Newsletter No. 368

本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 第三六八期 二零一零年十二月四日 No. 368 4 December 2010 孫中山先生銅像的最佳選址 大學厚蒙孫中山先生孫女孫穗芳博士(左)惠贈孫中山先生銅像,特於11月10日舉行揭幕 典禮。銅像豎立於逸夫書院廣闊的草坪上,沈祖堯校長(右)向親臨主禮的孫穗芳博士 介紹銅像遙望之處,正是即將命名為逸仙樓的學生宿舍。國父像選址佳妙,讓孫穗芳博 士喜不勝收。 照片提供:郭慶輝先生 Sun Yat-sen Statue Situates in Best The University is grateful to Dr. Sun Sui-fong Lily (left) for her generous donation of a statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen. An unveiling ceremony for the statue was held on 10 November. At the ceremony, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (right), Vice- Chancellor, briefed Dr. Sun on the statue’s location on a lawn at Shaw College, facing a student hostel which will soon be named Yat-sen Hall. Photo by Mr. Nick Kwok P3 我想我們應是中大 第一對韓國姐妹 本科生。 I think we are the first Korean sisters at CUHK. P6 政府與人民之間無可 避免會產生利益 衝突。 There’s always an inevitable conflict of interest between the government and the people. P10 …… 如果能達至兩性平等、互相 尊重的話,性騷擾的 問題自然便會減少。 ...if equality and mutual respect between the two genders can be maintained, sexual harassment will be eliminated.