Newsletter No. 420

No. 420, 19.6.2013 7 四百五十七名中大生獲頒政府獎學金及獎項 457 Students Receive HKSAR Government Scholarships 部分獲獎學生出席頒獎禮 Some of the awardees attending the presentation ceremony 特區政府自2008至09年度起頒發獎學金,以表揚在本地大專院校攻讀副 學士學位或以上程度課程之學業優異生。本年度,中大共有一百四十九名 本科生及研究生獲頒此獎學金。特區政府今年更增設兩獎:「才藝發展獎 學金」頒予在體育運動和競藝;音樂和表演藝術;美術、文化和設計或創 新和科技領域上取得成就或展露才華的學生。「外展體驗獎」則資助優秀 學生往海外參加學習、實習、服務計劃或比賽。中大有三百零八名學生獲 頒上述兩獎。 To recognize the outstanding academic performance of students taking sub-degree or above-level programmes, the HKSAR Government Scholarships have been awarded annually since 2008–09. This academic year, a total of 149 CUHK undergraduate and postgraduate students received the scholarships. Another 308 students were bestowed the Talent Development Scholarship (TDS) and the Reaching Out Award (ROA). Set up in 2012–13, the TDS is offered to students who have achieved and demonstrated talent in sports and games; music and performing arts; culture, arts and design; or innovation, science and technology. The ROA, on the other hand, supports students to participate in overseas learning, internship, service programmes or competitions. 炸魚柳吞拿魚三文治 Fish Fillet and Tuna Sandwich 提起炸魚,很容易會聯想到薯條。不過,在中大范克廉樓咖啡閣,炸魚卻找到了另一好搭檔,與 其遠親吞拿魚搖身變為學生在「中大開飯喇臉書」專頁讚賞的「校內最美味的三文治」。 強烈對比是炸魚柳吞拿魚三文治獨特之處。熱、脆的是魚柳,裹上薄粉,一下子就吃到魚的鮮 味;凍、軟的是吞拿魚茸,發揮了醬料的作用,也讓餡料更緊貼麵包。一口咬下,是雙重的味道和 質感,衝擊調和,帶來雙重的滿足。給大家一個貼士,下單時最好說明麵包要烤的,倍添滋味。 負責人林亮明先生說,炸魚柳是自家製作,選用龍利柳,接單即炸,以保鮮味。而且每天限量準 備,售完即止。如欲一嚐美食,可要趁早。 Fried fish often comes with French fries. But at the Coffee Corner of the Benjamin Franklin Centre, it’s got a new partner—tuna salad. The students seem to like the couple very much, hailing it as the most delicious sandwich on campus on the CUHK Open Rice Facebook page. What makes the sandwich special is the contrast of textures and flavours. Dipped in batter and fried, the fish is fresh, hot and crispy on the outside. The tuna salad, by contrast, is cold and soft, binding the filling to the bread. With just one bite, you can fulfil a double obsession. A tip for those going to try the sandwich—ask for toasted bread; it’s more delicious. Mr. Lam Leung-ming, operator of the cafe, said the fish used is sole and it’s fried to order to retain freshness. Only a limited number of this sandwich is on offer everyday, so go early.