Newsletter No. 400

No. 400, 19.6.2012 7 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 O 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS The Sense of an Ending This is the last instalment of ‘Style Speaks’ in its present format. Let’s talk about endings. Committee papers inevitably invite approvals or directions. A letter ends by reaffirming the relationship between writer and recipient. Depending on the degree of formality or intimacy, one writes: Yours faithfully, / Yours sincerely, / Yours affectionately, Fairy tales end by ‘And they lived happily ever after.’ The novel’s is more amorphous, with the modern ones tending to have open endings, that is, endings which are potential beginnings. In the context of movies, the audience would know they will be getting a sequel. For expository writing in general, the thesis should be re-stated in a novel way in the last paragraph, or conclusion, but nothing entirely new should be said. Thus Bertrand Russell ends the prologue to his Autobiography (cf. Newsletter No. 398 ): 舊電話號碼字首失效 Dropping Phone Number Prefixes 由2012年7月1日起,以 ’2609’ 、 ‘2696’ 及 ‘3163’ 為字首的電話號碼將告失效,致電該等號 碼者,將聽到一段關於新電話字首 ’3943’ 現已生效的錄音,致電者需重新撥號。有關新 電話系統的最新消息,請瀏覽 。 From 1 July 2012, the old telephone number prefixes, i.e., ’2609’, ‘2696’ and ‘3163’ will be dropped. People dialling these prefixes will hear a recorded message indicating that the telephone number prefix of CUHK has been changed to ’3943’. Callers will need to redial using the new prefix. Please visit for the latest on the new phone number system. 大學刊物電子書添搜索功能 Search Function for University e-Publications 大學刊物的網上版已增添搜索功能,用者只需輸入關鍵詞,即可找到相關文章,方便易 用,網址為 。 A search function has been added to various online university publications. Users can easily find articles in those publications simply by inputting key words. Please visit 網上教職員名錄更詳盡 Online Staff List Enhanced 香港中文大學網上教職員名錄自2012年6月起增列乙及丙類服務條例職員,並於每年 10、2及6月更新,查看請到 。 From June 2012, the Chinese University Online Staff List includes Terms of Service (B) and (C) staff. The list will also be updated in October, February and June each year. To view the list, please visit . 逾夜泊車新安排 New Arrangements for Overnight Parking 由2012年8月1日起,方樹泉樓對面停車場只供全職職員使用(即持 ‘A’ 、 ‘AR’ 及 ‘Am’ 證者),但不可逾夜停泊。符合大學政策而獲批准逾夜停泊之職員,均只限停泊於上海總 會科研技術中心及澤祥街之Site B車場。 With effect from 1 August 2012, the car park opposite Fong Shu Chuen Building will only be open to full-time staff users (i.e., those holding ‘A’, ‘AR’ and ‘Am’ labels) and no overnight parking will be allowed. Staff overnight parking, if approved in accordance with the University policy, will be confined to the Shanghai Fraternity Association Research Services Centre and Site B at Chak Cheung Street. 支持中大精英運動員 • Supporting CUHK Elite Athletes 大 學獲運動燃希望基金慨捐 一百三十萬港元,設立「運動燃 希望基金─中大精英運動員計劃」, 為有運動天賦而缺乏財政支援的中大 精英運動員設立獎學金,資助中大運 動隊伍訓練,以及培訓運動領袖,如 提升其自信心、責任感、溝通技巧等。 捐贈儀式於6月4日舉行,基金創辦人 及主席利蘊珍女士( 右 )把支票送交 副校長黃乃正教授。利蘊珍女士自小 熱愛運動,她表示「運動對大學生的 全面發展非常重要,希望通過計劃提 供經濟援助予有需要的運動員參與各 項培訓,提升水平。」 T he Sports for Hope Foundation (SFHF) generously donated HK$1.3 million to the Chinese University to launch the ‘Sports for Hope Foundation–CUHK Elite Athletes Scheme’. The goal of the scheme is to support needy athletes in CUHK by establishing scholarships, sponsoring the training of sports teams, and strengthening leadership skills of captains in terms of confidence, sense of responsibility and communication skills. Ms. Marie-Christine Lee ( right ), founder and chairman of SFHF, and Prof. Henry N.C. Wong, CUHK Pro-Vice-Chancellor, attended the donation presentation ceremony on 4 June. Ms. Lee loved sports when she was small. She said, ‘Sports is vital to the all-round development of undergraduate students. The scheme is to help needy athletes to enhance their training, so they can raise their standard.’ 穿梭小巴調整收費 Adjustment of Shuttle Light Bus Fare 穿梭小巴收費將於2012年7月3日調整,每人每程收費五元,乘車券每本十張,每本收費 四十五元。 The fare of the shuttle light bus will be adjusted with effect from 3 July 2012. The new fare is HK$5 per person/ride and bus coupons in booklets of 10 is HK$45. This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me. 1 In a prescient analysis of the demons of globalization (This was in 1990!), Daniel E. Koshland, Jr., long-time Editor of Science , states that economic policies and human behaviour obey a few laws just as thermodynamics does. The parallel between nature and society is given a new spark in the last sentence with a common sensation: The obvious correlation between the laws of thermodynamics and the laws of sociodynamics is that whenever they are violated, someone will feel the heat. 2 Editor _____________ 1 Bertrand Russell, ‘What I Have Lived for’, in Autobiography (London: Routledge, 1993). 2 Daniel E. Koshland, Jr., ‘The Laws of Sociodynamics’, Science , Vol. 249, No. 4967 (27 July 1990), p. 341.