Newsletter No. 421

4 No. 421, 19.8.2013 怎樣建立品牌? How to Build a Brand? 「品牌建立非單靠宣傳,質素不理想卻大肆投資推廣,只會讓更多人得悉其不足,把產 品摧毀得更快。」市場學系陳志輝教授於7月27日晚假香港中央圖書館主持第四場五十 周年博文公開講座「建立成功品牌之策略」時,與約二百出席者分享品牌概念。 身兼行政人員工商管理碩士(EMBA)課程主任的陳教授,以多年經驗和研究,指出應 先要掌握目標顧客需要和產品長短處,從而改良產品或物色合適的市場,滿足受眾。 陳教授並闡述了他於1992年所創的「左右圈」思考模式─左圈是受眾需要,右圈代表 公司或產品的優勢,兩圈重疊之處,就是產品能滿足客戶的程度。競爭對手出現、市場 環境轉變、產品改良等,均會影響兩圈互動。以中大在2003年全港首創的EMBA課程為 例,為要在一眾工商管理課程中脫穎而出,他深入了解受眾需要,加強課程實用性,邀請 經驗人士講授,又添進新元素,如領袖學、海外交流等,現時課程已獨當一面,排名高踞 全球第十七。 有觀眾問到客戶的「需要」是否可「創造」,比方不喜吃月餅的,會否因自己的偶像推銷 月餅而購買。陳教授答,需要是不能創造的,但卻可轉移。很多人不吃月餅,卻仍會在中 秋時節購買致送親友,因月餅背後代表關心、尊重和感謝。 ‘The promotion of a brand can’t rely only on advertising. If the quality of the product is not up to par, large spending on advertisement will only expose and spread its inadequacy far and wide so that it will die a quick death,’ warned Prof. Andrew C.F. Chan, professor in the Department of Marketing and director of the EMBA programme, in the fourth CUHK 50th Anniversary Public Lecture entitled, ‘Strategies for Building Successful Brand Image’, held at the Hong Kong Central Library on 27 July. Professor Chan shared with about 200 participants his views on brand image building. Based on his experience and research, he pointed out that it was very important to identify the needs of target buyers and the strengths and weaknesses of the product, with a view to improving the product or finding a suitable market for it. Professor Chan also briefed the audience on the left-right circle theory first developed by him in 1992. Put simply, the left circle represents the needs of the buyers while the right one represents the edge of the company or the product. The overlapping area of the two circles represents the degree to which the company or product could satisfy buyers. Other factors such as the emergence of competitors, changes in the market and any product improvement would affect how the two circles interact. For instance the CUHK EMBA programme. It pioneered in Hong Kong in 2003, and in order to distinguish itself among others in executive education, Professor Chan did much work in surveying potential clients’ opinions, enhancing the curriculum in terms of practicality, inviting experienced practitioners and introducing elements such as leadership training and overseas exchange tours. Now, the CUHK EMBA is a well- recognized programme reaching No. 17 in global ranking. A participant asked whether customers needs could be created, e.g., those who do not buy mooncakes change their minds when mooncakes receive celebrity endorsement. Professor Chan replied firmly that needs could not be created this way but they could be shifted. He explained, those who did not take to mooncakes might still buy them for their relatives and friends at the Mid-autumn Festival. What they bought was not so much the cakes themselves but the meaning behind it—care, respect and gratitude. 學生對大學教學的評鑑 Limelight on Students’ Teaching Evaluation 牛津大學教育系兼澳洲西悉尼大學正 面心理學及教育中心傑出教授Herbert W. Marsh於7月2日蒞校,主持五十周 年傑出學人講座,講題為「學生對大學 教學的評鑑:優化政策和實踐」,吸引 約一百六十名師生、校友及教育界人士 出席。  學生對大學教學的評鑑(簡稱SETs) 一直是備受全球高等院校關注的研究 課題,Marsh教授指出,過去十年來,學 者很少處理關於SETs的重大限制,其 中一個問題是SETs主要應用於人事決 策,而非提升教學效能;而在缺乏全面 提升教學效能的機制下,學生的評價很可能打擊教師士氣。此外,Marsh教授亦探討了SETs在提升大學 教育成效的作用,建議學界加強對SETs的介入式研究。  Prof. Herbert W. Marsh, professor, Department of Education of the University of Oxford and the Centre for Positive Psychology and Education at the University of Western Sydney, was invited to host the University’s 50th Anniversary Distinguished Lecture on 2 July. Entitled ‘Student Evaluation of University Teaching: Recommendation for Policy and Practice’, the lecture attracted an audience of around 160, including CUHK staff and students, alumni, and members of the education sector.  Students’ evaluations of teaching effectiveness (SETs) have been a topic of considerable interest and a great deal of research in universities all over the world. However, Professor Marsh pointed out that it is surprising that research conducted in the last decade has not done more to address the critical limitations previously identified to SETs. One of the observations is that the use of SETs is for personnel decisions rather than to improve teaching effectiveness. Also, it is opined that the feedback from students is potentially demoralizing to academics and does not lead to full implementation of programmes to improve teaching effectiveness. He also discussed the usefulness of SETs as part of a programme to improve university teaching and the necessity to conduct more intervention studies on SETs. 美駐港總領事談中美外交 Consul General on Sino-US Relations 工商管理學院校友及企業事務辦公室於6月6日假海景嘉福酒店主 辦全球領袖系列講座,邀請美國駐港總領事楊甦棣主講「外交歷練 三十三年:中國之我見」,深入剖析全球最重要的雙邊關係,分享其 對美中關係的精闢見解。活動吸引逾二百名嘉賓出席,包括駐港外交 官員、內地駐港官員及社會各界賢達。 Organized by the Alumni and Corporate Affairs Office of the Faculty of Business Administration, the Global Leader Series was held at the InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong on 6 June. Mr. Stephen Young, US Consul General, was invited to speak on ‘Reflections on China as Seen through the Prism of 33 Years in the US Foreign Service’. The event attracted an audience of over 200, including diplomats, officials of the PRC in Hong Kong, and guests from a wide spectrum of society.