Newsletter No. 423

2 No. 423, 19.9.2013 以最佳五科成績中位數計算,所收學生分數最 高的六個課程/專修範圍: Top six programmes/streams in terms of the median admission scores of the five highest- scoring subjects of JUPAS applicants admitted: . . 環球商業學. Global Business Studies . . 藥劑學. Pharmacy . . 醫學. Medicine . . 環球經濟與金融. Global Economics and Finance . . 計量金融學及風險管理科學. Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Science . . 國際貿易與中國企業. International Business and Chinese Enterprise 聯招收生分數最高的課程/專業範圍: Top programmes/streams as ranked by the highest scores of JUPAS applicants admitted: . . 音樂. Music . . 環球商業學. Global Business Studies . . 醫學. Medicine . . 藥劑學. Pharmacy . . 經濟學. Economics . . 心理學. Psychology 悠 長暑假結束,新學年開始,三千一百多名青年成為新一批的 中大人。在9月2日的本科生入學典禮上, 沈祖堯 校長勸勉新 生入學後便要着手訓練及改變自己,學會過儉樸、謙卑和高尚的生 活。他並希望新生積極幫助身邊有需要的人,服務社會,參與體驗式 學習活動,時刻不忘為社會、國家以至全人類出力,而非只着眼學業 成績。 精英匯聚中大 中大本年透過聯招辦法共錄取二千六百一十名第二屆中學文憑試 考生,當中逾99.7%為Band A考生,整體收生成績理想。於文憑試 考獲五科5**成績或以上的考生中,有31%獲中大錄取。 海外招生方面,中大今年共錄取了近五百名新生,除來自內地三十一 個省市、澳門、台灣外,還有澳洲、加拿大、法國、印度、印尼、意大 利、日本、韓國、馬來西亞、葡萄牙、荷蘭、新西蘭、西班牙、泰國、英 國及美國等地。 中大錄取的三百零五名內地尖子中,在高考中均名列前茅,位列省 市三甲的有四十二人,包括十九名省市的第一名。約八十人在不同學 科的全國比賽,例如奧林匹克競賽、科技創新競賽、英語能力競賽、 地理科技大賽、徵文比賽及體育運動等項目中取得獎項。有考生在 數學及英語科取得滿分。 新鮮人 The Freshmen 曾綺慧 Tsang Yee-wai 熱衷義工服務的曾綺慧自中四開始已立志成為公立醫院醫生,服務貧苦大眾。她中學文憑試中 考獲七科5**佳績,不但為醫學院錄取,並獲甄選參加今年推出的全亞洲首個「環球醫學領袖培 訓計劃」,將有機會銜接本港或海外大學如英國牛津大學或劍橋大學修讀碩士和博士學位。 Tsang Yee-wai, who was active in volunteer services, has wanted to be a doctor in a public hospital since Secondary 4 and contribute her services to the needy. She attained excellent results with 5** in seven subjects and is admitted to the medicine programme. She will be among the first cohort to join the elite MB ChB Programme (Global Physician-Leadership Stream), the first such initiative in Asia. Students in that stream will have opportunities to pursue graduate studies either in CUHK or overseas universities such as Oxford and Cambridge. 黎渺揚 Lai Miu-yeung 黎渺揚是典型理科學生,熱愛數理化,因 選了音樂為中學文憑試的選修科,令他領悟 音樂是人類共同語言,可隨着節奏、旋律等表達感受及豐 富情感,美化人生。渺揚考獲六科5**的優秀成績,他以興 趣為先,入讀中大音樂系。 Lai Miu-yeung was a typical science stream student who enjoyed mathematics and science. However, while taking music as an elective subject in his senior secondary years, he came to the realization that music is a common language for mankind, a medium through which complex feelings and emotions may be expressed to enrich people's lives. He attained outstanding results with 5** in six subjects and is determined to become a member of the music programme at CUHK. 于瀟在河北省逾四十二萬考生中,以六百七十六分摘下高 考全省文科狀元。她表示:「我選擇入讀中大,是被這裏的 多元文化和濃厚的學術氣氛所吸引。」于瀟對環球商業學 比較有興趣,不過希望入學後進一步了解不同學科,才選擇 主修專業。 Having attained 676 marks, Yu Xiao was the top arts stream scorer among 420,000 candidates from Hebei province this year. She said, ‘I am attracted by the multi-cultural learning environment at CUHK.’ Yu Xiao is interested in the global business studies programme and plans to choose her major after acquiring more information on different programmes available at CUHK. Sila Reggiani生於意大利,三年前移居瑞士。她喜歡旅遊、 研習語言如拉丁文、希臘語、法文及英文,尤其欣賞各類文 學作品。一次中國首都北京之旅令Sila燃起對東方文化及傳 統的興趣,她選讀的是當代中國研究課程。 Sila Reggiani was born in Italy and moved to Switzerland three years ago. She enjoys travelling, learning Latin, Greek, French and English, and appreciates all kinds of literature. She discovered her passion for Asian culture and traditions while travelling in Beijing. Sila has enrolled on the contemporary China studies programme. Akshay Natteri 來自印度的Akshay Natteri,在有文化之都見稱. 的清奈長大。香港最吸引他的地方是國際化 的生活環境,以及融會中國與西方文化的特 色。Akshay自八年級開始接受辯論訓練,於國際辯論 比賽中屢獲殊榮。他入讀工商管理學士綜合課程,目標是 成為出色的社會企業家。 Akshay Natteri is from Chennai, one of the cultural capitals of India. What attracts him most about Hong Kong is its multi-cultural nature, a place where East meets West. Akshay started debating at school since Grade 8 and has won many awards in debating competitions at the national level. Akshay has been admitted to the Integrated Bachelor of Business Administration Programme and wishes to become a social entrepreneur in future. A new academic year begins at CUHK in September with some 3,100 new faces joining the campus. At the Inauguration Ceremony for Undergraduates held on 2 September, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung , Vice- Chancellor, encouraged students to start training and changing themselves to live a life that’s simple, humble and noble when they enter the University. He also asked them to serve the needy and the public by joining experiential learning programmes. He urged them to think always of the betterment of society, of the nation and of mankind, and not to focus on grades. A Wealth of Talent Admitted in 2013–14 Through the Joint University Programmes Admission System (JUPAS), the University has admitted 2,610 students who sat the second Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) examination. Over 99.7% were Band A students. Of the candidates who achieved Level 5** in five subjects or above in the HKDSE territory-wide, 31% were admitted by CUHK. The University’s 2013 intake includes about 500 non-local students from 31 mainland provinces and municipalities, Macau, Taiwan, as well as countries all over the world, including Australia, Canada, France, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Portugal, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, Thailand, United Kingdom, and the US. As for the newly-admitted 305 mainland students, all were among the top scorers. Forty-two ranked among the top three in their respective provinces/cities, including 19 top scorers. Among the newly-admitted mainland students, around 80 were prize-winners of various national competitions, including Olympiads, innovation competitions, English competitions, geographical, science and technology competitions, writing contests and sports contests. Some students attained a full mark of 150 in their mathematics and English papers. Sila Reggiani 于瀟 Yu Xiao 開 學了 A New Year Begins 邊註邊讀 Marginalia 在9月2日的本科生入學典禮上, 沈祖堯 校長勸勉新生要過 儉樸、謙卑和高尚的大學生活,並歡迎香港、內地和海外新 生加入中大。他們早前已參與所屬學科和書院的迎新活動, 成為中大大家庭的一分子。今年剛好伍宜孫書院的宿舍落 成,迎接它的首批「入宿」學生,怪不得9月初經常看到學生 拖着旅行袋和行李箱在校園走動。 中醫糅合了藝術和科學,既不排斥現代科學,也不把西方醫 學拒諸門外, 梁榮能 教授在「……如是說」告訴你他是怎樣 由生物化學家搖身成為中醫學院院長。他更為擬當中醫者 送上忠告。 轉談輕鬆一點的,我們繼續走訪校園,到不同地方品嘗咖 啡,獻上咖啡之旅的第二站。中文大學以「鳳」為校徽,但 向來只聽其名,無人能一睹其貌,中大校長的鈐章也如是, 但讀者可在今期首次細看鈐章。 At the inauguration ceremony on 2 September, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung , CUHK Vice-Chancellor, exhorted the new undergraduates to live their university life in a simple, humble and noble manner. He also welcomed the new students from Hong Kong, the mainland and abroad who had earlier arrived on campus to orient themselves to their chosen disciplines and assigned Colleges. In fact, a new College, Wu Yee Sun, had its first ‘checking-in’ exercise this year. Heavy bags and suitcases on rollers were a common sight on campus in early September. Happy moving in! Chinese medicine is both art and science, and it is insular to neither modern scientific theories nor western medical practice. In ‘Thus Spake…’, Prof. Albert W.N. Leung will tell you how he had come from being a biochemist to the Director of the School of Chinese Medicine at CUHK. He will also give his advice to those who are considering a career in Chinese medicine. On the more indulgent side, we continue to go around campus and try out different brands and settings for coffee consumption. Here is the second instalment of our cruise in coffee. Like the phoenix or feng , a symbol of CUHK, which we have heard so much about but never saw, the Seal of the Vice-Chanellor is herein revealed to many for the first time. ———————■■■——————— 目錄 Contents 開學了 A New Year Begins 2 近觀孟加拉醫療系統 3 A Closer Look at the Health Care System in Bangladesh 校園消息 Campus News 4 博文貫珍 The Galleria 5 舌尖上的中大 CUHK f&b 5 人事動態 Ins and Outs 6 梁榮能如是說 Thus Spake Albert W.N. Leung 8