Newsletter No. 371

No. 371, 19.1.2011 3 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 教育部重點實驗室揭幕 • MoE Key Laboratory Established 中 大獲國家教育部同 意,於工程學院成立 高可信軟件技術教育部重點 實驗室(香港中文大學分實 驗室)。2010年12月15日, 國家教育部科學技術司明炬 處長( 左四 )、北京大學常務 副校長林建華教授( 左三 )、 中央人民政府駐香港特別 行政區聯絡辦公室教育科 技部副巡視員曹國英先生 ( 右三 )、香港特別行政區政 府創新科技署科學顧問余安 正教授( 左二 ),聯同中大副 校長黃乃正教授( 右四 )一起 為實驗室揭幕。 中大與北京大學一向緊密合 作,研究高可信軟件技術。 國家教育部在中大成立這個 部級科研單位,旨在加強兩 校的交流合作,結合雙方在 該領域的技術優勢,提升兩校在軟件技術的研究水平和國 際影響力。 中大副校長黃乃正教授表示:「實驗室是中大與北京大學 合作參與國家高技術研究發展863計劃的一個重要成果。 兩校建立了深厚的友誼和策略夥伴關係,共同致力開創實 質性高水準的科研合作模式。」 A pproved by the Ministry of Education (MoE), the Key Laboratory of High Confidence Software Technologies (Sub-Laboratory, CUHK) was established in the Faculty of Engineering of CUHK. A plaque- unveiling ceremony was held on 15 December 2010. 中國工程院院士訪中大 • CAE Academicians Visit CUHK 「中 國工程院院士訪校計劃」於2010年12月15至18日舉行,工程院醫藥衞生學部 楊勝利院士( 左三 )、甄永蘇院士( 左四 )、戴剋戎院士( 右二 )、王紅陽院士 ( 左一 ),以及化工、冶金與材料工程學部張興棟院士( 右三 )等一行十二人代表團蒞臨中大 Officiating at the ceremony were Mr. Ming Ju (4th left), Director of Department of Science and Technology, MoE; Prof. Lin Jianhua (3rd left), Executive Vice President and Provost of Peking University; Mr. Cao Guoying (3rd right), Associated Counsel, Department of Education, Science and Technology, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR; Prof. Yue On-ching (2nd left), Science Advisor, Innovation and Technology Commission of HKSAR; and Prof. Henry Wong (4th right), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK. Scholars in CUHK and Peking University have been collaborating for years in the area of high confidence technologies. With the mission of up-scaling the technology and to make an impact in the international academic arena, the establishment of the laboratory signifies a deeper collaboration recognized by the MoE in partnership development between the two universities. In his opening remarks, Prof. Henry Wong stated that the laboratory is a milestone for the collaborative efforts of the two universities in the National 863 Project. The establishment will further enhance the partnership between CUHK and Peking University. 交流訪問,並主持以轉化醫學為主題的「院士講座系列」,分享中國轉化醫學的挑戰與 機遇,吸引二百多人參加。 代表團還到訪中大醫學院,參觀生物醫學學院及矯形外科及創傷學系的研究設施。雙 方代表並舉行座談會交流學術意見,同時探討未來合作的可能性。 A 12-member delegation from the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) visited CUHK under the CAE Academicians Visit Programme 2010 from 15 to 18 December. The delegation included Prof. Yang Shengli (3rd left), Prof. Zhen Yongsu (4th left), Prof. Dai Kerong (2nd right), and Prof. Wang Hongyang (1st left) from the Division of Medical and Health, and Prof. Zhang Xingdong (3rd right) from the Division of Chemical, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering. The five academicians delivered public lectures on the theme of translational medicine. They shared their expertise on the challenges and opportunities of developments in translational medicine in China. Over 200 participants attended the lectures. The delegation visited the School of Biomedical Sciences and the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology and toured research facilities. The representatives from CUHK and CAE took the opportunity to exchange ideas and explore possibilities for further collaboration.