Newsletter No. 413

No. 413, 4.3.2013 5 系列活動貫徹書院的創新精神,不斷推陳出 新,豐富學生的體驗。2012年的暑假,又再創 新猷,與北京清華大學及台灣國立清華大學合 辦「薪火計劃:中大聯合.兩岸清華.服務學習 體驗」,三所院校各派十名學生參與。為期一 個月的薪火計劃分為三部分,第一部分的活動 在香港舉行,學生組成義工隊,參與義工服務 的講座及研討會,並探訪了居於深水埗區劏房 及板間房的基層家庭,又到香港耀能協會學習 照顧智障及患有自閉症的兒童。 第二部分移師到台灣,義工隊到南澳自然田學 習有機耕作;為新竹縣兩所小學粉飾校舍和整 理二手玩具,以及到嘉義東石區與居民共同美 化家園,建設綠色社區。 最後一站為北京,三校學生分組到北京郊區提 供支援教學,地點包括河南滑縣、河北平鄉及 河北蔚縣。他們義務教授英語課,提升當地中 小學生對學習英語的興趣。 The GOAL Programme, which reflects the College’s spirit of innovation, organizes new activities from time to time to enrich students’ experience. A good example is the ‘Pass-it- on: Service Learning Programme’ organized last summer jointly with Beijing’s Tsinghua University and Taiwan’s Tsing Hua University. Each institution sent 10 students to take part in the programme which comprised three parts. The first part of the programme was held in Hong Kong where students attended a series of lectures and seminars to learn about the social service system. They also visited grassroots families living in sub-divided units and cubicle apartments in Sham Shui Po, and learnt to take care of children who were mentally challenged or autistic at the Spastics Association of Hong Kong. Next the students headed to Taiwan for the second part that included learning about and practising organic farming in Nan-ao, redecorating schoolyards and cleaning second- hand toys at two primary schools in Hsinchu, and landscaping Dong Shih, Chiayi, together with its residents. The programme’s last stop was Beijing. Students visited rural areas including Hua County in Henan Province; Pingxiang County and Yu County in Hebei, to provide voluntary English teaching service to primary and secondary students. 地球村成員說…… The citizens of Global Village say… 特色的書院小炒 A Special College Dish 新亞書院教職員餐廳的餐牌於農曆年後新增了數道菜式,其中一道名為新亞小炒皇,據知 甚受歡迎。數一數材料,有花生、甘筍、馬蹄、芥蘭、冬菇、雞丁、火腿、蝦米、叉燒、魚柳和 蝦仁等。以豆瓣醬或XO醬下鑊,混上各種食材,濃香中帶點微辣,令人食慾大增,與白飯可 謂絕配。 一道小炒,是平常不過的素材和簡單的烹調方法,卻有魚、肉和菜,包含各種營養要素。想起 昔日新亞書院創校先賢錢穆唐君毅等,一生淡薄簡樸,克勤克儉,他們的思想滋潤了書院人 文精神的發展。無論在今在昔,在菜式在生活,書院精神也隱隱以不同姿態向大家展現。 The New Asia Staff Canteen introduced several new dishes after the Lunar New Year. One of them was named ‘College stir-fry’ and apparently it is quite popular. The ingredients of the dish include peanuts, carrots, water chestnuts, Chinese kale, mushrooms, chicken, ham, dried shrimp, barbecued pork, fish fillet and shrimp. These are sauteed with broad bean sauce or XO sauce, giving a fragrant and mildly spicy flavour which will whet the appetite. Despite its modest ingredients and simple cooking method, the dish contains many essential nutrients—meat, pulses, vegetables, seafood. The only thing missing is a bowl of rice—fluffy, steaming hot, and white. 「台灣的行程給我留下深刻印象,畢竟耕種、溯溪、協 助山區建設等工作,在港鮮有機會參與。還記得赤腳到 田裏工作,或踏進冰涼的小溪,以腳掌感受大自然的溫 度,感覺新鮮。」 ‘The trip to Taiwan impressed me the most as it’s rare to have the opportunity to farm, stream-trace and help improve social facilities in rural areas. I still recall the feeling of working barefeet in the fields or setting into the coolness of a brook—feeling nature with the soles of my feet. That was refreshing.’ 中國語言及文學系三年級陸雋鵬 Andrew Luk, Year 3, Chinese Language and Literature 「薪火計劃以社會服務為主題,除可 與內地和台灣的同學有深入的交流合 作,也讓我更了解三地的文化及社會服 務的發展。還有,在台灣親身體會當地 人以打工換宿的方式支持有機耕種, 認識了以藝術維繫社區感情,發展地區 經濟。」 ‘The programme not only gave me the chance to collaborate closely with students from the mainland and Taiwan; it also deepened my understanding of the culture and the social services available in the three places. I gained hands-on experience working for an organic farm that allows people to stay for free in exchange for work. It’s a great way of supporting organic farming. I also got to learn more about using the arts to enhance community cohesion and develop the local economy.’ 護理學四年級陳凱雯 Daisy Chan, Year 4, Nursing