Newsletter No. 354

No. 354, 19.3.2010 第三五四期 二零一零年三月十九日 No. 354 19 March 2010 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at 三千善心滿校園 Professor Kao Takes 3,000 for a Charity Walk 早 春三月的香港,乍暖還寒。月初氣溫急降令大家有 點措手不及。然而,在3月14日天氣開始回暖,好像 特別響應當天早上舉行的「與高錕教授同行」中大步行籌 款日,讓高錕教授伉儷和近三千名中大教職員、學生、校 友、校董、大學友好及公眾人士輕鬆展步,共襄善舉,以支 持高錕獎學基金及認知障礙者家屬網上培訓課程。 開步禮由高錕教授伉儷、大學校董會主席鄭海泉博士、劉 遵義校長、兩位前任校長馬臨教授及金耀基教授,以及校 友評議會主席劉世鏞先生主禮。活動共籌得善款三百萬 港元。 劉遵義校長衷心感謝各界熱心人士專程蒞臨校園,參加這 項饒富意義的活動:「我們成立『高錕獎學基金』,不但 是為了表揚高教授傑出的學術成就,更加希望鼓勵中大學 生,效法高教授鍥而不捨的治學精神,從事創新的科學研 究,以新發明造福人群。」 劉世鏞先生感謝校友鼎力支持籌款步行,更高興見到不少 中大友好的來臨。高教授夫人高黃美芸則表示:「此刻的 中大,漫山遍野盡是怒放的杜鵑花,正是賞遊校園兼共襄 善舉的好時節。」 開步禮上,中大書院、學院,以及各贊助商的隊伍,士氣高 昂,展示顏色鮮豔的旗幟,向高教授致意。多所企業、中大 師生、校友及友好、中小學生,甚至幼稚園學生與家長,組 成約二十支隊伍,競逐個人或隊伍的最高籌款總金額獎, 以及書院參與人數最高獎。其中,活動的白金贊助商中銀 香港慈善基金更動員數百員工參與善舉。各獎項得主有待 善款確定後公布。 浩蕩的步行隊伍由崇基學院嶺南體育館起步至大學本部 的林蔭大道。部分參加者選擇較長的九十分鐘路段,其餘 則選擇了四十五分鐘的路段。到達終點後,更順道前往大 學圖書館參觀高錕教授成就展,觀賞高教授歷年來獲頒的 殊榮,包括2009年諾貝爾物理學獎獎牌及獎狀。 A sudden cold front swept Hong Kong in early March catching people off their guard. But the weather turned warm on 14 March, making it a fine day for the ‘Walk with Professor Kao’ CUHK Walkathon held on the morning. Close to 3,000 walkers, comprising current students, staff, alumni, Council members, friends of CUHK and the public, came in support of the causes to raise funds for the Charles K. Kao Scholarship Endowment Fund and an online training programme for family caregivers of people with cognitive loss. The kick-off ceremony was officiated by Professor and Mrs. Charles Kao; Dr. Vincent Cheng, Council Chairman; Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Ma Lin and Prof. Ambrose King, former Vice-Chancellors; and Mr. Lau Sai-yung, chairman of the CUHK Convocation. The event raised HK$3 million. Prof. Lawrence J. Lau thanked the participants for coming to CUHK campus for this meaningful activity. He said, ‘The Charles K. Kao Scholarship Endowment Fund was established to commemorate the extraordinary achievements of Professor Kao, and to encourage CUHK students to emulate his relentless pursuit of knowledge, engage in innovative scientific research, and ultimately do good to mankind.’ Mr. Lau Sai-yung thanked alumni for their support and was very happy to see the presence of many friends of the University. Mrs. Kao said, ‘The azaleas are in full bloom, so it is a beautiful time to be walking around the campus for such beneficial causes.’ Alumni, staff, students and friends of CUHK, along with corporations, primary, secondary, and even kindergarten school students and their parents responded enthusiastically by forming teams to support the event. They carried colourful banners to the kick-off ceremony to show their support and pay tribute to Professor Kao. Among them were the Colleges and Faculties of the University, as well as a number of teams from sponsors. BOCHK Charitable Foundation, the platinum sponsor of the event, mobilized hundreds of staff to join the walk. Close to 20 teams competed for awards to encourage the most number of participants from Colleges and the best fundraiser as a team or an individual. The awards will be announced at a later date when all donations are received. Walkers started from the Lingnan Stadium of Chung Chi College and ended at the University Mall. Some took the longer route of 90 minutes while others enjoyed a shorter 45-minute route. After the walk, participants visited the exhibition in the University Library where Professor Kao’s Nobel Prize Medal and Diploma along with his other precious awards are on display. (續下頁 To be continued ) (左起) 劉遵義校長、馬臨教授、高錕教授伉儷、鄭海泉博士、金耀 基教授,以及劉世鏞先生主持開步禮 (From left) Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Prof. Ma Lin, Mrs. Gwen Kao, Prof. Charles Kao, Dr. Vincent Cheng, Prof. Ambrose King, and Mr. Lau Sai-yung officiating at the kick-off ceremony