims in various shapes and forms. A website named ‘A Campus That Cares’ has been set up to provide the latest information on what has been and will be done by the campus community for the earthquake victims. CUHK looks forward to your continued support. You are welcome to email your views, thoughts, suggestions and eyewitness accounts of the earthquake and relief works to .