Newsletter No. 365
8 No. 365, 19.10.2010 Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung 下回〈十方吐露〉將訪問吳為山教授 Prof. Wu Weishan will be featured in the next instalment of ‘TEN QUESTIONS FOR’. 預告 Coming 1 上任一百天,感覺如何? You’ve been Vice-Chancellor for a hundred days. How does it feel so far? 感覺是非常充實,每天都有機會認識多一些同學同事,也 開始了鋪排大學未來發展的一些工作。我參加了每一個迎 新營—大學的、書院的,第一時間接觸這個大家庭的新 成員。我也安排了和學院各級同事、前線教學和研究人員、 學生代表茶聚交流,這些聚會還將繼續。我希望盡快打下 良好溝通的基礎,與大學各方成員充分交流。 這段時間我也到過北京、上海等地,和北京、清華、上海交 通、復旦等大學和中國科學院,商議及落實了一些合作計 劃,如「中大—復旦—早稻田聯合亞洲商業課程」。 Most eventful. I’ve been making the acquaintance of new students and colleagues every day. I’ve been handling tasks related to the University’s future development. I participated in all the orientation camps—the University’s and the Colleges’, to meet the University’s new members first-hand. I’m having tea sessions with staff of all ranks, teachers and researchers, and student representatives. It is my wish to build a solid foundation of communication as soon as possible. During this time, I’ve also been to Beijing, Shanghai, etc., to consolidate plans for collaboration with universities including Peking, Tsinghua, Shanghai Jiao Tong, and Fudan, as well as with the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Such collaborations include the establishment of the CUHK-Fudan-Waseda joint undergraduate programme in Asian business studies. 2 上任前你曾自比為掛滿寶牒的許願樹,這棵許願樹還 支持得住嗎? You once compared yourself to a wishing tree whose branches are laden with slips of paper on which are written people’s wishes. How is the tree standing up to the weight? 我和各學院及一些員工組織的成員都見過面,聽到不少意 見、訴求,也了解到背後的原因。我會一一仔細考慮。許願 樹暫時尚可以,但一些工夫需要時間去落實。 I’ve met with members of the Faculties and staff associations, and heard their views. I also understand the reasons for their having those views and will give them due consideration. The wishing tree is managing, but some of the work will take time. 3 你是否自己網誌的留言都看?都覆? Do you read all the comments on your blog? Do you reply to them? 我都有看的。很多留言都表示歡迎有這樣一個渠 道。Facebook上的留言更多,可能年輕人比較喜歡用 Facebook。我並不能每條留言都覆,但時間許可的話,盡 可能會回應一些較多人感興趣的話題。 I read them all. Many people have remarked that they are supportive of this platform for communication. I get more comments on my Facebook though, perhaps because it’s more popular among the young. I don’t reply to each and every comment, but if time allows, I do try to respond to topics that interest a lot of people. 4 你將以何種信念領導中文大學? What kind of belief guides your leadership of CUHK? 我相信大學的重任在引領年輕人了解人文價值,培養獨立 思考、氣節風骨,並教曉他們窮理正心、修己治人的道理, 培養他們服務社會、以愛護自然環境為己任的態度。我認 為中大在優良的人文氛圍上,可以糅合專業與博雅,造就 更全面的人才。中大也應秉承其特色與傳統,繼續在中國 文化的教研方面作出貢獻。 I believe the University’s duty is to instil in the young humanistic values, integrity and the ability to think independently; to teach them the importance of leaving no stone unturned and having the right mindset in the pursuit of knowledge, of cultivating the self and being an example for others, and of serving society and protecting the natural environment. I think that CUHK can take advantage of its excellent humanistic atmosphere to combine depth and breadth of knowledge, and nurture talent that is all-encompassing. We should also of course uphold our unique tradition and continue to contribute to teaching and research in Chinese culture. 5 短期內有何要務? What are your most immediate tasks? 我們正研究設立深圳校園的可行性,一方面和深圳市政府 商討有關細節,另一方面廣聽校內師生意見,已先後諮詢 過理學院、工程學院和商學院,稍後還有其他學院。此外, 四年學制很快便實行,我們也要在設計新課程、招聘教 師、籌備新書院等方面做好準備,以迎接新挑戰。 We are studying the feasibility of a Shenzhen campus. We need to discuss the details with the Shenzhen Municipal Government, and solicit the views of members of the University community. We’ve consulted the Faculties of Science, Engineering and Business Administration and will move on to the others later. We also need to pave the way in terms of designing new academic programmes, teacher recruitment and planning for the new Colleges, etc., for the resumption of the four-year curriculum. 6 你看到大學的發展前面有甚麼挑戰? What do you foresee are the challenges to the development of the University? 在過去多位校長領導下,中大作為一所綜合型教研並重的 大學,已打下了堅實的基礎。今後要做的,是如何鞏固溝 通互信,在全校師生校友萬眾一心下向共同目標邁進。 Under the leadership of the former Vice-Chancellors, the Chinese University laid a solid foundation as a comprehensive university that attaches equal importance to teaching and research. What I need to do is to strengthen trust and communication, and have the whole University march forward with one heart and mind towards a common goal. 7 你擔任逸夫書院院長時,設立了沈祖堯運動獎學金, 為何特別重視這方面? As Head of Shaw College, you set up the Joseph Sung Scholarships for Outstanding Athletes. Why sports? 我曾是羽毛球校隊,但現在很少打了,閒來只會游泳。我相 信運動不只鍛鍊人的體魄,也考驗毅力,磨鍊意志,教人 面對困難逆境,學習與團隊協作,所以我鼓勵學生積極參 與,不是為了勝出比賽,而是為了自己、為了團隊。 I was once on my school’s badminton team though I rarely play it now. When I have time, I swim. Sport not only trains the body, it also poses challenges to the will and to persistence. It teaches you how to face adversity, how to learn and work with a team. I encourage students to play not only for winning but for their own good and the good of the team. 8 你說過很喜歡《暴雨驕陽》這部電影。裏面常引古羅 馬詩人Horace的一句: Carpe diem (把握今天),你對 此有甚麼體會? You are very fond of the film Dead Poets Society , which has a famous quote from Horace, ‘ Carpe diem !’ (seize the day). What is your take on this? 我覺得這句話自有其積極性。人生長短成就,皆不在我們 預計之內。我們可以做的,就是在現崗位上全情投入,並 享受付出的過程。學生若但求考試過關,求學生涯會索然 無味;教學或行政人員若只為應付工作,很難成就事情。 《暴雨驕陽》最令我印象深刻的,便是那位教學手法新 穎、充滿熱誠、感染力強的老師。我知道中大也有不少這 樣的良師,我也明白不論學生或教師,都要在學與教以外 承受其他壓力,但我認為只要放開自己、努力付出、享受當 下,那麼便真正做到 Carpe diem 。 This statement is a call to action. Not all of life is within our control. But we can throw ourselves completely into the moment and enjoy the process of contributing. If a student only wants to pass his exams, his university life will be quite bland. If an administrator or researcher sees his job as a chore, he won’t do well. What impressed me most about Dead Poets Society is the teacher’s innovative teaching style and infectious passion. There are many teachers like him at CUHK. Everyone—staff or student—has commitments other than teaching and learning. Carpe diem is about opening yourself up, giving all that you have, and savouring the moment. 9 你現在一個典型的工作天是怎樣的? What is a typical work day for you? 我六點起床,七點半回到辦公室,之後便是審閱文件、主持 會議、參加典禮,和接見外賓訪客等,星期一至五每天大 都如此。星期六上午我會返醫院看病人、指導學生。時間許 可的話,也還會為病人動手術。 I get up at 6 and arrive at the office by 7:30. I read documents, hold meetings, attend ceremonies and receive guests. It’s the same from Monday to Friday. On Saturday mornings, I see patients in the hospital and teach. If time allows, I operate on patients. 10 公務繁忙,日理萬機,你為自己留下了怎麼樣的私 人空間? Does that leave you any time for yourself? 我每早起床之後,會在家中窗前看看海,想想東西,又或是 唸唸聖經,從裏面的箴言雋語來作點反省、尋求啓迪。我 每年都和家人出外旅行,為自己充充電,也補償一點與家 人共度的時間。 After getting up every morning, I spend some time contemplating while looking out the window at the sea, or reading the Bible and seeking inspiration from its words of wisdom. I travel with my family every year. It recharges me and I get to spend time with my loved ones. 沈祖堯
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