Newsletter No. 386

第三八六期 二零一一年十一月四日  No. 386 4 November 2011 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . P2 「舊夢須記,但記後 要總結經驗,面對將 來。」 ‘The past must be remembered and lessons learnt for us to face the future.’ 五十五歲的盛宴 「聯成一氣,堅道新民,五五韶華丁運會;合作同心,沙田明德,莘 莘學子得英才。」聯合書院五十五周年院慶,學生會以「童年同悅」 為主題,籌辦了連串活動,包括聯合起跑、大笪地、院慶生日會及 千人宴等,連結師生。院長馮國培教授(前排左二)也與學生同穿上 色彩繽紛的上衣,向書院說聲生日快樂。(詳見頁7) A Feast for the 55th Birthday To celebrate United College’s 55th Anniversary, the College Student Union hosted a series of events, including the College Run, Open Bazaar, Birthday Party, and Feast-for-a-Thousand. Prof. Fung Kwok-pui, Head of United College (2nd left, front row) showed his full support to the anniversary student activities in a colourful T-shirt, and joined the students in wishing their beloved College a very happy birthday. (See p. 7) P10 「讀過這些(文學)鉅著,你 的精神領域就是不同。」 ‘… once you have studied literature, your spiritual world will never be the same again.’ 《中大通訊》電子版 Online version of CUHK Newsletter