Newsletter No. 342

No. 342, 4.9.2009 3 中 大心智綜合復康中心以科學方法研究少林寺禪武 醫學對情緒及認知功能的效用,並將之發展為一 項建基於科研實證的身心及認知治療方法——德建身心療 法,初步成效令人鼓舞,更獲好友東方紅輪胎有限公司 董事長李首雄先生捐資一百萬港元,資助少林禪武醫學 的研究及教育推廣。 該項研究針對自閉、弱智、癡呆等西方醫學難以治癒的 疾病。中心總監兼中大心理學系陳瑞燕教授以科學驗證 少林寺永化堂襌武醫學的丹田呼吸法,結果顯示,練習 這種呼吸法一個月後,腦部的平靜指標提高,左右腦更 為協調,腦認知功能可提升至頂尖表現。 這項研究成果曾於美國權威學術期刊《實證另類及輔助 醫學》刊登,並收錄於美國國家醫學圖書館網站及美國 醫學權威網站MDLinx。 T he Integrative Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Centre at CUHK has conducted scientific research on the clinical applications of Chanwuyi , which originated in the Shaolin Temple, with the aim of developing evidence- based mind-body intervention methods for improving mental and cognitive functions, namely, the Dejian Mind- body Intervention. Clinical observation of some of the cases has shown encouraging results. The centre recently received a donation of HK$1 million from Mr. Li Sau-hung, chairman of Good Friend Orient Tyre Co., Ltd. for developing research and education programmes on Shaolin Chanwuyi . The research targets patients suffering from brain disorders such as autism, mental retardation and dementia for which effective western drug inter- vention is not yet available. The research team led by Prof. Agnes Chan Sui-yin, director of the centre and professor in the Psychology Department, conducted a study to examine an intervention method of Shaolin Yonghuatang’s Chanwuyi , namely, Dan Tian breathing (DTB). The results showed that after a month of practising DTB, the brain revealed a peak performance neuroelectro-physiological signal, i.e., increased left-right alpha asymmetry (an index of relaxation and positive mood) and enhanced theta coherence (a measure of attention and alertness). The research result was published in a high-impact American journal, Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine . It was included in the database of the US National Library of Medicine and uploaded to a leading medical website MDLinx. 左起:陳瑞燕教授、心理學系系主任張妙清教授、社會科學院院長李少南 教授、李首雄先生 From left: Prof. Agnes Chan; Prof. Fanny Cheung, chairperson, Department of Psychology, Prof. Paul Lee, Dean, Faculty of Social Science; Mr. Li Sau-hung 對 一般人而言,運用社交思考毋須刻意,例如看見 對話者不斷看鐘,便知道他正趕時間或對話題 不熱衷,但自閉症人士卻不懂揣摩及掌握有關的思考概 念。 為此,中大人類傳意科學研究所與香港明愛康復服務合 作,在本港中學推行「ILAUGH社交思考訓練」計劃, 幫助四十四位來自十四所中學的自閉症學生有系統地掌 握社交思考的規則。結果顯示,他們的社交溝通能力有 顯著提升,其家長及日常與之接觸的老師和社工皆滿意 訓練的成效,並指出學生在人際關係、關心家人,甚至 學業成績等方面均有顯著進步。 「ILAUGH」是六個社交思考範疇的英文字首縮寫,把 社交思考背後的概念,組合成六個重要的元素(見附表), 具體、真實地刻劃出社交背後的精細思考過程,鼓勵學 生在日常生活或學校環境中,從多角度觀察和分析別人 的想法和感受,並作出合宜的表現和回應。 S ocial thinking comes natural to ordinary people. They will get the message that someone is in a hurry or has lost interest in a conversation if he keeps looking at his watch, but understanding these signals can be really difficult for autistic people. Jointly conducted by the Institute of Human Communicative Research at CUHK and the Caritas Rehabilitation Service, the ILAUGH project invited 44 students diagnosed with or suspected of having autism from 14 schools to participate. Since then, they have shown significant improvement in social communication ability. Parents, teachers and social workers of the students also reported that they are satisfied with the results. They felt that the students showed great improvement in interpersonal relationships, caring for family and academic performance. The name ‘ILAUGH’ highlights improvement in social relationships and the general impact of the training. It groups social thinking skills into six key areas (see left table) and is nuanced and grounded in social reality. It encourages students to observe their school environment and their daily lives from multiple perspectives, so they would reflect more fully on others’ thoughts and feelings, and act more appropriately. 美德教育師資培訓 Seminar on Moral Education 新 亞書院與北京東方道德研究所合辦之「第七屆中 華美德教育行動師資培訓班」於7月7日至14日 舉行,共有五十位來自北京、黑龍江、山東、湖北、河 南、重慶以及四川等地的中小學老師及校長參加。 本年度之主題為「立志」,國內的教育工作者除出席一 系列相關講座外,亦參觀香港廉政公署,以深入了解香 港的文化及道德教育方面。本地中小學的老師也獲邀參 加講座及研討會,與內地同工交流。 C o-organized by New Asia College and Beijing Oriental Morality Institute, the 7th Seminar on Moral Education was held during 7–14 July 2009. A total of 50 teachers and principals of primary and secondary schools from Beijing, Heilongjiang, Shandong, Hubei, Henan, Chongqing and Sichuan came to Hong Kong to participate in the programme. Apart from taking part in academic talks on the main theme, the participants visited the Independent Commission Against Corruption. These activities served to facilitate the exchange of ideas between teaching professionals in Hong Kong and mainland China. Local teachers were also invited to take part in the talks. I I nitiation of communication 啟動(溝通) L L istening with eyes and brain 聆聽(運用眼睛及腦袋聆聽) A A bstract and inferential thinking 抽象(抽象及推論語言/溝通) U U nderstanding perspective 想法解讀(了解別人想法與立場) G G estalt processing/Getting the 'big picture' 整體觀(完整分析) H H umour and human relatedness 幽默(幽默感與人際脈絡) 身心認知治療法獲百萬資助 HK$ 1M to Boost Mind-Body Interventions 嶄新思考訓練 提升自閉童社交能力 Enhancing Social Thinking in Autistic Students 研究所語言治療師呂麗怡女士展示 ILAUGH 小冊子 Ms. Aster Lui Lai-yee, speech therapist at the centre, with the ILAUGH pamphlet