Newsletter No. 399

6 No. 399, 4.6.2012 傅高義教授新書講座假祖堯堂舉行 Prof. Ezra F. Vogel lectures at Cho Yiu Hall ❏ ❏ How do you see the core mission of the Chinese University in this age of globalization? 在全球化世代,中大該如何自處? The role of the University in the 1970’s and 1980’s was particularly significant and unique, and today it continues to be so. Western scholars still find this a very welcoming place where they feel being parts For the full text of the interview, please go to: 本篇為訪問節錄,全文已上載 : ❏ ❏ To what extent are the policies and directions set by Deng still being followed in China? 鄧小平制訂的政策和方向,有多少仍被奉行? I think his basic policies are still being followed. This may be seen in terms of continued economic reforms, the emphasis on the development of science and technology, the appointment of younger people to key government positions, the importance accorded to merit and the examination system, and the general policy of getting on with other powers. 我認為他的基本政策仍然得到遵循。這在以下幾個方 面可見一斑:經濟改革持續、重視科技發展、主要政府 官員年輕化、用人唯才和重視考試制度,以及與其他強 國打交道所奉行的宏觀政策。 After the devastations of the Cultural Revolution, Deng brought the country back to order and productiveness. He learnt from history, and in particular he learnt the necessity of managing the country well. He would not allow ideological controversies to tear the country apart, and placed great emphasis on keeping the people fed, and in due course improving their livelihood through economic reforms. Apart from his outstanding political acumen, his credentials included being a revolutionary hero, a brilliant soldier, a shrewd finance minister, as well as an effective head of regional government. Among Chinese leaders of his generation he had a rare gift of building up rapport with foreign heads of state, including Presidents Ford, Carter, Reagan, and Bush Senior, and Lady Thatcher too, just to name a few. He probably impressed with his practical and down-to-earth approach: President Reagan was known to have observed that Deng did not look like a communist at all. 文革浩劫過後,是鄧小平恢復國家的秩序和生產力。他以史為鑒,尤其是 從中學習治國安民之道。他不讓意識形態之爭撕裂國家,並且重視人民溫 飽,藉着經濟改革改善他們的生活。 他除了有敏銳的政治頭腦,還有多種才能,既是革命英雄、出色軍事家,亦 是精明的財政部長,並且是領導有方的地方政府首長。在他那一代的中國 領袖中,他最擅長與外國元首打交道,跟他有交情的包括美國總統福特、 卡特、列根和老布殊,還有英國的戴卓爾夫人。他腳踏實地的務實態度或 許是打動他們的原因:列根就覺得鄧小平完全不像共產黨員。 ❏ ❏ Would you comment on the political scene in Hong Kong? 對香港的政治形勢,你有何 觀察? Peaceful and stable development in Hong Kong in the long term is what the Central Government prefers. Let us say that Headquarters will always keep a watchful eye, and there would be concessions here and there. It would also be well for us to remember that the rule of law, and the concepts behind an institution like the ICAC in Hong Kong, are only beginning to take shape in many parts of the mainland and this fact may have overwhelmed some people in Hong Kong. 中央政府希望香港長期和平穩定發 展,會一直密切注視香港的情況,隨 時作出這樣那樣的讓步。但不要忘 記,法治以及香港廉政公署等機構 背後的理念,在內地許多地方才剛 剛開始建立,有些香港人對此可能感 到不慣。 傅高義教授眼中的 中文大學和鄧小平 Professor Ezra F. Vogel on CUHK and Deng Xiaoping of the community rather than as guests. CUHK will develop itself into a major hub of cultural activities in the region. 中大在1970和80年代的角色至為 獨特和關鍵,今天依然如此。西方 學者來到這裏,仍然感到賓至如 歸,覺得自己是這裏的一員。未來的 中大,將發展為地區文化活動的重 要樞紐。 ❏ ❏ How did your interest in the study of Asia, especially China and Japan, come to be formed? 你對亞洲尤其是中國和日本的 研究興趣,從何而來? My original interest was in the sociological study of the family. Then a great interest in China and Japan was developing in the US, and Harvard was at the forefront of this renewed intellectual urge to learn more about Asia. So I learnt Chinese and Japanese and moved into the field of Asian studies. 我原來的興趣是有關家庭的社會學 研究。後來美國掀起對中日的熱潮, 哈佛大學是這股重新認識亞洲的學 術潮流的重鎮,所以我學習中文和 日文,轉投亞洲研究。 ❏ ❏ Could you highlight for us the most important merits of Deng? 能否簡單說說鄧小平最重要的 政績是甚麼?