Newsletter No. 325

No. 325,19.10.2008 1. 本刊每月出版兩期,農曆新年和暑期停刊。截稿日期 載於本刊網頁 ( 。 2. 來稿請寄沙田香港中文大學資訊處《中大通訊》編輯部 (電話 2609 8681/2609 8589,傳真 2603 6864,電郵 。 3. 編輯有權刪改及決定是否刊登來稿。 香港中文大學資訊處出版 1. The CUHK Newsletter is published on a fortnightly basis except during the Chinese New Year and the summer vacation. Deadlines for contributions can be found at . 2. All contributions should be sent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter , Information Services Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (tel. 2609 8681 / 2609 8589; fax. 2603 6864; e-mail . 3. The Editor reserves the right to decline contributions and to edit all articles. Published by the Information Services Office, CUHK 一紙在手,感覺踏實。然而,為減少大量印刷對環境造成的損害,請與朋友分享本通訊,或上網( ) 閱覽。謝謝您愛護環境。 We all like the feel of paper. But this newsletter will increase your carbon footprint. So share a copy with friends or read it online at your own leisure ( ). Thank you for supporting the environment. O 善用網上通訊錄 查找最新聯絡資料 Contact Information Search with Online Contact Directory 為方便大學同仁快速查找各學系/部門/單位及教職員的聯絡電話、電郵、網址及地址,校 方設立了網上通訊錄(Online Contact Directory簡稱OCD),並由各學系/部門的網上通 訊錄管理員負責更新有關資料。 OCD由資訊處管理,只供教職員及學生使用,並須經由大學的入門網站 MyCUHK ( ) 以校園電子郵件系統號碼登入。如發現自己的聯絡資 料有錯漏,請通知所屬學系/部門/單位的網上通訊錄管理員,管理員名單已上載至OCD。 資訊處刻下正從網上通訊錄提取資料,編印《2009通訊錄》。感謝網上通訊錄管理員的 持續支援,更新OCD資料,使印刷版通訊錄的籌備工作更為順利。 The web-based Online Contact Directory (OCD) has been launched to facilitate the searching and viewing of contact information of staff members and departments/offices/ units. The information is collected and updated by the nominated OCD Administrator(s) of departments/offices/units. Managed by the Information Services Office, the directory is open to University staff members and current students only via MyCUHK ( ). Access is controlled by the campus-wide email passwords (CWEM). Please contact the OCD Administrator(s) of your department/office/unit if your contact information is not up-to- date. The list of OCD Administrator(s) can be found in the directory itself. The data of the OCD has recently been captured for compiling the printed version of the Contact Directory 2009 . The Information Services Office takes this opportunity to thank all administrators for keeping the OCD up-to-date. 思源館重新開放 Si Yuan Amenities Centre Reopens 聯合書院思源文娛中心思源館於本年10月8日起重新開放,由書院直接管理。思源館位於 鄭棟材樓地庫,遠眺吐露港,面積約三百六十平方米,可容納約一百人,館內設有酒吧、表 演台、卡拉OK及桌球室等。營業時間為星期二至五,下午5時至晚上11時;星期六、日及公 眾假期則為下午3時至晚上9時。 思源館由思源基金會於2001年捐助建立,歡迎校內單位、學生團體及校友租用作研 討會、講座、學生活動、校友聚會及私人派對等用途。訂座及查詢請致電26097574 或26037486。 The United College Si Yuan Amenities Centre has reopened on 8 October 2008. It is now directly managed by the College. Situated on the lower ground floor of the T.C. Cheng Building and overlooking Tolo Harbour, United College, the centre has a total floor area of 360m² and can serve up to 100 people. Facilities include a bar, a performance stage, a karaoke lounge and a pool table. The centre is open on Tuesdays to Fridays from 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm, and on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays from 3:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The United College Si Yuan Amenities Centre was established in 2001 with a generous donation from the Si Yuan Foundation. The centre is open to students, staff and alumni of the University. It is also an ideal venue for holding departmental workshops, talks, student activities, alumni reunion gatherings and parties. For reservation or enquiry, please call 26097574 / 26037486. 訃告 Obituary 本校職員陳偉國先生於2008年9月28日逝世,校方深致哀悼。陳先生於1998年5月14日 加入中大,擔任逸夫書院樓宇管理員。 The University mourns the passing of Mr. Chan Wai-kwok on 28 September 2008. Mr. Chan joined the University on 14 May 1998 and had served as a caretaker in Shaw College. 校園發展計劃:規劃概念諮詢完成 Campus Master Planning: Completion of Consultation on Conceptual Planning 香港中文大學決定為放眼至2021年及以後的長遠規劃制訂具前瞻性和可持續的校園發展 計劃,並委任凱達環球有限公司及其海外夥伴英國葛艾活建築師事務所為規劃顧問。 顧問公司已提交《校園規劃概念文件》,針對現時校園建築物分散的情況,建議採取綜合 規劃的方法,按學科、活動或用途確定不同發展群,以免出現欠缺重心的零碎校園,並把 校園最初分為三層區段的特點再度凸顯。 顧問公司還對校園發展的六項重點規劃課題提出了一些建議: 一、校園生活 :保留和提升書院環境,令各書院的特性更鮮明,建議新書院和現有書院應 在校園各處組成「鄰里區」或群簇; 二、教研康體設施 :把校園分為數個社區,把性質類近的學院集中起來; 三、行人取向校園 :鼓勵低層區段以單車往來39區和校園東部,減少私家車流量,並改善 校巴服務; 四、校園景觀 :加強綠化,選種主題性植物; 五、可持續校園發展 :減低新建築物的影響,制訂減少溫室氣體和能源消耗的額外政策; 六、文化景貌保育 :制訂嚴謹評估程序,確保具文化和歷史意義的地方受到尊重和保存。 有關校園規劃概念的詳細介紹,請到校園發展計劃網頁( ) 閱覽。 校園發展計劃第二階段諮詢交流活動已經圓滿結束,感謝各中大成員踴躍參與,大家也可 繼續透過校園發展計劃網頁提出書面意見。在各項活動中蒐集到的寶貴意見和建議,顧 問公司將詳加考慮,用於進行下一階段的諮詢,以及制訂校園發展計劃的具體方案。 CUHK has decided to map out a visionary and sustainable Campus Master Plan (CMP) for its campus development for the years leading up to 2021 and beyond. For this purpose, it has appointed Aedas Limited and its overseas partner, Edward Cullinan Architect (UK), to be the consultant and architect leading the campus master planning. The consultant has presented a Conceptual Plan to the University. In view of the dispersion of campus buildings, the consultant recommends an integrated planning approach. Clusters of development will be defined by the distinct characters of specific disciplines, activities or uses. This will give the campus focus, and enhance the three-level precinct campus setting. The consultant has also made recommendations on six key planning issues: 1. Enhancement of college life : further enhancing the existing college setting and strengthening each College’s identity. It is also proposed that new and existing Colleges be organized into several ‘neighbourhoods’ or clusters throughout the campus; 2. Venues for academic and recreational activities : it is proposed that several communities be formed on campus, grouping together Faculties of similar nature; 3. Pedestrian-friendly campus : encouraging cycling at the low-level precinct to Area 39 and eastern campus, reducing private vehicular traffic, and improving the shuttle bus service; 4. Campus landscape : enhancing greening on campus and introducing thematic plantings; 5. A sustainable campus : reducing the impact of new structures and formulating additional policies on the reduction of greenhouse gases and energy consumption; 6. Conservation of places with cultural significance : formulating a rigorous assessment procedure for all interventions to ensure that places with cultural and historical significance will be respected and conserved as part of the long-term development of the campus. For details, please visit the CMP website: . Stage 2 engagement events of the CMP have been completed. The University is grateful for the active participation of University members. They are encouraged to express their views at any time by accessing the CMP website. Opinions and suggestions collected will be carefully considered and used in the following stages of consultation and the formulation of the CMP.