Newsletter No. 424

P8 「文物館的使命是作為 大學的教育工具之一。」 ‘The mission of the Art Museum is to serve as one of the University’s media of education.’ 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 漢學巨擘的佩劍 蜚聲國際的國學大師、偉倫榮譽藝術講座教授饒宗頤教授(中) 榮任法蘭西學院銘文與美文學院最高級別的外籍院士,是亞洲 首位獲此榮銜的漢學家。該院常任秘書長Michel Zink教授(右) 於9月19日親臨中大利希慎音樂廳主持授職儀式,頒授院士劍、 證書、院長令及獎章予饒教授。 A Sword for a Master Sinologist Prof. Jao Tsung-I (centre), a world-renowned sinologist and Wei Lun Honorary Professor of Fine Arts at CUHK, has been named Associate Foreign Member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (the Académie), Institut de France. Associate Foreign Membership is the highest honour among overseas academicians of the Institut. Professor Jao is the first-ever Asian sinologist to be awarded this honourable title. Prof. Michel Zink (right), permanent secretary of the Académie, hosted the induction ceremony on 19 September at Lee Hysan Concert Hall. He presented the academician's sword, certificate, presidential decree and medal to Professor Jao. 第四二四期 二零一三年十月四日  No. 424 4 October 2013 P2 「資訊保安是要大家 一起做的事。」 ‘Information security requires teamwork.’ P5 《續綠中大》面世 The New Sustainable Campu s e-Newsletter