Newsletter No. 352

No. 352, 4.2.2010 韓雪 Hon Suet 鄭偉杰 Cheng Wai-kit 五位參賽的中大教職員均取得驕人成績。他們分別為教 育學院鄭偉杰先生(男子公開組冠軍)、體育部何國泰 先生(男子先進組亞軍)、保健處曾偉傑先生(男子先進 組季軍)、體育部韓雪小姐(女子公開組亞軍)和體育部 陳志明先生(男子公開組季軍)。 O rganized by the Physical Education Unit (PEU) and the Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union (HKPTU), the Second Hong Kong Teachers Racketlon Championships 2009 was held from 30 to 31 December 2009 at the University Sports Centre. Over 60 participants competed for different prizes in the men’s open, men’s veteran and women’s open. With Prof. Henry N.C. Wong (3rd left, 2nd row), Pro- Vice-Chancellor, and Mr. Szeto Wah (4th left, 2nd row), chairman of the Senate, HKPTU, as its guests of honour, the prize presentation ceremony was held at noon on 31 December, immediately after the racketlon finals. 由 體育部及香港教育專業人員協會(教協)合辦之「第二屆全港教師拍全能錦標賽 2009」,已於2009年12月30至31日假中大體育中心舉行。參賽之教育工作者逾六 十人,分別角逐男子公開組、男子先進組及女子公開組錦標。 頒獎典禮於12月31日中午舉行。主禮嘉賓有本校副校長黃乃正教授( 第二排左三 )及教協 監事會主席司徒華先生( 第二排左四 )。 曾偉傑 Tsang Wai-kit 何國泰 Ho Kwok-tai 陳志明 Chan Chi-ming All five CUHK staff members who took part in the tournament obtained excellent results. They are Mr. Cheng Wai-kit from the Faculty of Education (champion of men’s open), Mr. Ho Kwok-tai from PEU (1st runner-up of men’s veteran), Mr. Tsang Wai-kit from the University Health Service (2nd runner-up of men’s veteran), Ms. Hon Suet from the PEU (1st runner-up of women’s open) and Mr. Chan Chi-ming from the PEU (2nd runner-up of men’s open). 本校五健兒於拍全能錦標賽獲獎 Five CUHK Members Get Prizes at Racketlon Championships 邵逸夫堂翻新設計獲獎 Renovation of Sir Run Run Shaw Hall Wins Design Award 邵 逸夫堂的大堂和 禮堂翻新設計,在 香港室內設計協會舉辦的 2009亞太區室內設計大獎 中,榮獲機構及公共空間 組別的榮譽獎。 負責翻新工程的是何周禮 建築設計事務所有限公司, 設計師何周禮先生認為, 在技術上,翻新工程比一 切從零開始更具挑戰性。 邵逸夫堂是舉行新生入學 禮、考試和畢業禮的地方,也是舉行重要演講和各種文化 活動的場所,對中大師生有重要意義。因此,任何變化和 新元素,都可能影響不少人的記憶。他們的設計策略,是 加強或豐富中大人記憶中邵逸夫堂的元素,而不增添突兀 的元素,以避免與他們的記憶產生衝突。 現在的設計保留原來的吸音板形式,但換上新顏色,為賓 客提供清新的視覺感受。地板也重鋪,以裝設現有的可拆 卸座位。 何先生說:「好的設計不是憑空想像,而是須回應環境。我 們致力維持這一重要場地所給人細膩莊嚴的感覺,在大堂 ( 左圖 )採用黑色花崗岩,令藝術品更加突出;呈直線排 列的燈光,營造井然有序的感覺。大量使用木材或仿木物 料,增強學術殿堂的肅穆感。禮堂( 右圖 )內部,以層層遞 進的色彩,凸顯舞台的功能。」 T he design of the renovated Sir Run Run Shaw Hall (foyer and auditorium), has received an honourable mention in the category of institution and public space at the Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards 2009, organized by the Hong Kong Interior Design Association. The renovation project was carried out by Barrie Ho Architecture Interiors Limited. Mr. Barrie Ho, the designer, believed that renovation is technically more challenging than installing everything new from scratch. Sir Run Run Shaw Hall is a venue of much significance to CUHK students—it is a place where the inauguration ceremonies, examinations, graduation ceremonies, significant lectures and various cultural activities take place. CUHK students and teachers all have a strong impression of the place. Any changes and new elements added to it run the risk of impinging on everyone’s memory. Therefore, rather than adding elements provocative to challenge everyone’s memory, the designer adopted a design approach that would add on or embellish existing memory. They kept the original form of acoustic panels, only adopted new colours in gradating hues to freshen the audience’s visual impact. Care had also to be taken on the floor paving to fit the existing demountable seats. Mr. Ho said, ‘Good design does not base itself on a vacuum, it should answer to the context. We have put in effort to preserve the subtlety and solemnity of this prestigious venue, in the foyer (left) with the use of black granite to highlight the artwork, lighting arranged linearly to exude a sense of order. The emphasis in the use of wood or materials with a wooden appeal also invigorates a strong sense of academic solemnity of the venue. Inside the auditorium (right), the use of gradating colours enhances the function of the stage.’