Newsletter No. 375

No. 375, 4.4.2011 3 「感謝每位致予日本同情和慰問的中大 成員,大學對災難的迅速回應及熱心捐 助,叫我非常感激。」 ‘I must say thank you to everyone at CUHK who have offered their sympathy and condolences to us. The University’s timely and generous response to the disaster is much appreciated.’ 日本駐港總領事隈丸優次先生 Mr. Yuji Kumamaru, Consul-General of Japan in Hong Kong 「我看到很多香港人樂意解囊,我返 回日本後,將告訴日本人香港人的 慷慨。」 ‘I saw many Hong Kong people are willing to donate money. When I go back to Japan, I will tell the Japanese how kind Hong Kong people are.’ 康本健守博士,支持中大不遺餘力的企業家 Dr. Alex K. Yasumoto, a staunch supporter of CUHK 「我曾在仙台、福島、岩手等地發掘過 很多古代遺址,很多曾協助我在仙台發 掘的是家庭主婦,她們是日本考古無名 的英雄、主力的發掘者。我很擔心她們 的安危。」 ‘I have excavated many archaeological sites in Sendai, Fukushima and Iwate. I worry about the safety of the housewives in Sendai who worked with me then. They were the unknown heroes and principal excavators in Japan’s archaeological field.’ 中國考古藝術研究中心主任鄧聰教授 Prof. Tang Chung, director of Centre for Chinese Archaeology and Art 「核能發電是好是壞,目前仍很難說, 但核電危機可以叫大家反思用電的態 度。若我們大量用電,人類無可避免要 在各地興建更多核電廠來應付所需, 最終核危機很可能在其他地方再 發生。」 ‘It’s hard to say whether nuclear power is good or bad. However, we can reflect on our attitude towards the consumption of electricity. If we continue to use electricity excessively, we have to build numerous nuclear plants to meet our demands and nuclear crises may happen in other places too.’ 由日本返港的中大校友李德偉 Mr. Stephen Li, CUHK alumnus returning from Japan 「我在日本留學,地震後數天,我在掙 扎應否丟下日本朋友自行返港時,他們 很認同這決定,並着我不要令家人擔 心。他們很溫柔體貼,即使在困難中, 仍很照顧他人的需要和感受。」 ‘I studied in Japan. A few days after the earthquake, I was struggling whether I should left my Japanese friends and go back to Hong Kong. They gave me full support and said I should not let my family worry. They are very considerate and always care about others’ feelings even when they are in difficulty.’ 日本研究學系二年級學生鍾翠欣 Miss Chung Chui-yan, year 2 student of Japanese Studies 「重建將花上數年時間,但我相信日 本不會被災難打倒。日本人將視這磨 難為一個機會,叫我們自強不息,更有 勇氣和憐憫之心。」 ‘It will take several years to rebuild the country but I believe the Japanese won’t be defeated by this disaster. The Japanese should see this difficult experience as an opportunity to strengthen ourselves and to be more courageous and compassionate.’ 日本創價大學交流生Miss Tomoko Ota Miss Tomoko Ota, an exchange student from Soka University, Japan 「我住在仙台近一年,現在我很安全 溫飽,但當地人民仍在水深火熱中。我 們應當關心那些正捱飢抵渴的災民。」 ‘I lived in Sendai for about a year. I am safe and warm, and well-fed today. But people in those areas are still suffering. We should think of those who may not have enough food and water.’ 中大學生會代表會前主席吳銘基,於日本留學 Mr. Stephen Ng, former chairperson of the CUSU Representative Council, studying in Japan