Newsletter No. 385
No. 385, 19.10.2011 11 法律學院院長到任 Dean of Law Assumes Duty 法律學院院長Prof. Christopher Gane已於2011年9月30日到任。 Prof. Christopher Gane assumed duty as Dean of Law on 30 September 2011. 新亞校歌原稿首次展出 Lyric Sheet of New Asia College Anthem Displayed for the First Time 新亞書院為提升校友及同學 對創校先賢之認識,現正舉 辦題為「創校先賢:錢穆」的 展覽,展出有關書院創辦人 錢穆先生的珍貴展品,如手 稿、書信、照片及刊物等,更 首次展出校歌原稿。 To enhance alumni and students’ understanding of its founders, New Asia College has organized the exhibition ‘Our College Founders: Ch’ien Mu’. The exhibition features valuable manuscripts, letters, photos and publications of Mr. Ch’ien. The original lyric sheet for the College anthem, handwritten by Mr. Ch’ien, is also on display. 地點 Venue 新亞書院錢穆圖書館一樓展覽廳 Exhibition gallery, 1st floor, News Asia College Ch’ien Mu Library 展覽日期 Exhibition period 由即日起至2011年12月31日 From now till 31 December 2011 開放時間 Opening hours 星期一至五 Monday to Friday 8:20 am – 10:00 pm 星期六 Saturday 8:20 am – 7:00 pm 星期日 Sunday 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm 查詢 Enquiries 新亞書院助理拓展經理林匯哲先生 Mr. Cyrus Lam, assistant advancement manager, New Asia College 電話 Tel : 3943 1963 ;電郵 e-mail : 香港國際詩歌之夜2011 International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong 2011 由中文大學東亞研究中心、香港城市大學人文社會科學院及香港科技大學人文社會科學 學院主辦的第二屆「香港國際詩歌之夜2011」,將於11月10日至13日在香港舉行。 本屆國際詩歌之夜誠為有史以來香港規模最大的國際詩歌盛會,參與的著名國 際詩人和漢語詩人凡二十位,包括墨西哥的瑪麗婭.巴蘭達(Mar í a Bar anda), 巴西的雷寄思.邦維希諾(R é gis Bonvicino),俄羅斯的阿爾卡季.德拉戈莫申科 (Arkadii Dragomoshchenko),土耳其的白江.馬突爾(Bejan Matur),愛爾蘭的保 羅.穆耳頓(Paul Muldoon),印度的維瓦克.那拉揚南(Vivek Narayanan),斯洛文尼亞 的托馬斯.薩拉蒙(Toma ž Š alamun),德國的西爾克.朔伊爾曼(Silke Scheuermann), 美國的卡羅琳.賴特(C.D. Wright),日本的谷川俊太郎,旅日中國詩人田原,中國大陸的 西川、于堅和宇向,台灣的陳克華、零雨和羅智成,澳門的姚風,以及香港的王良和與葉 輝。主辦者將為每位詩人出版雙語或多語種詩歌手冊。 「香港國際詩歌之夜2011」的活動分別安排於香港中文大學、香港城市大學、香港科技大 學及香港兆基創意書院舉行,計有: 11月10日 討論會、開幕朗誦會 11月11日 討論會、詩歌朗誦會 11月12日 詩歌朗誦及分享會(中學生專場,與教育局合辦)、詩歌朗誦會 11月13日 閉幕朗誦會 相關活動將使用包括英文在內的多種語言進行交流,對公眾免費開放,敬請預約留座。詳 情請瀏覽: 。 查詢:張小姐(3943 1000 , ),何小姐(3943 1070)amyho@ 。 Organized by the Centre for East Asian Studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences at City University of Hong Kong, and the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong 2011 (IPNHK2011), a gala in celebration of poetry and poets, will be held from 10 to 13 November 2011. This biggest international gathering of poets in the history of Hong Kong will be participated by a total of 20 renowned poets from all around the globe, including María O 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS Baranda (Mexico), Régis Bonvicino (Brazil), Arkadii Dragomoshchenko (Russia), Bejan Matur (Turkey), Paul Muldoon (Ireland), Vivek Narayanan (India), Tomaž Šalamun (Slovenia), Silke Scheuermann (Germany), C.D. Wright (US), Shuntar ō Tanikawa (Japan), Tian Yuan (China/Japan), Xi Chuan (China), Yu Jian (China), Yu Xiang (China), Chen Ko- hua (Taiwan), Ling Yu (Taiwan), Lo Chih-cheng (Taiwan), Yao Feng (Macau), and Wong Leung-wo (Hong Kong), Yip Fai (Hong Kong). The organizers will publish a series of poetry collections for the invited poets, which will include selected works in English, Chinese and the original languages. Activities of International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong 2011 include: 10 November Panel Discussions, Opening Ceremony and Poetry Recitation 11 November Panel Discussions, Poetry Recitation 12 November Poetry Recitation and Sharing Session (Co-organized with the Education Bureau, for secondary school students only), Poetry Recitations 13 November Closing Ceremony and Poetry Recitation Activities will be conducted multilingually and will take place at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, the City University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and the HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity. Poetry lovers of all nationalities are welcome to attend the public activities. Prior registration is preferred. For more details, please visit: . Enquiries: Miss Melanie Cheung (3943 1000, , Miss Amy Ho (3943 1070, ). 《界限街》 墨水、水彩紙本,17.5 x 25 cm,2011 賴筠婷,2008年中大畢業,獲藝術文學士,剛於2011年完成藝術碩士課程,主修中國工筆人物 畫。筠婷喜歡用筆去記錄身邊的人和事,此作品屬於其速寫香港系列之一。 Boundary Street Ink and water colour on paper, 17.5 x 25 cm, 2011 Lai Kwan-ting Sue graduated from CUHK in 2008 with a Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts and has just finished her Master of Fine Arts at the University with a research focus on Chinese figure painting in 2011. Sue likes to record what she sees and what are happening around her with her drawing pens. Boundary Street is one of her sketches of the streetscape of Hong Kong. 藝 文 風 景 A TOUCH OF CLASS
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