Newsletter No. 327

No. 327, 19.11.2008 第三二七期 二零零八年十一月十九日 No. 327 19 November 2008 Dear All, How time flies! I have been in Copenhagen for over three months now but things are still very exciting and fresh. I arrived in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark and a centre of business and science, in mid-August. My programme in global business studies is a collaboration between CUHK, Copenhagen Business School, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the US. Each year, the schools admit 15 students each, and all 45 students will study together as one cohort in three locations for a term: Denmark (Term 1, Year 2), Hong Kong (Term 2, Year 2), and Chapel Hill (Term 1, Year 3). That way, we can deepen our understanding of three cultures, particularly in relation to human resources systems and business operations. We can also benefit from learning with foreign students. Though I had never met my 30 Danish and American GLOBEmates before coming here, I found their faces warm and familiar. Sharing a passion for this programme enabled us to bond very quickly, and we all look forward to an adventure-filled year ahead, studying on three different continents and travelling the world to visit prestigious international business enterprises in cities like Berlin, Brussels and Washington, D.C. Classes began after two introductory weeks packed with fun activities. I notice that students here are very motivated and active in class. They are eager to ask intelligent questions and discuss with one another. We have already done a few case presentations and working with them has been very intellectually stimulating indeed. They are not only achievers in the classroom. In fact I would say they epitomize those who ‘work hard and play hard’. I have seized every opportunity to tour in Europe, especially the Nordic countries. Within this short period of time, I have already set foot on the land of the Vikings—Norway. The fjordlands are truly awe-inspiring. Looking at the breath-taking view from the mountain top of Geiranger and tasting delicious Norwegian wild salmon are all once-in-a-lifetime experiences! Looking back at my first year at the Chinese University, I still appreciate the way our classroom learning has been reinforced by the study trips to South Korea and Singapore. I am particularly indebted to Prof. Gordon W.H. Cheung, director of the GLOBE programme, who mentored us throughout the year. He spent time talking to us and saw to it that we were well taken care of. I am also thankful to the lecturers and professors not only for the knowledge they imparted but for the guidance they offered in various aspects. Mr. John H.W. Lai who taught ‘Principles of Management’ impressed me the most. He shared with us his extensive practical experience in hotel business and played games with us to illustrate various theories. He also welcomed questions after class. I look forward to sharing more of my experience with you when I come back! Warm regards, 果真是光陰似箭!轉眼間來到哥本哈根已三個多月了,但對 所有事物仍感到十分新鮮。 我在8月中抵達哥本哈根,此城不僅是丹麥的首都,也是工 商和科研重鎮。我修讀的環球商業學由中大、哥本哈根商學 院和美國北卡羅來納州大學合辦,各招收十五名學生,全數 四十五人會輪流在每所參與院校一起上課一個學期,分別 於第二年上學期去丹麥,下學期到香港,第三年飛去美國。 這樣既可深入了解歐美亞的文化和人力資源制度,又能與外 國同學交流,擴闊視野。 首次看到三十位美國和丹麥同學,感覺既陌生又親切。由於 大家都熱愛這個課程,所以很快便打成一片。接下來我們會 一起在這兒、美國和香港上課,又會到柏林、布魯塞爾、華 盛頓等地參觀國際企業;大家對未來都充滿期盼。 經過兩周樂趣盎然的迎新活動後,學期正式開始。美國 和丹麥同學十分主動積極參與課堂討論,每每提出睿 智的問題,課後仍繼續討論。上課才沒多久,我與他們已 合作完成了數次個案發表,從中得到不少啟迪。可不要 以為他們只管學習,為人乏味,讀書和玩樂,他們同樣認 真投入。而我則會秉承雙親取名的意思,凡事力「臻」完 「善」。 難得身處歐洲,我會抓緊每個學習機會,特別是北歐的學 習團。我已經踏足了維京人的土地,欣賞了挪威峽灣和蓋朗 厄爾山頂下望教人讚嘆的景色,還有親嚐美味無窮的野生 鮭魚,這些都是人生難得的經驗! 回顧中大一年級的生活,我感謝課程安排了南韓和新加坡 交流團,強化我們對企業的認識。老師們的關顧亦無微不 至,像課程主任張偉雄教授便不時約見我們,以了解我們的 需要或問題。又如教授「管理原理」的賴漢榮博士,在酒店 業工作多年,實戰經驗豐富,上課時總是因應我們的反應作 調整,又就講題設計遊戲,令課堂充滿趣味。對於課後的提 問,更不厭其煩逐一解答。 身在彼邦,我正期待更多學習和擴闊視野的機會。 石臻善 哥本哈根的來信 A Letter from Copenhagen 環球商業學二年級生石臻善佳績一覽 Past achievements of Miss Shek Chun-sin Junes ( Year 2, Global Business Studies ) 中學會考盡取10A 10As in the HKCEE 循中六生優先錄取計劃入讀中大 Admitted to CUHK via Early Admission Scheme 獲崇基學院優先錄取計劃博宏獎學金 Chung Chi Grand Scholarship for Distinguished EAS Students 一年級平均積點為滿分4.0 GPA 4.0 in Year 1 名登工商管理學院院長榮譽錄 Dean’s List (Faculty of Business Administration) 「2008年財務策劃師大獎」大學生組比賽冠軍 Champion of SCMP/IFPHK Financial Planner Awards 2008 (university student category) 獲選為工商管理學院院花 Elected Miss BA 短跑和跳遠選手,曾於中學校際四乘一百米賽中獲獎 Award-winning dash and long-jump athlete 《聖經》和散文朗讀公開比賽冠軍 Champion of Bible and prose reading competitions 擅長爵士和hip-hop舞 Jazz and hip-hop dancer • • • • • • • • • •