Newsletter No. 425

2 No. 425, 19.10.2013 金 秋十月,是豐收的季節,中大金禧的校慶活動也踏進高峰,各種形式的表演藝術紛至沓來,為大學締 造豐盛的文化氛圍。 10月6日,四十多位中國殘疾人藝術團的精英團員應和聲書院之邀,在沙田大會堂為中大師生、校友和公眾, 上演名聞遐邇的《千手觀音》、《我的夢》及精選芭蕾、拉丁、舞劇、民族及西洋音樂。演出《千手觀音》的聾 人舞蹈員無囿於身體上的缺憾,用心靈的默契掌握無聲世界中的節奏,以分秒不差的律動、優雅的肢體語 言,呈現出絢麗多變的構圖,呈現了觀音慈悲救度的形象,感動了每一位觀眾。 10月7日晚上,香港會議展覽中心筵開一百二十多席。眾星雲集,拱照和聲書院主辦的「殿堂演藝之夜」籌款 晚會。 梅葆玖 先生、 凌波 女士、 徐小鳳 女士、 林子祥 先生、 陳寶珠 女士和 梅雪詩 女士、 莫華倫 先生、 邰麗華 女 士等分別以其首本名藝宴饗嘉賓,京劇、黃梅調、國粵語時代曲、粵劇、西方歌劇與舞蹈共冶一爐,堪稱最受 景仰的藝術家最難得的碰頭。截至9月底,該項活動已籌得逾一千萬,捐贈大學的經費。 有幸得到中國京劇藝術基金會理事、顧鐵華振興崑曲基金創設人 顧鐵華 博士,上海總會永遠名譽會長、和聲 書院贊助人 李和聲 博士,逸夫書院校董會副主席 范思浩 先生,主席 馮兆滔 先生, 何建立 先生,以及上海商業 銀行的慷慨贊助,10月8日至10日,邵逸夫堂設下三晚的文化盛宴─「京崑粵劇傳承之旅」,邀得上海戲劇 學院及附屬戲曲學校演出多齣經典京崑折子精選,以及香港玲瓏粵劇團演出《孔子之周遊列國》。 京崑粵三個劇種蘊藏深厚的歷史、文化、美學與藝術價值,備受國際重視,已先後被列入聯合國人類非物質 遺產。這次是一窺中華戲曲之美的難得機會,也是傳揚中華藝術的良機。大會特設英文字幕,邀請來自世界 各地的交流生和各國領事與中大師生和廣大市民共賞精采演出。 O ctober is not only the season of harvest; it also marks the climax of the CUHK 50th anniversary celebrations. An array of art performances was presented in the month, enriching cultural life on campus. On 6 October, over 40 performers of the China Disabled People’s Performing Art Troupe were invited by Lee Woo Sing College to perform at Sha Tin Town Hall. Programmes included the well-known Thousand-hand Bodhisattva , My Dream , ballet, Latin dance, dance drama, ethnic and Western music. The performers of the Thousand-hand Bodhisattva , who overcame their hearing impairment to master rhythm in a soundless world and move in elegant synchronicity, impressed the audience. At the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 7 October, over 1,400 guests attended the Meeting the Master’s Fund Raising Gala organized by Lee Woo Sing College. Famous artists including Mr. Mei Baojiu , Ms. Ling Bo , Miss Paula Tsui , Mr. George Lam , Ms. Chan Po-chu and Miss Mui Suet-see , Mr. Warren Mok , and Miss Tai Lihua , performed Peking opera, Huangmei opera, Mandarin and Cantonese pop songs, Cantonese opera, Western opera and dance. A fusion of cultural performances by renowned artists, the event received more than $10 million in donations towards the University’s development as of the end of September 2013. With the support of Dr. Koo Ti-hua , director of the China Peking Opera Arts Foundation, founder of the KOO Ti Hua Foundation for the Promotion of KunQu Opera; Dr. Lee Woo-sing , permanent honorary president of the Shanghai Fraternity Association of Hong Kong and College Patron of Lee Woo Sing College; Mr. Fan Shi-hoo Hamen , vice-chairman, and Mr. Fung Siu-to Clement , chairman, Shaw College Board of Trustees; Mr. Ho Kin-lap and the Shanghai Commercial Bank Limited, ‘An Operatic Journey of Cultural Heritage through Peking, Kunqu and Cantonese Traditions’ was held from 8 to 10 October. At the invitation of the University, Shanghai Opera School, which is affiliated with Shanghai Theatre Academy, and Ling Lung Cantonese Opera Troupe, respectively presented Peking and Kunqu operatic excerpts, as well as a Cantonese opera performance about Confucius. The history, cultural, aesthetics and artistic values embodied in Peking, Kun and Cantonese operas are internationally recognized. The three major traditional Chinese operas have made the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List. The event is a valuable opportunity to appreciate the beauty of opera and to promote the art. English subtitles were provided for the benefit of non-Chinese speakers. 中國殘疾人藝術團享負盛 名,獲聯合國教科文組織授 予「和平藝術家」。這次應 邀為中大演出,演出項目與 一般演出無異,為的是把團 員的夢,整個帶到舞台,以 其特別的藝術表演方式,給 觀眾傳遞「真善美」真諦和 理念。團長邰麗華女士說:「觀眾非常熱情!我們數次謝幕, 他們久久都不離場。」 藝術團員更住進了和聲書院的宿舍。邰女士表示,與過往入 住酒店相比,宿舍多了一份親切感,「團員們特別喜歡中大校 園環境和氛圍,感受到人與人間相處的和諧,師生對我們很 照顧,彼此的距離也拉近了。」 逗留時間雖短,但藝術團抽空與和聲書院師生來個高桌晚 宴,又在10月4日晚上主持「千手觀音舞蹈體 驗班」,教授二十多名教職員和學生手語舞 蹈,並示範《千手觀音》的一些動作。邰女士 指出:「我們是第一次舉辦這類交流活動,而 參加者也不是習舞的,但通過這短短的接觸, 已深深感受學生對舞蹈的熱情和渴望。」 離開前夕,團員還看到有人在宿舍走廊的公 告板上寫上:「謝謝大家為我們帶來這麼精彩 的演出。」邰女士說:「我們也很感動,並回上 謝謝。同時更感謝和聲書院同仁的細心安排 和照料。」 A world-renowned art troupe, the China Disabled People’s Performing Art Troupe was named ‘Artist for Peace’ by UNESCO. The programme performed for the University, like that of their usual performances, was tailored with the aims of bringing the dreams of the performers to stage, presenting ‘truth, honesty and virtue’ to the audience. Miss Tai Lihua, president of the troupe, said, ‘The audience was very enthusiastic. They refused to leave even after several curtain calls.’ The troupe stayed in the hostel of Lee Woo Sing College during their visit, which Miss Tai said gave them a feeling of home compared to hotels. ‘Our performers and staff like the campus and the atmosphere. There’s harmony between people. Staff and students are kind and helpful which narrows the distance between us.’ During the visit, troupe members participated in the high-table dinner of the College and hosted a dancing experience class on the evening of 4 October. Some 20 staff and students attended the class and learnt sign-language dance. In addition, the experts demonstrated some of the movements in Thousand-hand Bodhisattva . Miss Tai observed, ‘This is the first time we hosted this kind of activity for participants who are not dancers. I could feel their enthusiasm in learning.’ On the day before departure, members of the troupe saw a note on the notice board: ‘Thank you for bringing us such a wonderful performance.’ Miss Tai said, ‘We were impressed and wrote “thank you”. Many thanks indeed to the staff of Lee Woo Sing College for their arrangement and care.’ 邰麗華女士 中國殘疾人藝術團團長 Miss Tai Lihua President of the China Disabled People’s Performing Art Troupe 豐盛的 文化宴會 A Flourishing Cultural Feast 邊註邊讀 Marginalia 仲秋十月,中大弦歌處處,舞影翩翩,非關歌舞昇平,而是 發揚金禧校慶「傳承開創」的旨趣。邵逸夫堂一連三晚響 鑼,京崑粵舊曲新戲,輪番上場。挑選劇目有何考慮,傳統 戲曲如何看出現代性,以傳承優雅戲曲文化為己任的 顧鐵華 博士和 阮兆輝 先生一一道來。 千手觀音下凡來, 邰麗華 女士率領的中國殘疾人藝術團住 進了和聲書院,與學生心靈交流。他們於無聲處尋韻律,以 果敢剛毅,練就柔美指尖、婉約舞姿,突破身體障礙,為生 命開創新貌。 科學發現往往是長年累月研究的結果,個別研究人員專注 的雖或只是某一細節,然無損他們對改善人類生活和環境 的貢獻。本年度中大同仁領導的多項研究獲研究資助局卓 越學科領域和主題研究計劃撥款,廣涉細胞學、基因學和 能源學,都與人類福祉息息相關。 貢獻研究,增進知識,服務同儕,研究生會會長 徐冰 三管 齊下,學習生涯過得格外豐盛,他在本期「……如是說」與 大家分享。 This mid-autumn saw the CUHK campus vibrant with song and dance thanks to 50th anniversary celebrations. For three nights, the unique strains of Chinese opera exuded from Sir Run Run Shaw Hall as Peking, Kun and Cantonese operas—UNESCO-accoladed varieties of the art form, were being staged. How does one select the programme? What is the modernity of traditional opera? Dr. Koo Ti-hua and Mr. Yuen Siu-fai who took upon themselves to promulgate Chinese operatic culture shared their views with the audience. In October a goddess graced our campus with her presence. Led by Miss Tai Lihua , the China Disabled People’s Performing Art Troupe taught students at Lee Woo Sing College some movements from the famous piece Thousand-hand Bodhisattva . The artists demonstrated rhythm in silence and strength in fragility, impressing all present with their talent and passion. Scientific discoveries are often the results of years, even decades of meticulous hard work. A discovery under a microscope may potentially have repercussions on humankind. Many research projects led by CUHK scholars received funding support from the Research Grants Council under the Areas of Excellence and the Theme-based Research Schemes this year. The areas included cell biology, genetics and energy. Dedicated research, quest for knowledge and service to peers mark the fulfilling life at CUHK of Xu Bing , president of the Postgraduate Student Association. He shares more in ‘Thus Spake …’. ———————■■■——————— 目錄 Contents 豐盛的文化宴會 A Flourishing Cultural Feast 2 二億多元研究資助 開拓知識版圖 4 Over $200 Million Granted for Pushing Knowledge Frontier 藝文雅趣 Arts and Leisure 5 校園消息 Campus News 6 宣布事項 Announcements 7 博文貫珍 The Galleria 8 舌尖上的中大 CUHK f&b 8 人事動態 Ins and Outs 9 徐冰如是說 Thus Spake Xu Bing 10