Newsletter No. 359

No. 359, 4.6.2010 NEWS & EVENTS (接上頁 Continued ) Prof. Thomas Chung-wai Mak Prof. Thomas Chung-wai Mak is a distinguished structural chemist. He is currently Emeritus Professor of Chemistry and Wei Lun Research Professor of Chemistry of CUHK. Over the years, he has made significant contributions towards the development of chemistry research in mainland China by fostering the training of young scientists for the country. He was elected a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2001, and his first PhD student from the mainland was elected as a fellow Member in 2009. Professor Mak has dedicated over 40 years of valuable service to CUHK. He had served as the Dean of Science and chairman of the Department of Chemistry. Prof. Sun Sai-ming Samuel Prof. Sun Sai-ming Samuel is a renowned international expert in agricultural biotechnology and the first scientist to clone a plant gene. He is currently Emeritus Professor of Biology and Research Professor of Biology at CUHK. His research achievements have won him international recognition, including being elected Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the International Eurasia Academy of Sciences. In 2008, under the leadership of Professor Sun, theUniversity gained approval from the Ministry of Science and Technology to set up the important State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology (CUHK). Professor Sun was appointed Founding Master of S.H. Ho College in 2009. Dr. Tam Wah-ching A philanthropic entrepreneur, Dr. Tam Wah-ching is dedicated to serving the community and making contributions to the mainland and Hong Kong, particularly in the promotion of culture and education. He established the Wah Ching China Education Research Centre for the study of education development in rural China. He has also supported various local tertiary institutions in promoting Chinese culture. Dr. Tam has offered unfailing support to CUHK. He set up the Dr. Tam Wah Ching Non-Local Study Awards for students of United College in 2004, and has made distinguished contributions to the development and research activities of the CUHK Institute of Chinese Medicine. Prof. Wu Weishan An eminent sculptor and recipient of prestigious international accolades including the Pangolin Award of the Society of Portrait Sculptors in the UK, Prof. Wu Weishan is president of China Sculpture Academy and director of Institute of Arts of the Chinese National Academy of Arts, and a member of the Steering Committee of China City Sculpture. He has created over 500 sculptures of historical and cultural world figures such as Qi Baishi, Fei Xiaotong and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands. He was the S.Y. Chung Visiting Fellow of New Asia College and has sculpted many important Chinese University figures. 辛世文教授—濟世為懷 促進生物工程研究 辛世文教授是著名農業生物技術專家和全球首位複製植 物基因的科學家,現任中大生物學榮休講座教授及生物學 研究講座教授,研究成果享譽國際。辛教授為中國工程院 院士及國際亞歐科學院院士。2008年,在辛教授領導下, 中大獲國家科學技術部批准,成立農業生物技術國家重 點實驗室(香港中文大學)。2009年,辛教授出任善衡書 院院長。 譚華正博士—樂善好施 造福後學 譚華正博士為熱心公益的傑出企業家,他積極推動香港及 內地的文教事業,又設立華正中國教育研究中心,研究中 國各地尤其是偏遠地區的教育發展,並先後捐款予本港多 所大專院校,弘揚中華文化。譚博士熱心支持中大發展,由 2004年起為聯合書院學生設立「譚華正博士非本地進修 獎」,又大力資助中大中醫中藥研究所的發展和研究項目。 吳為山教授—鬼斧神工 以創新澆灌民族靈魂 國際著名雕塑家及英國皇家「攀格林」獎得主吳為山教 授,為中國藝術研究院中國雕塑院院長及美術研究所所 長、全國城市雕塑建設指導委員會藝術委員會主任。吳教 授造詣非凡,至今創作了五百餘件歷史人物雕塑,包括齊 白石、費孝通、荷蘭女王貝姬特麗克絲等。他曾出任新亞 書院龔雪因先生訪問學人,並為中大多位名人塑像。 建築碩士生賦予公共房屋新面貌 Architecture Student Gives New Face to Public Housing • 香 港現時接近三成人 口居於公共房屋,這 二百多萬人應該享有怎樣的 居住環境?中大建築碩士畢 業生梁銥玲對這個課題非常 關注,她的畢業作品遂以此 為題,嘗試賦予公共房屋新 面貌,為高密度的公屋注入 新思維。 本港土地供應短缺,地價高 昂,公共房屋只好建造得更 高更密集,以符合人口發展 的需求。梁銥玲考察了十多 個屋苑後,認為目前的公屋 設計往往未能關顧居民的需 要,電梯大堂擁擠密封、走 廊狹長。因此,她的設計引入更多的空間和通風系統,又 加設空中花園等,讓居民有駐足之處,加強社區凝聚力。 中大建築學院於5月16日至20日舉辦第十四屆建築碩士畢 業展,主題為「傳承」,由發展局局長林鄭月娥女士、香港 建築師學會副會長黃錦星先生,以及建築 師事務商會副主席林光棋先生主禮。包括 梁銥玲在內的三十六名畢業生透過繪畫、 攝影、文字和建築模型等不同媒介演繹其設 計理念,表達建築與城市之間的關係,題材 包括建築技術研究、居住質素探討、建築文 化與教育、城市轉化更新等。 A bout one-third of the Hong Kong population live in public housing. What kind of residential environment should these people enjoy? This issue aroused the interest of Miss Leung Yee-ling Kelly, a CUHK master graduate of architecture. She tried to explore the possibility of giving a new interpretation to existing public housing in her graduation project and came up with some innovative ideas. With limited land supply, public housing is designed to provide maximum housing units for a growing population. The dominant type is the pen-tower. After visiting a dozen housing estates for research, Kelly concluded that exsiting public housing estates do not meet the needs of their occupants. Ventilation and space are inadequate. Lobbies are congested and enclosed, and corridors are long and narrow. Kelly’s new design introduced more spatial areas and better ventilation, such as providing rooftop gardens so the occupants can have a public gathering place. The 14th Graduation Show ‘Lineage’ organized by the School of Architecture of CUHK was held from 16 to 20 May. Officiating the ceremony were the Honourable Mrs. Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, Secretary for Development of the HKSAR Government; Mr. Wong Kam-sing, vice president of Hong Kong Institute of Architects; and Mr. Lam Kwong-ki Dominic, vice chairman of the Association of Architectural Practices. This year, 36 Master of Architecture theses, including Kelly’s, explore a wide variety of topics that touch upon different current issues. They include new architectural formations and technologies, contemporary habitation and living styles, heritage conservation, urban transformations, social and sustainable architectures, etc. 發展局局長林鄭月娥女士(左)在建築學院院長何培斌教授陪同下觀看學生展品 Accompanied by Prof. Ho Puay-peng (right), director of the School of Architecture, Mrs. Carrie Lam, Secretary for Development, views the work of architecture students 梁銥玲設計的公屋增設空中花園 Kelly Leung introduces rooftop gardens to public housing towers