Newsletter No. 418

P5 盧煜明膺選美國國家 科學院院士 Dennis Lo Elected to US National Academy of Science P10 「電子版革新了學術  書籍出版業,直接影響  我們的工作。」 ‘The availability of books and journals in the electronic format … bears directly on us as librarians.’ 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 修橋人 近二十名中大師生和校友,聯同其他四所國內外大學的學生,千里迢 迢到了位於甘肅省的黨政村,花了一星期修建香港中文大學金禧無 止橋,以方便村民渡河。中大校長沈祖堯也不辭路遠,專程到村子 裏幫忙,並為這座無止橋揭幕。(見第4頁) Bridge Builders Close to 20 CUHK teachers, students and alumni went to Dangzheng Village in Gansu Province to build a bridge across a temperamental river. Together with volunteers from four other Chinese and foreign universities, they finished the bridge in one week. Despite the village’s remote location, CUHK Vice-Chancellor Joseph J.Y. Sung went to help and officiated the opening ceremony. The bridge is named the ‘CUHK Golden Jubilee Wu Zhi Qiao’. (Please read p.4) 第四一八期 二零一三年五月十九日  No. 418 19 May 2013 P2 「我們每個人心裏都住着 一位詩人,有適當的環境和 土壤,他就會冒出頭來。」 ‘In every heart lives a poet and he will emerge when the conditions are right.’