Newsletter No. 389

6 No. 389, 19.12.2011 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 新兩年制學士課程 • New Two-Year Undergraduate Programmes 中 大將於2012至13年度開辦三個 為期兩年、專為銜接副學士/ 高級文憑學位而設的教資會資助全日制 學士課程。 那打素護理學院院長李子芬教授( 中 )表 示,開辦全港首個老年學理學學士課程, 旨在減輕長者照顧服務的人手短缺問題。 該課程的畢業生可在各類長者服務機構 內,擔任規劃、實施及協調工作。體育運 動科學系系主任夏秀禎教授( 右 )稱,理 學士(運動科學與健康教育)學位課程旨 在培訓該方面的專業人士,協助個人及社 區更了解和關注健康問題,改善不良生活 模式,以預防慢性疾病與殘疾及提升生活質素。社會 科學院副院長(教育)鄺啓新教授( 左 )說,全球研究 社會科學學士課程的內容緊貼廿一世紀的全球趨勢, 涵蓋全球政治、世界經濟體系、環境議題、人權、貧窮 及國際法等層面。 C UHK will launch three two-year full-time UGC-funded undergraduate programmes which are specially designed for associate degree/higher diploma holders in the 2012–13 academic year. Prof. Diana T.F. Lee ( centre ), director of the Nethersole School of Nursing, said the Bachelor of Science Programme in Gerontology is designed in response to an expanding ageing population and the associated manpower shortage in health and social elderly care services in Hong Kong. Graduates will possess skills in planning, delivering and 經濟學大師論防範全球經濟危機 • Nobel Economist Lecturing on Limiting Global Economic Crises 新 鴻基地產和中大邀得2010年諾貝爾經濟學獎 得主彼得.戴蒙德教授於12月5日來港舉行講 座,題為「防患於未然:遏止全球經濟陷入危機的步 驟」,吸引逾四百名學者、學生、政商界人士。 戴蒙德教授探討導致全球經濟危機的因素,並提出相 應的緩解措施,以及其他需要深入研究的議題。戴蒙 德教授自1966年至今一直於麻省理工學院任教,現為 統計學者 獲學刊表揚 • Statistician Awarded by Academic Journal 統 計學系系主任陳毅恒 教授獲劍橋大學出版 社《計量經濟學期刊》頒發 Econometric Theory Multa Scripsit Award,以表揚他在推 動研究計量經濟學的努力,以 及在該期刊持續發表有關文章 的貢獻。陳教授多年來專注研 究計量經濟學,使這範疇漸趨 成熟,成為經濟學重要的一環。 P rof. Chan Ngai-hang, chairman of the Department of Statistics, CUHK, was awarded the Econometric Theory Multa Scripsit Award for his cumulative contributions to the journal Econometric Theory published by the Cambridge University Press. Professor Chan’s invaluable contributions in econometrics have helped driven the growth of subject, which is now a vibrant research area in economics. 沈祖堯教授獲選 中國工程院院士 • Prof. Joseph Sung Elected CAE Academician 中 大校長沈祖堯教授 獲選為2011年中國 工程院院士,以表彰他在消 化系統病領域的重大成就 和貢獻。他是本屆唯一入選 的香港科學家。 中國工程院院士是國家在工 程科學技術方面設立的最 高殊榮,為終身榮譽。連同 沈教授,中大目前共有三位 中國工程院院士、六位中國 科學院院士、四位中國科學 院外籍院士及八位中央研究院院士。 P rof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, has been elected an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), in recognition of his remarkable achievements and contributions in the field of gastroenterology. Professor Sung is the only Hong Kong scientist to receive the honour in 2011. CAE membership is a life-long honour and is the highest academic title in engineering science and technology in China. Including Professor Sung, CUHK has, among its faculty members, a total of three CAE members, six Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) members, four CAS members of foreign nationalities and eight Academia Sinica members. coordinating elderly care services in a wide variety of health and social care settings. Prof. Amy S.C. Ha ( right ), chairperson, Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, said, ‘The Bachelor of Science Programme in Exercise Science and Health Education aims to train professionals in relevant fields to assist individuals and communities to have a better understanding of health issues, thereby preventing and changing unhealthy lifestyle and behaviours linked to chronic disease, disability and poor quality of life.’ Prof. Sunny K.S. Kwong ( left ), associate dean (education), Faculty of Social Science, remarked that the course contents of the Bachelor of Social Science Programme in Global Studies will be highly relevant to the global trend of the 21st century, including global politics, world economies, environmental issues, human rights, poverty and international law. 榮休教授。其著作涵蓋公共財政、社會保險制度、行 為經濟學、不確定性及搜索理論及宏觀經濟學等。 S un Hung Kai Properties and CUHK jointly organized a public lecture on 5 December titled ‘Steps to Limit Future Global Economic Crises’, which was delivered by Prof. Peter A. Diamond, 2010 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences. The lecture drew a full house of over 400 academics, students, members of the commercial, financial and political sectors, as well as the general public. In his lecture, Professor Diamond reviewed factors that contributed to the global economic crises and discussed some steps for addressing them as well as issues needing more research. Professor Diamond is an Institute Professor Emeritus at MIT where he taught from 1966 to 2011. He has written on public finance, social insurance, behavioural economics, uncertainty and search theories, and macroeconomics.