Newsletter No. 415

Traditional Chinese Dance Performance Sporting Chinese period costumes, international and mainland students performed a fan dance, winning the applause of guests at the dinner party for international, mainland and local students on 11 March. Over 180 students, consuls and vice-consuls, and donors of non-local student scholarships were in attendance at the party hosted by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor. 翩翩起舞 國際生和內地生穿上傳統中國舞衣,於3月11日晚上的國際、內地和本地學生聯 歡晚會上,為來賓及同學獻上扇舞,贏來不少掌聲。晚會由沈祖堯校長主催, 出席者包括逾一百八十名國際、內地和本地學生,以及多位外國駐港領事、 副領事和非本地生獎學金捐款人。 P4 五十周年校慶博覽會  展示大學成就及未來發展藍圖。 The 50th Anniversary Fair showcases the achievements of CUHK and its future plans. P2 原來植物分泌蛋白質另有蹊 徑,此發現打破了植物研究 界的傳統認識。 Plants secrete proteins in unconventional ways that had previously been ignored by the plant research community. P10 「我最希望學員多點享受 學習的過程,開拓自我實 現的空間。」 ‘I sincerely hope that course participants will enjoy the process of learning more, and embark on a journey of self-actualization.’ 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 第四一五期 二零一三年四月四日  No. 415 4 April 2013