Newsletter No. 403

No. 403, 19.9.2012 9 1975 2012 科 學館在1972年落成開幕時,外壁尚無大學校徽, 該校徽是1978年副校長鄭德坤教授伉儷捐贈七 萬港元興建。下圖前景的碧秋樓,則落成於1977年。 T he Science Centre was inaugurated in 1972. In 1978, the then Pro-Vice-Chancellor Prof. Cheng Te-k’un and Mrs. Cheng donated $70,000 to place a University Crest on the wall of the Science Centre facing the University Mall. The Pi Ch’iu Building in the foreground of the photo below was opened in 1977.