Newsletter No. 417

No. 417, 4.5.2013 5 大學網站無障礙設計奪金獎 CUHK Website Wins Gold at Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 中大是無障礙網頁嘉許計劃金獎得 主之一,頒獎典禮於4月15日假政府 總部舉行,常務副校長華雲生教授 代表大學領獎。該計劃由政府資訊 科技總監辦公室和平等機會委員會 合辦,旨在鼓勵各行各業採用無障 礙網頁設計,並表揚致力令網站方 便易用的機構。 華教授表示︰「這次獲當局嘉許,定 策勵我們更上層樓,令網站資訊更 充實,更方便使用者。」金獎是無障 礙網頁嘉許計劃的最高榮譽,獲獎 機構除了須符合銀獎級別十項評審 準則,更要滿足金獎級別的十一個 評審準則。 The University was a recipient of the gold award of the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2013, a joint initiative of the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer and the Equal Opportunities Commission to encourage website accessibility among organizations in various industries and sectors, and to showcase corporations that have demonstrated outstanding efforts in facilitating access to their websites. The awards presentation ceremony took place at the Central Government Offices on 15 April. CUHK was represented by the Provost, Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, at the ceremony. Commenting on the award, Professor Wah said, ‘The continuous enhancement of our corporate website is one of our priority tasks and the government’s recognition will urge us to do more in the way of making our website even more informative and user- friendly.’ The gold award, the highest accolade in the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme, is presented to organizations which have fulfilled 11 judging criteria on top of the 10 prescribed for the silver award. 呂志和臨床醫學大樓命名典禮 Lui Che Woo Clinical Sciences Building Naming Ceremony 呂志和臨床醫學大樓命名典禮於4月15日舉行,由嘉華集團主席及創辦人呂志和博士 伉儷( 右二及三 )、中大校董會主席鄭海泉博士( 右一 ),以及沈祖堯校長( 左一 )主禮。 去年,呂志和基金慷慨捐資一億港元予中大成立呂志和創新醫學研究所,致力透過跨 學科合作,結合基礎與臨床科研,推動嶄新的醫學診斷和治療,為病者帶來新希望。為 銘謝呂博士長期以來對中大的支持及關顧,大學將位於其教學醫院(威爾斯親王醫院) 的臨床醫學大樓命名為呂志和臨床醫學大樓。 The naming ceremony of the Lui Che Woo Clinical Sciences Building was held on 15 April. Officiating guests included Dr. Lui Che-woo ( 2nd right ), founder and chairman of K. Wah Group; and Mrs. Lui ( 2nd left ); Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng ( 1st right ), chairman of the University Council; and Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 1st left ), Vice-Chancellor, CUHK. In 2012, the Lui Che Woo Foundation made a generous donation of HK$100 million to CUHK for the establishment of the Lui Che Woo Institute of Innovative Medicine. The institute integrates multiple disciplines in clinical medicine and combines the strengths of basic research and clinical studies, with the aims of exploring innovative methods of diagnosis and treatment, and bringing new hopes to patients. In appreciation of Dr. Lui’s munificence and long-term support to CUHK, the Clinical Sciences Building at the University’s teaching hospital (the Prince of Wales Hospital) is named Lui Che Woo Clinical Sciences Building. 星雲大師與學生對談 Hsing Yun’s Words to Young Learners 逾八百名師生和公眾人士在4月8日參加星雲大師( 左四 )與沈祖堯 校長( 右四 )及中大學生對話講座,五名學生以「傳承、開創—從中 大創校五十年看大學生人文關懷」為題,向星雲大師提問,包括年 輕人應如何立身處世?如何面對逆境?以及人文教育如何落實於生 活和學習之中?大師說,在學習過程中,吃苦和受委屈是必然的,他 以自己為例,年幼時因接受了寺院的嚴苛教育,才可以培養為修道 的人。至於人文教育,可以去除自私、我執,更可昇華到自利利人,自 度度人,自覺覺他。最終,利他就是利益自己,利益社會。 Grand Master Hsing Yun ( 4th left) , Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 4th right ), CUHK Vice-Chancellor, and five CUHK students were engaged in a discussion themed ‘Embrace Our Culture; Empower Our Future—A Dialogue with CUHK Students on Humanistic Concerns at Its 50th Anniversary’ on 8 April. Over 800 participants were in attendance, including staff, students and members of the public. Students asked Master Hsing Yun a number of questions, including ‘What are the keys to a fruitful life?’ ‘How can we cope with difficult situations?’ and ‘How does humanistic education relate to our lives and learning?’ The Master replied that we must all endure suffering during the course of learning. As a young monk, he received harsh training in a monastery and it was this that prepared him for the life of a Buddhist practitioner. He also said that humanistic education can help to eliminate selfish thoughts and obstinacy, which benefits the self and others, and paves the way to enlightenment, in the end benefiting the entire society. 常務副校長華雲生教授(左)獲政府資訊科技總監 賴錫璋先生頒授金獎證書 Prof. Benjamin W. Wah (left), Provost, CUHK, receiving the gold award certificate from Mr. Daniel Lai, Government Chief Information Officer