Newsletter No. 417
2 No. 417, 4.5.2013 藝術系系主任 莫家良 教授: 「高美慶教授對於藝術系 學生的學習與前途,一直十 分關心,並給予無限支持。 是次慨捐巨款,設立藝術 贊助基金,其關愛之情,令 人感動。當今的大學教育, 不只限於課堂內的知識傳 授,同時更須為學生提供 課堂以外的學習經驗,甚至幫助畢業初期的學生邁開 步伐。這種人才培養的方式,亟需要外來贊助支持。 高美慶教授藝術贊助基金的設立,意義正在於此。」 Prof. Mok Kar-leung Harold , chairman of the Department of Fine Arts, said: ‘Prof. Kao Mayching cares very much about students of the department and has been very supportive to them. We’re moved by her enthusiasm and her generous donation for setting up this fund. Today, a university education is more than what you learn in the classroom. Providing learning experiences beyond the walls of classrooms and giving new graduates a leg-up on their career are equally important. These are often possible only with support from outside the University. The Professor Mayching Kao Fine Arts Fund fulfils exactly that purpose.’ have with others.’ Professor Kao added, ‘The University has provided many awards and support for students and staff. If those who have benefited from them would give back when they are able to, the University’s support for its students and staff will be more sustainable.’ Prevailing Trend in Art Education The Professor Mayching Kao Fine Arts Fund supports full- time students and alumni to enhance learning experience, open up their perspectives, and improve their capability. What is special about this fund is that it not only benefits current students, but also supports alumni who have graduated for no more than five years to take part in artist-in-residence schemes or other career development programmes. Professor Kao said, ‘I believe that the immediate post-graduation years are a critical period that determines whether a fledgling artist could stay in the art community and commit himself or herself to creating art. That’s why the fund accepts applications from alumni who have graduated for no more than five years.’ This fund is dedicated to supporting internships and activities outside the classroom. Professor Kao said, ‘Classroom learning is of course important. But when it comes to educating artists, developing enthusiasm and perseverance is more important. They’re not something you can learn from textbooks. You have to get them first- hand.’ When she taught and served as chairperson at the Department of Fine Arts, Professor Kao had helped to move the department’s curriculum in that direction. Although retired from the University, she still serves as adviser and referee for many art organizations and knows very well that extracurricular activities are prevailing trends in today’s art education. ‘I have seen that these experiences are instrumental in securing career opportunities in the art community.’ A Teacher’s Gesture of Gratitude Professor Kao emphasized that she gave the donation not only as an alumna of the department, but also as a former teacher of the University. She served at CUHK as a teacher from 1972 to 1999, spanning 27 years. It is several times longer than her few years as a student at the University. Professor Kao said, ‘My affection for the University grew bit by bit during those days. After returning to the University to serve as a lecturer, I climbed to the top of the academic ladder and from there I made contributions to the community. This was made possible, in addition to personal efforts, by the opportunities and supportive environment provided by the University. I’ve always been grateful to the CUHK for them.’ The Professor Mayching Kao Fine Arts Fund is just the latest contribution Professor Kao has made to the University. She has sponsored her students’ activities in different ways when she taught at CUHK. After retirement, she established the Professor Mayching Kao Fine Arts Award, and donated to the Madam Jan Yun-bor Memorial Awards for Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, the Professor Johnson Chow Su Sing Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Award, the Professor Tseng K’e-tuen Chinese Poetry and Calligraphy Award, etc. When asked what effects she expected her donation would bring, Professor Kao replied, ‘The career of an artist depends on his or her experience in life. So, what really matters is that the students must expand their horizons and establish connections. Our job as educators is to sow seeds. As for whether or when the seeds will grow, it depends on the seeds themselves.’ 為藝術播種 高美慶教授藝術贊助基金 Sowing Seeds for Art Professor Mayching Kao Fine Arts Fund 《中 大校刊》1967年 3月號刊登的眾 多書院消息中有這麼一則: 「新亞書院留學生考選委員 會宣布:關於1967年度雅禮 留學獎金兩名,決定分別給予 該院藝術系四年級學生 高美慶 小姐 及新聞系四年級學生 梅寬 君。」 故事就是這樣開始的,當年拿着獎學金負笈美國的那 名「藝術系四年級學生」,1972年學成回到母校,擔任 藝術系講師,並於1975至77年及1981至84年擔任藝 術系系主任,又曾任中國文化研究所文物館館長達十 八年之久。1999年她從中大講座教授的席位退休。在 去年,即她獲得雅禮留學獎金四十五年之後,高美慶教授 捐出一百萬元設立「高美慶教授藝術贊助基金」。 「我是懷着感恩的心情設立這個基金,」高美慶教授說: 「首先,我在藝術系的學習,奠定了我對藝術的認識,也 堅定了我對藝術的信念。第二,當年新亞書院覺得香港非 常缺乏美術史人才,所以頒發獎學金,讓我能到外國進 修。現在我很樂意略盡綿力作出回報。」除此以外,高教 授補充:「拋磚引玉也是我的心願。中大曾為很多學生和 同事提供不少獎勵和資助,倘若受惠者能在行有餘力時 有所回饋,便可將大學的惠澤薪傳下去。」 藝術教育大趨勢 「高美慶教授藝術贊助基金」以資助形式協助藝術系全 日制學生及系友增加學習經驗、擴濶藝術視野,以及提升 個人能力。這個基金的一個特點,是不只頒給在校的本科 生和研究生,還資助畢業五年內的系友參與外地駐場藝 術家計劃,以及拓展其藝術或學術事業。高教授說:「我 覺得大學畢業後那幾年,對於一位初出茅廬的藝術家能 否在藝術圈立足,能否堅持創作,是關鍵時期。所以畢業 五年之內都可以申請贊助去參加交流。」 這個基金專門資助實習和教室以外的活動。高教授說: 「課堂學習固然重要,但是,對於培養藝術工作者來說, 他們對藝術的熱誠和堅持更是關鍵,這在書本上學不到, 須要親自去體驗。」她在藝術系任教和擔任系主任期間, 系內課程已朝這個方向改革。此外,高教授雖然已從大學 退休,但仍在藝術界擔當很多顧問和評審工作,更加清楚 現今藝術教育把重點放在課堂以外活動的大趨勢:「我 看到這些資歷,對於他們在藝術界爭取更好的發展機會 十分重要。」 大學教師的回饋 高教授強調,設立這個基金不但是以系友身分支持母校, 更重要的是以中大教師身分支持大學。因為相對於在藝 術系學習的短短幾年,由1972年執起教鞭,至1999年退 休,在中大的教學生涯整整二十七年,是她學生時期的幾 倍之長。高教授說:「我對中大的感情是在那二十多年點 點滴滴積累起來的。由我學成回港當講師,多年來逐步晉 升,攀登學術的高階,貢獻社會,除了個人的努力外,大學 給予的機會和環境實在非常重要,令我常存感恩之心。」 「高美慶教授藝術贊助基金」只是高教授最近的捐獻。 她在校時已不斷資助學生活動,退休後設立「高美慶教授 藝術史獎學金」,並贊助「詹雲白夫人紀念中國書畫獎」、 「周士心教授中國書畫學業成績獎」、「曾克耑教授中國 詩詞及書法學業成績獎」等。 最後問及期望今次的贊助能發揮甚麼作用,高教授答道: 「藝術生命的成長,很需要生活的體驗,要增廣見聞,也 要建立人脈關係。我們做教育工作的,是在播種,至於這 些種子能否或者何時長成,只能看種子本身了。」 I n the March 1967 issue of the CUHK Bulletin , a piece of news reads: ‘The Overseas Scholarship Committee of New Asia College announced that two Yale-in-China Scholarships for the year 1967 will be granted to Miss Kao Mee Ching [ sic ] and Mr. Mei Foon . Miss Kao is a fine arts student and Mr. Mei studies journalism, both in their last year of studies in the College.’ And this is where the story begins. The fine arts student who went to the US returned to CUHK in 1972 to serve as a lecturer at the Department of Fine Arts. Later she became chairperson of the department—twice from 1975 to 1977, and 1981 to 1984. She also served as director of the Art Gallery of the Institute of Chinese Studies for 18 years. In 1999, she retired from the University as a chair professor. Then in 2012, 45 years after receiving the Yale-in-China Scholarship, Prof. Kao Mayching donated HK$1 million to establish the Professor Mayching Kao Fine Arts Fund. ‘I set up this fund with a sense of gratitude,’ said Professor Kao. ‘First, my studies at the Department of Fine Arts laid a solid foundation for my knowledge of art and enhanced my commitment to art. Second, New Asia College felt that there was a want of experts on art history in Hong Kong. So it gave me the scholarship, supporting me to study abroad. Now I’m very willing to make my contribution to the University and share what I 邊註邊讀 Marginalia 外面社會的討論每每愈演愈激烈,沙田這一隅的對話則會 撫濯人的心靈。4月的中大,迎來佛學大師及信奉巴哈伊教 的流行樂創作歌手,與校長展開精采對話,體現校園學術 自由的風氣和文化多元的特色。 英國藝評家 Clive Bell 說過:「藝術及宗教帶來的狂喜其實 如出一轍,兩者都帶領人探討心靈深處。」 藝術與宗教也是中大展揚的兩面旗幟,其中又以 高美慶 教授最具代表性。她除了畢生奉獻給中大的藝術教育外, 退休後更設立獎學金,惠澤藝術系學生校友。今期特稿聽 聽高教授對獎學金的期許。 1967年,襁褓中的中大設置了首部電子計算機—IBM 1103, 自此在電腦系統及裝備方面一直領先同儕。時至今日,電 腦一是關在空調密室的龐然大物,一是人們握在掌中的智 珠,電腦技術真是發展千里!「昔與今」為你展示老祖宗的 真貌! 考試周伊始,同學焚膏繼晷,間亦必感飢腸轆轆。我們介紹 一個讓同學裹腹備試的快食,快參閱「舌尖上的中大」。同 期「…如是說」,先是學生、老師,繼而出任醫學院院長的 陳家亮 教授,就H7N9、消化疾病及作為院長的挑戰提出他 的看法。 Outside, debates on social and political issues often get quite heated and messy. Here, dialogues quiet the senses and ease the mind. In April, a Buddhist grand master and a popular icon who practises the Bahá’i Faith came to have dialogue with our Vice-Chancellor. These dialogues exemplify the intellectual freedom and cultural diversity on our campus. The English art critic Clive Bell has said, ‘Between aesthetic and religious raptures there is a family resemblance. Art and religion are means to similar states of mind.’ Art and religion are also emblems of CUHK. And who would be more emblematic than Prof. Kao Mayching who spent her entire career at CUHK to serve the cause of the arts? She has bestowed her legacy in the form of a scholarship to arts students and alumni. Read about her beneficence in the feature story of this issue. The University’s digital origin can be traced back to 1967 when an IBM 1103 was installed. The University has led in computing system and capability since. Now, one either sees a mainframe which fills up an entire air-conditioned room or holds it in one’s palm. The path traversed by technology is indeed mind-boggling. Meet the grandfather in ‘Then vs Now’. As the exam weeks start, most students would find their adrenaline and gastric juice pumping at times. Our knowing food writer tells you where a quick fix can be found in such times. In ‘Thus Spake…’, Prof. Francis Chan , student, teacher and now dean of the medical school, talks about H7N9, digestive disease and the challenges of his deanship. ———————■■■——————— 目錄 Contents 為藝術播種 Sowing Seeds for Art 2 校園消息 Campus News 4 舌尖上的中大 Mouth-watering Morsels 6 昔與今 Then vs Now 7 宣布事項 Announcements 8 藝文雅趣 Arts and Leisure 8 人事動態 Ins and Outs 9 陳家亮教授如是說 Thus Spake Prof. Francis Chan 10
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