Newsletter No. 360

No. 360, 19.6.2010 第三六零期 二零一零年六月十九日 No. 360 19 June 2010 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at (To be continued) (續下頁) 從象牙塔到紅塵俗世─走進社區的中文大學 CUHK Leads the Way from University to Community 許多人以為大學是象牙塔,大學學者所做的研究和一般市民大眾不相干,這當然是誤解。中文大學的許多研究都和大眾的日常生活 息息相關,中大學者也積極參與社區計劃,為增進社會福祉盡一分力,其中兩個例子是賽馬會流金匯和賽馬會耆智園,這兩個中心 都是由中大管理,為社區人士提供服務。 Many people have the misconception that universities are ivory towers, where academics do research irrelevant to the real world. In fact, many studies at CUHK are closely related to the daily lives of ordinary people. CUHK scholars are also committed to community projects that promote public well-being. Two examples are the Jockey Club CADENZA Hub and the Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing, both managed by CUHK and providing services to the community. ‘T his is a social experiment. We had no precedent to follow,’ Prof. Jean Woo (photo), Professor of Medicine of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, says of the CADENZA Hub. Located at Fu Shin Estate, Tai Po, the Hub has been in operation since September 2009. A self- sustaining health and social care centre, it is one of the community projects of ‘CADENZA: A Jockey Club Initiative for Seniors’, funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. As the director of the CADENZA project, Professor Woo oversees the operation of the Hub. It is common for old people to have chronic illnesses. When their condition is serious, they are admitted to hospital. But the time for recovery from many illnesses such as stroke is very long. What are these patients supposed to do when they are discharged? The community lacks services that suit their needs. That may cause a high risk of relapse and a higher chance of being readmitted, as well as great stress to their caregivers. Professor Woo says, ‘The Hub is intended to fill the gaps. Research generated by the CADENZA project has looked into improving services for senior citizens. The services offered here in the Hub are based on those research findings.’ The Hub boasts an interdisciplinary team comprising social workers, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nutritionists, Chinese medicine practitioners, optometrists and audiologists, etc. In addition to day care service, the Hub provides one-stop health assessment and management service. Professor Woo says this is an innovative case management service that can complement the services of public and private health care. ‘It’s a very time-consuming task to do a comprehensive assessment. We provide this service and work in partnership with public and private doctors. After carrying out assessments of their patients, we send the doctors reports and recommendations for follow-up care.’ The external appearance and decor of the Hub are well designed. Its vibrant colours and modern interiors remind visitors of a cozy membership club or coffee shop. In fact, the Hub does have a coffee corner. Professor Woo says, ‘We want to make it an attractive place where people come for a chat or for social gatherings.’ In the Hub, there is a rehab shop where you can find a wide variety of rehabilitation aids and other products. 「這 是一個社會實驗,這樣的服務也沒有外國先例 可援。」中大醫學院內科及藥物治療學系醫學講 座教授胡令芳( 圖 )這樣形容流金匯。設於大埔富善邨的流金 匯在2009年9月開幕,是一所自負盈虧的綜合服務中心,屬於 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金贊助的社區計劃「流金頌:賽馬會長 者計劃新里程」的一環,胡令芳教授是該計劃總監,流金匯也 由她監督管理。 老年人少不免有各種慢性病,嚴重時進醫院治療,但有許多病 如中風需要漫長的復原時間,這些病人出院後又怎樣呢?不能 長住醫院,社區又缺乏真正符合他們需要的服務,這令長者病 況反覆,增加再次入院的風險,也加重了照顧者的壓力。 胡教授說:「流金匯的誕生就是要填補這個空白。流金頌計劃 做了許多研究,探討香港的長者服務有哪些可改善之處。我們 就根據研究結果來設計服務,在流金匯試行。」 流金匯擁有跨專業的團隊,包括社工、護士、物理治療師、職 業治療師、營養師、中醫、視光師和聽力學家等,服務非常多元 化,除了常見的日間護理外,還有一站式身心健康評估及管理, 胡教授說這是一種嶄新的個案管理服務,專門填補公立和私人 醫療的不足。「為病人做詳細評估很花時間,公立醫院和私家 診所限於資源很難做這類評估。我們就提供這樣的服務,並與 公立醫院和私家醫生結成夥伴,為病人評估後撰寫報告和建 議,讓他們跟進。」 流金匯的外觀和室內裝潢都見用心之處,顏色悅目,設計時尚。 走進去像到了一家高級會所或咖啡館,而不像一般的長者中 心,事實上裏面真的設有咖啡茶座。胡教授說:「我們希望這個 中心是個能吸引人來聊天、參與社交活動的地方。」長者和病 患也可在那裏的復康用品專賣店選購適用的輔助工具。 賽馬會流金匯 Jockey Club CADENZA Hub