Newsletter No. 415

校慶巡迴展覽揭幕 50th Anniversary Fair Kicks Off To celebrate the golden jubilee, the University launches the 50th Anniversary Fair from March to November. The fair comprises a roving exhibition around town which showcases the achievements and contributions of CUHK over the past 50 years and presents its future plans to the public. The 50th Anniversary Fair Kick-off Ceremony officiated by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( centre ), CUHK Vice- Chancellor; Prof. Michael K.M. Hui ( left ), Pro-Vice- Chancellor; and Prof. Hau Kit-tai ( right ), Pro-Vice- Chancellor, was held on 15 March at the Ocean Terminal Main Concourse, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui. Contents of the roving exhibition include ‘CUHK’s Background’, ‘Heritage’, ‘Humanities’ and ‘Innovations’. Exhibition panels, informative materials and interactive games are displayed to present the distinguished and indelible marks left by generations of teachers and students on regional, national and international history. The exhibition also demonstrates how teachers and students of CUHK shoulder their responsibilities as citizens of the world when the call of benevolent humanism beckons. The exhibition at Harbour City ended on 20 March. The second exhibition will be held at Plaza Hollywood, Diamond Hill from 15 to 19 April. 為慶祝2013金禧校慶年,大學於3至11月在全港多個地 區的大型商場及中學巡迴舉行校慶博覽會,讓公眾認識 中大半世紀以來的發展,以及未來的發展藍圖。博覽會 開幕典禮於3月15日假尖沙咀海港城海運大廈展覽大堂 舉行,由沈祖堯校長( 中 )、許敬文副校長( 左 )和侯傑泰 副校長( 右 )主持。 太空所合研項目獲科技進步獎 ISEIS Joint Research Awarded 左起:太空所黃波教授、林琿教授及張淵智教授參與研究 From left: Prof. Huang Bo, Prof. Lin Hui and Prof. Zhang Yuanzhi, ISEIS, are investigators of the joint project 中大太空與地球信息科學研究所(太空所)與中國 科學院南海海洋研究所(南海所)合作的研究項目 「南海及鄰近海域藻華形成演變過程機制與遙感監 測方法」,獲2012年廣東省科學技術成果(基礎類) 一等獎,頒獎儀式由廣東省省長朱小丹主持。 該項粵港合作研究計劃利用太空所的衞星遙感地 面接收站和南海所的大型海洋考察船等先進設備, 就藻華(紅潮)的生消規律及其動力學機制、生態 環境效應,以及遙感監測與評估方法開展了一系列 研究。由此加深了對藻華形成過程及調控機制的認 識,並為此種海洋災害的預測及預警提供了理論和 方法。研究成果不但對南海漁業生產和政府決策有 重要幫助,亦有助促進海洋生態遙感的發展和國際 合作。 The research project, ‘Phytoplankton Blooms in the South China Sea and Adjacent Waters: Processes, Mechanisms and Remote Sensing Methods’, jointly conducted by CUHK’s Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS) and the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology (SCSIO), has been awarded the first prize of the 2012 Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award (Basic Science). The award ceremony was officiated by Mr. Zhu Xiaodan, Governor, Guangdong Province. By using advanced research equipments and facilities such as satellite remote sensing ground receiving station of ISEIS and large marine vessels of SCSIO, the Guangzhou- Hong Kong project launched a series of studies on the laws of formation and dissipation, the dynamic mechanism and ecological effects of phytoplankton, as well as remote sensing monitoring and assessment methods. The results deepened understanding of the formation process and control mechanism of phytoplankton blooms, thus providing theories and methods for forecasting and warning about marine disasters. The study contributed not only to fishery production in the South China Sea and government decision-making, but also development and international cooperation in marine ecological remote sensing. 社工系畢業生獲選新秀社工 Alumna Awarded Outstanding Social Worker 2008年社會工作 碩士畢業生黎嘉欣 獲香港社會工作人 員協會選為新秀社 工,以資表揚。黎嘉 欣畢業後於香港基 督教服務處僱員發 展服務擔任顧問, 為全港七十多間企 業提供僱員支援服 務,如專業輔導、 危難或意外事故的 心理援助。她更於 培訓及身心健康推 廣計劃加入新元 素,以切合不同企 業員工的需要,深 受用者歡迎。 Ms. Lai Ka-yan, 2008 master graduate of social work, was elected Outstanding Junior Social Worker by the Hong Kong Social Workers Association. Ms. Lai has been working at Employee Development Service, Hong Kong Christian Service, which offers Employee Assistance Programmes to more than 70 local and international companies. She provides professional counselling including crisis intervention service and psychological first-aid to victims of critical incidents. She has also introduced new elements catering to the needs of corporate clients in the area of training and developing wellness promotion programmes. These have been well received by both participants and corporate clients. 展覽包括四部分:「中大概覽」、「歷史傳承」、「人文精 神」及「創新研究」。透過展板、模型和互動遊戲,向大 眾展示中大歷輩師生在社會、國家以至國際流芳的印記, 以及中大人承擔世界公民責任,行善四方的足跡。海港城 的首場巡迴展覽已於3月20日結束,第二場巡迴展覽將於 4月15至19日假鑽石山荷里活廣場舉行。 黎嘉欣(左)獲特區政府政務司司長林鄭月娥頒 予獎狀 Ms. Lai Ka-yan (left) receiving the award from Mrs. Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, Chief Secretary for Administration, HKSAR Government 4 No. 415, 4.4.2013