Newsletter No. 327

Information in this section can only  be accessed with CWEM password .   若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸 入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。 No. 327, 19.11.2008 O 新任講座教授 Professorial Appointment 大學委任彭智培教授為眼科及視覺科學講座教授,由2008年10月 1日起生效。 彭教授1978年畢業於倫敦大學,1982年獲牛津大學哲學博士學 位。1983年加入中大任化學病理學系講師,1992和1996年先後晉 升高級講師及教授,2000年起任眼科及視覺科學學系教授。 Prof. Pang Chi-pui has been appointed Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences with effect from 1 October 2008. Prof. Pang received his BSc from the University of London in 1978 and his DPhil from the University of Oxford in 1982. He joined the Department of Chemical Pathology, CUHK in 1983 as lecturer in 1983 and was promoted to senior lecturer and professor in 1992 and 1996 respectively. Prof. Pang has served as professor in the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences from 2000. 榮休講座教授 Emeritus Professor 張明仁教授獲頒婦產科學榮休講座教授名銜,由2008年10月 15日起生效。 Prof. Allan M.Z. Chang has been awarded the title of Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology with effect from 15 October 2008. 新亞書院新網頁 New Webpage of New Asia College 新亞書院於11月1日推出全新設計的網頁,網址改為 , 歡迎瀏覽。 The newly revamped webpage of New Asia College has been launched on 1 November and the URL has been changed to . Happy browsing! 翰苑流芳:賴際熙太史藏近代名人手札展覽 A Hanlin Scholar’s Legacy: Handwritten Letters to Lai Chi-hsi from Distinguished Contemporaries 中大圖書館現正舉行「翰苑流芳:賴際熙太史藏近代名人手札展覽」。 賴際熙太史(1865–1937)為廣東增城人,光緒二十九年(1903)進士,入翰林,晉升至 國史館總纂,辛亥革命後寓居香港,任教香港大學文科,1927年籌組港大中文學院,獲 委任為系主任。1923年創學海書樓,聚書講學,弘揚國粹,並組崇正總會,任會長達十 三年。 是次展出賴太史珍藏的信札,其作者多曾晉身翰林,書法學問出類拔萃,信函所涉內容 廣泛,除讓大眾得賞其書法藝術及文章學養,亦為研究中國近代史及香港史彌足珍貴 之資料。 The exhibition ‘A Hanlin Scholar’s Legacy: Handwritten Letters to Lai Chi-hsi from Distinguished Contemporaries’ is now on at the exhibition hall of the University Library. Lai Chi-hsi, an imperial scholar in the Qing Dynasty, resided in Hong Kong after the 1911 Revolution. In the early twentieth century, he established the Chinese Department at the University of Hong Kong. He was also a founder of Hok Hoi Library and the Tsung Tsin Association. Over 70 letters handwritten with an ink brush to Lai from the Qing Dynasty to early Republican are on display. These letters feature a wide range of content from casual greetings to serious political discussions. 地點 Venue 香港中文大學圖書館地下展覽廳 University Library Exhibition Hall, CUHK 日期 Date 27/10/2008–30/11/2008 時間 Time 星期一至六 Monday to Saturday: 10:00 am – 7:00 pm 星期日 Sunday: 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm 查詢 Enquiries 2609 7301