Newsletter No. 368

No. 368, 4.12.2010 3 金恩惠 (法學士課程二年級) Kim Eun-hye Grace (Year 2, Bachelor of Laws Programme) 自 小隨父母移居香港,金恩惠很喜歡這裏的多元化,所以不作他想,決定在港 升讀大學。修讀法律除因父親也是從事相關行業外,也因她認為法律有助 伸張公義。 從國際學校轉到中大,恩惠指出與同學 溝通沒有多大障礙,因為「同學們的英 語十分流利」,但文化總有不同,需要 花點時間適應,尤其是周圍的人都在 說廣東話時。加上雙親又因工作而移 居深圳,更讓她有孤單的感覺。經歷了 年多的考驗,她總算習慣下來了。 她又說:「由於近年韓劇、韓國音樂 流行,增添了不少與本地生溝通的話 題,女同學們會問各種關於韓國文化 的問題,如語言、戲劇、電影、歌曲、 藝人等,我也樂意藉此推廣韓國文 化。」 恩惠指出,法律課程真的很繁重,同 學們都很聰慧,「自己必須加倍努力。」儘管這樣,她仍是熱 愛所學,也喜歡學院的教授,「他們會詳盡地解答提問,又悉心關顧我們的需要。」 恩惠亦正修讀粵語課程,以便畢業後能留港當律師。 K im Eun-hye Grace moved to Hong Kong with her family when she was young. She loves the diversity of the city and decides to go to a local university. She is interested in law because her father’s career is related to it. Moreover, she believes that law helps maintain justice. Grace had gone to an international school before joining CUHK. She doesn’t have problems communicating as she finds that most of her classmates speak fluent English. However she finds it hard to adapt to local culture especially when people around her are conversing in Cantonese. Her feeling of loneliness was exacerbated when her parents moved to Shenzhen for work. But after a year, she got used to it. Grace says, ‘Thanks to the popularity of Korean dramas and music in Hong Kong, I have an easier time communicating with local students. Girls tend to ask me everything about Korean pop culture, such as dramas, movies, Korean pop, and artists. I am happy to promote Korean culture.’ Grace points out that the curriculum at CUHK is very demanding and her classmates are really smart. ‘I need to work hard to catch up,’ she says. She likes the professors because ‘they answer questions thoroughly and take good care of us.’ She wants to become a solicitor upon graduation and is now taking a Cantonese course. 李希苑 (法學士課程四年級) Lee Hee-won Catherine (Year 4, Bachelor of Laws Programme) 李 希苑出生於香港,一直在港唸國際 學校,直至高中時因父親轉到深圳 工作,她亦隨之轉到當地求學。 希苑是法律學院首名韓國本科生,為何選 法律?「是受到當律師的祖父影響,而我相 信法律是改變不公義的一種途徑。再說, 我喜歡香港,更希望不需離家太遠。」 回想初來中大,全校只有寥寥數名韓國學 生,「由於未有機會認識他們,我還以為自 己是中大唯一的韓國本科生哩!」 希苑不禁提起她的首次文化衝擊,「迎新 活動時,大家都很親近,倒是我像個局外 人,讓我有點懷疑是不是來錯了。幸好,其 後結識了一些與我背景相近的國際生,在 開學第二個月情況改善了,自己也感覺是 其中一分子了。」 唸了法律之後,希苑對它的興趣有增無 減,她更感謝教授們非常重視學生的回 應,並因應他們的要求而調整教學。明年便畢業的希苑,已計劃報讀法學專業證書課程,隨後 往英國唸碩士,學成後再回港,「希望屆時能在香港的律師事務所覓得職位,學以致用。」 B orn in Hong Kong, Lee Hee-won Catherine went to a local international school. She spent her high school years in Shenzhen since her father had moved there for work. Catherine is the first Korean student in the Faculty of Law. Why law? ‘My grandfather was a lawyer. I also thought of law as a way to remedy injustice. I like Hong Kong. I am a family- oriented person who likes staying close to my family.’ Recalling when she first entered CUHK where there were only a few Korean students, Catherine says, ‘Since I didn’t have the chance to meet the other Koreans, I thought I was the only one here.’ Catherine also experienced culture shock. ‘Everyone in the orientation camp was so closely connected. I felt like I was the only outsider and had doubts whether I should be there. But after meeting friends who had international backgrounds like myself, I felt a greater sense of belonging from the second month.’ Catherine has become increasingly interested in her speciality after enrolling on the laws programme. She appreciates the Faculty’s professors because they take students’ feedback seriously and adapt their teaching styles according to comments received. Graduating next summer, Catherine plans to apply to the CUHK Postgraduate Certificate Programme in Laws (PCLL). Then she will go to the UK for her master’s degree. She intends to return to Hong Kong upon graduation. ‘I hope I would have been offered a training contract from a law firm by then.’ 李憲禧 (工商管理學士綜合課程四年級) Lee Hun-hee Angela (Year 4, Integrated Bachelor of Business Administration Programme) L ee Hun-hee Angela’s family had moved to Beijing when she was nine. Since her father wanted Angela to learn Chinese, she was transferred from an international school in Beijing to a high school affiliated with Beijing Normal University. This was where Angela began learning Putonghua. Angela has always preferred studying at an Asian university, and since her family had moved to Guangzhou, Hong Kong became her first choice. ‘The business programme at CUHK is quite appealing.’ Coming to the University alone, Angela points out that culture, rather than language, posed the biggest challenge. But she was glad for it. ‘I plan to stay in Hong Kong for my career anyway. I will have to encounter this challenge 九 歲便舉家移居北京的李憲禧,上的是國際學 校,不過父親覺得應多學中文,於是便轉校 到北京師範大學附屬中學唸高中,也讓她練就一口 流利普通話。憲禧希望在亞洲唸大學,而剛好家人又 轉往廣州居住,香港便是首選。 「中大的商學課程很吸引。」憲禧隻身來到中大,語 言不是最大障礙,倒是文化差異令她未能產生歸屬 感,也曾感沮喪。可是,憲禧視之為一種挑戰,「反正 我打算留港工作,日後總會面對這問題,及早在大學 階段打破障礙,豈非更好?」是以,她主動參與很多 學生活動,認識本地生,又修讀粵語。 對中大感覺如何?從憲禧極力推薦妹妹來這裏唸書 已不言而喻。妹妹(李憲旼)現為中國研究課程的二 年級生,她笑說:「我想我們應是中大第一對韓國姐 妹本科生。」 憲禧專修市場學,目標是在有意開拓香港市場的跨國 公司工作,發揮所長。畢業在即,要準備求職了,憲禧 苦無可以請教的學長,「希望大學考慮為計劃留港就 業的國際生安排求職講座,提供一些如怎樣申請工作 簽證的實用資訊吧。」 2 3 4 in my work. I am thankful that I have had the chance to overcome it in my university years.’ Angela overcame the barrier by joining a lot of associations, making local friends, and learning Cantonese. How does Angela feel about CUHK? Her zealous promotion of the University to her younger sister Lee Hun-min Cecilia tells it all. Cecilia is now a Year 2 student of Chinese Studies. Angela says, ‘I think we are the first Korean sisters at CUHK.’ Angela whose concentration is marketing, is interested in working for multi-international companies that are trying to gain a foothold in the Hong Kong market. When first seeking jobs, she was faced with the difficulty of not having a mentor from whom to seek advice. ‘I think it would be helpful if the University can hold career talks for international students who are interested in finding jobs in Hong Kong, giving us useful information such as how to apply for work visa here.’