Newsletter No. 368

8 No. 368, 4.12.2010 ACHIEVEMENTS 成 就 中大健兒屢創佳績 CUHK Athletes Excel 劍擊稱后 Fencer Bags Gold 中大首次派出六人劍擊女子隊參加10月31日至11月5日 在上海舉行的第十六屆全國大學生擊劍錦標賽,即獲 獎而回。是次參賽的三百零八名選手來自二十八間院 校,中大風險管理科學課程二年級蘇燕婷( 中 )擊敗一 眾對手,榮膺甲組女子個人花劍冠軍,並連同兩名隊友 翻譯系四年級錢凱妍( 左 )和酒店及旅遊管理學院三 年級黃寶玲( 右 )取得女子丙組隊際花劍銅牌。 The 16th All China University Fencing Championships was held in Shanghai from 31 October to 5 November. This year, the CUHK female fencing team made its debut in the competition and captured the champion title. From among some 300 fencers from 28 tertiary institutions, Sue So (centre), Year 2, Risk Mangaement Science Programme, emerged the champion in Ladies Individual Foil (Division A). She also won a bronze medal in Ladies Foil Team (Division C) together with two of her teammates, Queena Chin (left), Year 4, Department of Translation, and Pauline Wong (right), Year 3, School of Hotel and Toursim Management. 大專水運會勇奪女團亞軍 Women’s Swimming Team Wins Silver 本年度「第四十七屆大專水運會」已於10月31日假 香港城市大學泳池舉行,十所參賽院校實力接近, 競爭激烈。中大泳手力爭之下,奪得女子團體亞軍, 男子團體殿軍及男女子團體總季軍。 The 47th Annual Aquatic Meet of the University Sports Federation of Hong Kong was held on 31 October at the City University of Hong Kong. A total of 10 institutions participated in the event. The CUHK team captured the first runner-up in the women’s overall, the fourth place in the men’s overall, and the second runner-up in the men’s and women’s overall champion. 大專越野賽 衞冕女子個人金牌 Cross Country Women’s Champion Again 大專越野賽於11月7日在中大舉行,中大隊 在個人獎項中表現優異,女子隊主力姚潔 貞(那打素護理學院四年級)以破大會紀 錄的時間18分21秒90衞冕金牌,男子隊的 葉東海(體育運動科學系二年級)亦在高 手雲集下取得第三名。 The Annual Cross Country Meet was held on 7 November on campus. Miss Yiu Kit- ching (Year 4, The Nethersole School of Nursing) clinched the gold medal for the woman’s individual event again with a new record of 18’21.90”. Mr. Yip Tung- hoi (Year 2, Department of Sports Science and Physical Education) won the bronze medal in the men’s individual event. 太空所博士生獲最佳青年論文獎 ISEIS PhD Student Wins Best Young Author Award 太 空與地球信息科學研究所(太空所)博士研究生 譚露( 中 )於第三十一屆亞洲遙感大會中獲頒最佳 青年論文獎。今年約有二百篇論文競逐有關獎項,譚露憑 「基於GIS的土地利用案例推理模型」成為五名得獎者之 一。該獎由日本攝影測量與遙感學會頒發。 亞洲遙感大會為亞洲遙感協會的年會,今年於11月1至5日 在慶祝建城一千周年的越南首都河內舉行,約五百名來自 亞洲與太平洋地區三十個國家及地區的代表參與。 M iss Tan Lu (centre), PhD student of the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS), won the Best Young Author Award for her paper entitled ‘A GIS-based CBR Model for Land-use Inference’ presented in the 31st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS). About 200 papers competed for the prize this year. Miss Tan is one of the five recipients of the award, which is sponsored by the Japan Society of Photogrammmetry and Remote Sensing for young authors who presented the best paper in the ACRS annual conference. ACRS is the annual conference of the Asian Association on Remote Sensing (AARS). The 31st ACRS (2010) was held from 1 to 5 November in Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam which just celebrated its 1,000th year anniversary. About 500 scholars, students and government officers from 30 countries and regions in the Asia- Pacific region attended this meeting.